I think it's time to remake the OT..

Tell me that's not what George intended...

Don't remake the entire OT, just ROTJ. Return to the original plan for "nine or ten" films. Vader is not Luke's father. Liea is not Luke's sister or "the other".

In short, ROTJ is no longer the rushed and unsatisfying attempt to wrap up the saga.Then remake the prequels followed by the sequels.
Don't remake the entire OT, just ROTJ. Return to the original plan for "nine or ten" films. Vader is not Luke's father. Liea is not Luke's sister or "the other".

In short, ROTJ is no longer the rushed and unsatisfying attempt to wrap up the saga.Then remake the prequels followed by the sequels.

Thank you. You are not alone.
The fact that the rumor of them considering it shows exactly how stupid the idea is: they can't get the new stuff to be hits across the board, so they're considering on remaking it to force a reboot in an attempt to make the new stuff after that work as a result. It's only gonna end in more heartbreak

Remaking the OT is the last card they have to play. It will of course fail spectacularly, and then their failure will be complete.
Just ask the gang who made Rubbercop about how they "remade" the original Robocop...
...I would not be opposed if they remade the OT to blend in better with the events of the prequels and these side stories. Us OG's who have had the OT for 40+ years will always have them but connecting the plot dots is finally necessary...

In a word: NEVER! It's bad enough that George Lucas screwed up the Original Trilogy movies with his Not-So-Special Editions, then Disney comes along and makes three not great Sequel Trilogy movies, and now you want another group of Mickey Mouse filmmakers to make things even worse by trying to start again? No, the OT movies were just fine until everyone came along after the fact to create lesser movies. Want things to make more sense? Remake the Prequel and Sequel Trilogy movies that screwed everything up in the first place.

Although there are some flaws with OT due to some of it being a cobble job (Luke and Leia kisses despite being siblings, Im not against Ewoks but replaced with Wookies would be better, etc.), storywise it works well. If they wanted to update it with the latest visuals to attract kids who grew up on Marvel but keep it mostly intact (so essentially a remaster), I think its a bad idea but if the story/script is kept completely the same but with new actors, Ill be ok with it (essentially a retelling).

What does need a remake is PT. I think with the expanded stories and focus, its kind of obvious that there was potential in the world. However, on its own, the PT sucks storywise and obviously needed streamlining/reworking the scope of the script to make a proper story. A good remake of PT would be interesting to see.

However, any talk of a remaster or remake is only viable if it is being done by a talented and passionate director and crew. Disney does not have that but owns the IP so its a moot point.

I also only think content from the PT is what is being pushed is not because PT was better or more memorable than OT (its not) but because Filloni only made stuff for PT and he is pushing his own stuff. If Filloni worked on OT, they would be getting their own shows.
If the new stuff doesn't fit with the OT, then that's the fault of the new stuff and the ones making it. Why change something better to match something inferior, when all they had to do was take the new stuff and actually make it fit and make sense - both Lucas and Disney.

Luke and Leia kissing probably wasn't a mistake. Old greek tales were full of this kinda stuff.

They should just release the original theatrical versions already. I'm not a fan of Ridley Scott or most of his movies, but at least he offers ALL the versions of his movies for people to choose from. It should be the same for Star Wars.
Reminds me of Microsoft revamping their desktop os (that at the time had something like 90%of the market) to make it more like their phone OS (which had like 5% maybe)

Sales of MacBooks surged. And the windows phone ended up going away in the end before Microsoft finally admitted “oops” and changed most of it back to the old style.

You have a good thing and a crappy thing. Making them match is a good idea, but doing so by making the good one more like the crappy one is not the way.
Here's the thing:

They're not gonna remake the original trilogy. Ever.

Why? Because there's zero reason to do so. There's zero artistic reason, and there's zero financial reason. And let's be honest, the financial reason is really the only one that matters.

Ask yourself what the financial case is for remaking the OT. Then consider the demographics involved. Who is the market for a remade OT? Younger fans or older fans? Are we talking kids in their teens and 20s? Or are we talking a bunch of greybearded GenX/Xennials? Because I got news for you: if you're a GenX/Xennial? Your dollars don't matter anymore. Not to Hollywood, anyway. We're over the hill and it makes way more sense to sell stuff to our kids than it does to us specifically.

