Iron Man - Stark Industries Logo


Sr Member
Just doing this for practice, now that we have an HD source for this logo. When I'm done with the tiny tweaks, I'll make the vector file available for anyone who wants it.


If you see anything, let me know, but this lines up about as close as I can see - well into the subpixel aliasing threshold.

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There's a lot of Gill Sans in there, but it became clear right way that it had been tweaked - the ST combination, for example (the S especially is actually pretty rough and imbalanced). Also, the edges are all sightly rounded. Since the font doesn't come like that, it was almost certainly done the way I did it - start with a core, and tweak it.

By the way - little bit of trivia for you...

When I saw this scene in the theaters, I just knew there were going to be some gags thrown into it. I've just done way too much of this sort of thing to believe the poor dude making phony shipping manifests wasn't going to throw in a couple Easter eggs. Well, here they are: they go by in just a couple of frames on Jeff Bridges computer:



Looks like the dude moved up in the world!

This looks amazing! Can't wait to see the ending product.

Also, has anybody made something similar for the Mark I plans that Tony writes up in the cave?
Thats is really cool find Mike.
If you make those files or similar up on a PDF i whould love to print them out and add them to my collection.

Regarding the logo. I whould advice for the points to be pointy not rounded.
Thats is really cool find Mike.
If you make those files or similar up on a PDF i whould love to print them out and add them to my collection.

Regarding the logo. I whould advice for the points to be pointy not rounded.

Ahhh, but they ARE rounded. You can't get that anti-aliasing pattern from sharp edges. Res'ing that up was the first test I did to confirm.

So... I thought about it.

The truth is, the rounding has bothered me since the beginning - it's just an extra design step that I doubt the artist would go to. I say that because a lot of basic design issues are already present with the typography - tracking errors, baseline errors - stuff that would never have made it past an actual design firm that would be hired by a mega-corp. like Stark Industries. You know how it is: stuff made for movies tends to break down upon close scrutiny, and this is no different. It just seemed excessive.

But on the other hand, anti-aliasing doesn't lie. You can't get those anti-aliased patterns from squared corners, as I told TMP.

...unless the anti-aliasing itself was corrupt. Corrupt, perhaps, because of compression issues? I decided to investigate a bit. Sure enough, the compression of the signal causes a sort of warbly distortion of the image, when seen at the resolution I'm trying to pull lines from. It looks a bit like the logo is underwater, the result being that with each frame, the profiles of the letters change radically. Two successive frames yield two different profiles!

Here is a small movie to illustrate: Stark Industries Logo Analysis

Look closely at the curves on the "S" in particular and you'll see them dancing all over the pace, bloating and shrinking. The more you look, the more you'll see, and if you actually step through an animation like that, it's really pronounced and impossible to miss.

So I'm having a friend of mine write a small tool to analyze a sequence of frames, and determine the shape of the letters as they appear "most of the time" during the sequence. If the algorithm finds that 70% of the time certain lines match, it keeps those, for example. I'll use those results as a baseline for the next set of revisions.

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Well there are tons of that in the original, yes, and the U, and ST combinations have varying thicknesses, etc.

I have a very small "suggestion" about this "issue"... Follow the design as close as possible, then go for the "idealized" version of the smaller details.
Since the original logo is based on the "Lockheed Martin" logo I would follow that "concept"... And in the "arrow" of the LM logo the edges are rounded, just a little bit, but still rounded... So I think you nailed it already.
I will do a side-by-side comparison later, and you will see that this new version is actually substantially improved. The analysis yielded a much better source. It had the "vibe" before, but this new one will definitely have the details vastly improved. I'm also working in a different app now (Rhino vs. Illustrator) which gives me much greater and more precise control over the input curves.

Here you can see me working on the new version (currently on the "R"):


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I doubt the original had rounded corners. Do you have the screencap that you blew up?

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