are you sure the saber isn’t cg here? The glare doesn’t look natural to me. Either way I gotta find me a creepy uncle (that’s what she said?!). I’m more curious if the original prop was actually an fx prop, cause I can’t think of another reason to make the emitter deeper like that. Though maybe it’s all about anamorphic squeeze and lens FoV (which I’m pretty sure is also why the props blades are soooooo long but seem awful in actual use (well and the weight)).
They always said the blades were ~1m which is 39.37”, but i for one find 36” awkward even with like 2” removed for the holder. It just doesn’t make sense to me cause like a katana, the maximum length is like 31” Usually they are like 28-31”.
The emitter also looks to short in this photo to me. But who knows. I‘m also curious how this one compares to the BOBF/Mando prop. To me it looks like they swapped emitters and the clocking changed again.