I remember the good old days

How about this for old times?.......Read carefully the yellow word box.....
iron man.jpg
If I had a Delorean, I would totally be heading to the year 1985. Those were the days. Best music, movies and no social media. Who needs a cell phone anyway. We had to pull over at a gas station to make a call and we liked it that way.

Personally I’d love to be 17 in 1960s. Bring the knowledge of engine performance with me and revolutionize the race scene back then

Things were so simple..
I remember the good old days when my friends weren't dropping like flies. In the past 20 years I have watched thirteen of my best friends die, including my wife. A few months back one of my best (and last ) friends died. Today I found out his widow committed suicide.

I literally have no friends left. I am the last one alive.....
I remember the good old days when my friends weren't dropping like flies. In the past 20 years I have watched thirteen of my best friends die, including my wife. A few months back one of my best (and last ) friends died. Today I found out his widow committed suicide.

I literally have no friends left. I am the last one alive.....

I think I can safely speak for the majority of us here, you’re not alone, we’re here for you.
Personally I’d love to be 17 in 1960s. Bring the knowledge of engine performance with me and revolutionize the race scene back then

Things were so simple..

Yeah it's all good until your next birthday then it's off to Vietnam! ;)

So far I haven't lost any friends. A couple people I played football with in highschool were killed, in HS, in car wrecks. Another friend's younger brother, who we played backyard football with, died in a crash also. His idiot parents bought him a, then brand new, high end 96 Firebird and he lost control.
It's just an illusion when you think of it; of course, your adolescent years are usually the "best" years of your life. You still ache for the music, the "simple" life, etc...One day, we'll have the same topic of convo on the RPF (let's say in 40 years time) and the Millennials will say the same thing about this era in which we're living right now. ;)
I remember the good old days when my friends weren't dropping like flies. In the past 20 years I have watched thirteen of my best friends die, including my wife. A few months back one of my best (and last ) friends died. Today I found out his widow committed suicide.

I literally have no friends left. I am the last one alive.....
I'm so sorry to hear this. But on the bright side you have a bunch of fellow geeks to turn to if you need anything.
I remember the good old days when my friends weren't dropping like flies. In the past 20 years I have watched thirteen of my best friends die, including my wife. A few months back one of my best (and last ) friends died. Today I found out his widow committed suicide.

I literally have no friends left. I am the last one alive.....
I wish you didn't live all the way in AZ. I'd love to have you over for dinner, show you my collection and enjoy your company. I've been alone before for a season in my life. Personally, I needed it. God was "marinating me" for other things that were coming my way. I learned a great deal about myself. My thoughts, prayers and hopes are with you bro.
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