Alternate Versions of Movies for TV that You Remember

In the late 70's there was a series called, "Project U.F.O." which reenacted "true" U.F.O. accounts.

There was one episode I recall where the U.F.O. was clearly some modified model of the Millennium Falcon. I think it was missing the cockpit proboscis thingie. I am trying to find that one episode. Anybody?
Those lines are there on the DVD I have of ST6; btw, here's the lines:


"Not Klingon Blood":

I find with a lot of the "streamed" versions, they can end up using edited versions. One version of Robocop (1987) I saw had all the blood and stuff removed; while I'm not a fan of blood and gore, in the movie it made a point.

Yeah, this absolutely needed to be cut…it was as if it was lifted right out of Scooby-Doo.


I remember a reallllllly long cut of Dune that was on HBO. Lots of scenes that were not in the theatrical release. I thought it was so much better. But now when I watch the extended versions they're still missing a lot of scenes I remember, and nowhere near as long.
The closest I could ever find to that is this:

Thanks, will give that a watch! Some of the missing scenes I remember had to do with explanation about the heart plugs in the Harkonnens and their brutal usage. Some more scenes with Chani and Paul.
Yeah, I know there's an extended version with Frank Herbert doing the narration (also included still paintings of history in the beginning). If this version doesn't have what you want, let me know and I'll dig into my archives.
A new one! Not actually TV but...

I was just watching the DVD release of Blade Runner 2049 and Joe says the line about how Rachael likes Deckard rather than Luv.

This is awkward because it reveals emotional insight that Joe should not have at this point in the story. It is better spoken by Luv since she is not bound by the baseline conventions of the Blade Runners.

Unless I am misremembering and the writing was worse than I recall.
To this day I swear my sister and I watched a broadcast of Aliens on CBS that included the hallway turret scenes but no Amanda Ripley death reveal. I think this was summer 90-91. Never had it on my HBO recorded VHS copy or such, never saw it again until the Director's cuts started appearing and I had been talking about it for years and was finally vindicated.
publiusr ,Borjis , p51 , OzReturner , greenmachines , SOoo, an update. I have learned that a different cut from the theatrical release DID in fact air on CBS. Three times in fact! 14 March 1989, 27 December 90, and 25 May 1991. To hit the 3 hour time slot they added the Amanda Ripley scenes and the sentry gun scenes, but apparently left out the Colony scenes for the initial TV showing. I would assume that's how the next two showings played out but I don't think that's what I remember.

This also jogged another memory after seeing the second date, my first experience watching Alien or Aliens. I was up and remember turning the TV on and it was the scene where BIshop gets torn in half by the Queen. That introductory scene scared the crap out me and the sight of the Queen made me change the channel. I think I watched Alien for the first time a few months later and was thinking "wait a minute...".

So this means the date I watched it from my recorded quote is the 25 May '91 date, and yes it did in fact exist lol.

I found this video from YouTuber "Alien Theory" and he breaks it down in incredible detail to include the differences between versions, what was and was not censored, and even the commercials from the 14 March 89 showing. Its an amazing breakdown for any Aliens fan, and man it feels so cool that I found proof of it lol.
