Mandalorian Season 3

I felt like this episode (and this season so far) was test marketing so they fired random shots out to see what resonates with fans. There were things I liked about it (which have already been mentioned by others) but it just doesn't seem work as a whole.

Just because something is designed to be a certain way doesn't mean it's done well or is enjoyable.

I really hope they get it together soon as there's not many episodes left.
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Watch the new Battlestar Galactica.
I knew she was in that show, it came out like, what, 10-12 years ago? I've been aware of her since BSG I've just never actually seen her in a movie or TV show before 'The Mandalorian' except her voicing Bo in 'The Clone Wars'. Seeing her in Mando she's creeping up on me, I'm a fan.

I haven't watched BSG yet because I haven't been interested. Same with 'The Expanse', 'Warehouse 13', 'Stranger Things', 'The Last of Us', 'Firefly', 'Westworld', 'Fringe', or any 'Doctor Who' after the 4th Doctor.
I've never quite understood the logic of still active battle droids when they pop up in SW media since I thought it was clear in the PT that they were remotely controlled by control ships. Unless they were radically rebuilt and re engineered with onboard automation, I never thought it made much sense that they could even function.

I don't know if an explanation was ever onscreen, but in my head, after the entire droid army was shutdown all at once in TPM, revealing the (very obvious) weakness, the droids were redesigned to be more autonomous, necessitating the use of Tactical droids to command battles with more old fashioned communication methods. This would also allow the battle droids to develop the quirky personalities we see in the Clone Wars cartoon.
Yeah maybe but isn’t there a reference at some point toward the end of RotS that all the droids had been shut down? If so, I assumed on that scale that it had all been done remotely since Palpatine’s manufactured war was no longer needed. Maybe I imagined that?
Yeah maybe but isn’t there a reference at some point toward the end of RotS that all the droids had been shut down? If so, I assumed on that scale that it had all been done remotely since Palpatine’s manufactured war was no longer needed. Maybe I imagined that?

Well, designing the droids to shut down if receiving the correct code from HQ, and not shutting down if HQ merely stops transmitting would certainly be the logical way to design it.
I knew she was in that show, it came out like, what, 10-12 years ago? I've been aware of her since BSG I've just never actually seen her in a movie or TV show before 'The Mandalorian' except her voicing Bo in 'The Clone Wars'. Seeing her in Mando she's creeping up on me, I'm a fan.

I haven't watched BSG yet because I haven't been interested. Same with 'The Expanse', 'Warehouse 13', 'Stranger Things', 'The Last of Us', 'Firefly', 'Westworld', 'Fringe', or any 'Doctor Who' after the 4th Doctor.
She was also in the pilot episode of The Bionic Woman. She was the evil ‘other’ bionic woman.
I agree they probably wanted the darksaber to transfer in circumstances other than the 2 of them alone in a cave on Mandalor.
And it should be hers.

But how grand is it just being a story told to like 7 other Mandos ?

This episode was written by a 10 year old. I don't want to hear anyone say how bad the old EU was because they look like Shakespeare! Get Timothy Zahn or Karen Traviss to write some of these!
While I'm one of the seemingly few here who has enjoyed this season, I can't say that I particularly enjoyed this episode. As some have said, there were some good elements, but overall I just didn't care for this episode.

What I really disliked about this episode is the exact same as most everybody else, every scene with Jack Black and/or Lizzo. Every one of those scenes just didn't sit right with me and they really bothered me every time. I just couldn't take either of them seriously and for some reason, Jack Black kept on giving me these bad guy sort of vibes, like he really wasn't a truly refined ex-Imperial. I kept on suspecting him of being the one behind the droid malfunctions.

Christopher Lloyd was really good, up until the end. Given how he was all full of piss and vinegar when Bo and Din came to confront him, he sure went out rather quietly. What happened to all of that attitude and conviction when he was brought before Lizzo and Jack Black? I would have expected him to do much more than simply say, sorry. I would have thought that he would at least express his dislike of Jack Black before letting the security droids escort him out.

The other things that bothered me were the Ughnauts, or at least the head Ughnaut. It wasn't the character itself, or his lines, It was the way they animated his mouth movements, they looked like something from decades ago and didn't move very smoothly. It felt like, to me, that they were moving his mouth by hand using one of those origami fortune teller things that you'd stick your fingers in and move side to side and up and down.

Then there was the fight at the end. It could have been shot and choreographed a little better, although it was pretty cool seeing how they incorporated their jetpacks into the fight. But I just had a hard believing that someone the size of Katee Sackhoff could beat Wolze (sp?) That guy had a few inches and who knows how many pounds on Katee and yet she was more than able to hold her own with him. Not just hold her own but actually tank some of his punches. I'm sorry but with that size & weight advantage, the first time he landed a solid hit on Bo, she should have been lights out, or at the very least seriously disorientated. They should have shown Bo to be more agile relying on that to keep him from landing any blows, or at least any solid blows.
Well, designing the droids to shut down if receiving the correct code from HQ, and not shutting down if HQ merely stops transmitting would certainly be the logical way to design it.
Right. So it makes no sense for them to still be operational if they had been expressly shut down. I wouldn't think whatever infrastructure that controlled them would've been maintained into the Imperial era and beyond. This is all assuming I'm even remembering that correctly though. It's been a loooong time since I've watched that movie.
What I really disliked about this episode is the exact same as most everybody else, every scene with Jack Black and/or Lizzo. Every one of those scenes just didn't sit right with me and they really bothered me every time.

He fit right into The Mando universe, to me..:

After all, Nacho Libre also believes in keeping his helmet on….and wearing “stretchy pants”…

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The other things that bothered me were the Ughnauts, or at least the head Ughnaut. It wasn't the character itself, or his lines, It was the way they animated his mouth movements, they looked like something from decades ago and didn't move very smoothly. It felt like, to me, that they were moving his mouth by hand using one of those origami fortune teller things that you'd stick your fingers in and move side to side and up and down.

The puppet work for this season has been terrble. The aforementioned Ughnaut mouth movement also plagued the Pirate King's. Same with the Anzellans and Baby Yoda's movement whenever he walks or bounces around.

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