Iron Man - Stark Industries Logo

Does anyone know how to change system icons to be similar to those on Stark's machine in both Vista and Xp?

Just curious...

Great WP Mike!

There are a lot of ways, but you need to make the icons first. I actually considered doing this for a couple hours, a few days ago. But then stopped.

There's a translation issue between Rhino and Illustrator that is tweaking things JUST a touch, in really odd ways. The curves in Rhino are absolutely dead-on, and I can't imagine what the issue is doing a simple bezier curve translation, but I've been debating what to do about it. I could eyeball the changes in AI, but it seems silly, because they're already correct at the source. Illustrator is also -randomly- rounding one or two edges where the curves are degree-1, G0, so things are obviously very weird somewhere. That's why I haven't put it up yet. I'm working on it.

After going back and looking at them... it's not so much the icons that are cool but the "cookie trail" of open directories and overall look and feel of the system that are cool.

Maybe a custom built GUI in say Linux or something of the sort would do it but I don't have that kind of time on my hands... LOL.

Hope this helps. The line study might help.


My suggestion:


The above would make the triangular hole in the "A" a bit taller.
That Wallpaper is great! I was hoping someone would make one based on the wallpapers on screen....I want Tony's too the blue with the smaller Stark logo in the upper right corner....I gotta find a gab of that.
Here is the "final."

Stark Industries Logo EPS

I say "final" because stuff like this is almost always evolving. I have one small request - try not to rename the file if you can help it. If and when I update the logo at some point (say I get better references), then it's easy for you and I to know which version you currently have if it matches my master. Today it's not a big deal, but 6 months down the line... it can just make life easier.


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