It's time to Build an Obi Wan ANH Saber

Boba Debt

Master Member
Now that 99% of the saber has been positively identified I have decided to find all of the original parts needed to build a original Obi Wan ANH Saber

Jan 14th 2006, UPDATE

I was able to locate an real ANM2 Booster and this week it finally arrived


Now I just need to find the cheap parts :)


Nov 4th, 2005 UPDATE

I already had a moderen "real" Armitage Shank and I was able to get a decent clamp from ebay for $50.

It will be a slow process but eventually I'll get everything

Here is my Saber so far


Originally posted by Boba Debt@Nov 3 2005, 08:42 PM
Now that 99% of the saber has been positively identified I have decided to find all of the original parts needed to build a original Obi Wan ANH Saber

Reading that gave me chills.
I can't wait to see the saber done..

They may as well have been handmade, there is so much variation in fin edge thickness, groove radius size, fin wall form, and the shapes of the radii at the ends of the fins. The latter must have been hand-filed on the lathe, they are all so different.

Most of the ones I've seen have the wrong fin end radii, yours is closer than most, and the fin edge thickness is pretty good. :)

Originally posted by Boba Debt@Jan 15 2006, 05:28 AM
I didn't know there were different versions.