What would the remade OT be, anyway? The same story but with a younger cast and the latest F/X? Why would anyone do that? The story doesn't matter. Not to the people making these movies, anyway. The story (to them) isn't the selling point. And frankly, the story alone isn't the selling point to any of us, either. For us, it's the whole experience of the actual OT. Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, the whole gang, doing their thing like they did in '77, '80, and '83. That's what the greybeards want, anyway.

For the kids, they don't have the attachment to the story. So, you don't really gain anything by redoing it as a recast/reshot/updated-FX version. They're much more likely to be interested in something new than in a retelling of something old.

And if you can't get the kids to show up, then ultimately there's no point in spending the money that'd be necessary to do it. You might as well just reissue a 4K version of the OT and figure you'll get the oldsters buying that instead. Hell, if they'd release an "archival" version of the OT with the original story/FX but presented with proper quality sound and and restored theatrical visuals, I'd buy that in a heartbeat and they could almost name their price.

But redoing the OT? There's no business case for that at all. The people who care about it would hate it for merely existing, and nobody else would care enough to make it worthwhile.
Here's the thing:

They're not gonna remake the original trilogy. Ever.

Why? Because there's zero reason to do so. There's zero artistic reason, and there's zero financial reason. And let's be honest, the financial reason is really the only one that matters.

Ask yourself what the financial case is for remaking the OT. Then consider the demographics involved. Who is the market for a remade OT? Younger fans or older fans? Are we talking kids in their teens and 20s? Or are we talking a bunch of greybearded GenX/Xennials? Because I got news for you: if you're a GenX/Xennial? Your dollars don't matter anymore. Not to Hollywood, anyway. We're over the hill and it makes way more sense to sell stuff to our kids than it does to us specifically.

What would the remade OT be, anyway? The same story but with a younger cast and the latest F/X? Why would anyone do that? The story doesn't matter. Not to the people making these movies, anyway. The story (to them) isn't the selling point. And frankly, the story alone isn't the selling point to any of us, either. For us, it's the whole experience of the actual OT. Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, the whole gang, doing their thing like they did in '77, '80, and '83. That's what the greybeards want, anyway.

For the kids, they don't have the attachment to the story. So, you don't really gain anything by redoing it as a recast/reshot/updated-FX version. They're much more likely to be interested in something new than in a retelling of something old.

And if you can't get the kids to show up, then ultimately there's no point in spending the money that'd be necessary to do it. You might as well just reissue a 4K version of the OT and figure you'll get the oldsters buying that instead. Hell, if they'd release an "archival" version of the OT with the original story/FX but presented with proper quality sound and and restored theatrical visuals, I'd buy that in a heartbeat and they could almost name their price.

But redoing the OT? There's no business case for that at all. The people who care about it would hate it for merely existing, and nobody else would care enough to make it worthwhile.

I agree about the outcome if they remade the OT.

But I disagree that this would prevent Disney from trying it.

It's a giant corporation run amok with bad management. That means all the hard questions & calls for discipline get punched-down through the ranks. They won't add extra toilet paper rolls to the bathrooms without doing a $140,000 cost-benefit study. But they might greenlight one top executive's movie series project for a billion dollars on a whim.
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Here's the thing:

They're not gonna remake the original trilogy. Ever.

Why? Because there's zero reason to do so. There's zero artistic reason, and there's zero financial reason. And let's be honest, the financial reason is really the only one that matters.
But redoing the OT? There's no business case for that at all.

Ah, but that presumes they operate off of a cogent business plan. Disney is in a position where it has to shotgun announce non-existent productions just to keep shareholders from jumping ship. Disney is pungent with desperation.

In a company bereft of original ideas (arguably in every single incorporated franchise), a remake wouldn't be entirely unexpected.

And it will fail.
Maybe they will do the old switcheroo!

Lately they have been making 'live action' remakes of the classic Disney movies... maybe they will make an animated Star Wars OT?

Note: I do not approve of this message. ;)