Holy Frappacino...3-D Musketeers Remake/Reboot/Re????

An appropriate quote from another board:

So, let me get this straight. I have somehow slipped into a coma, and my brain is misfiring so randomly, I just saw The Tudors making ugly, ugly love to The Matrix with Muzzleloaders with a DiNero-looking guy who even has the same airship waiting for a tag-in and several scenes from Kurt Russel's Soldier holding the camera?

Wait, this is reality? I need to give myself a concussion now.

In other words:

It was a huge production over here in Germany, with many colleagues working on it, eating up a lot of personnel resources in the movie industry. Must have been a nightmarish production, many people went from "please, please let me work on Musketeers" to "please, please make it stop!" :lol
Looks like it could be pretty awesome... The steampunk element is a nice touch.

Quick question:

Has Milla Jovovich been in any movies that didn't have tons of blazing gun fights and slow motion explosions? :confused

Not that I'm complaining, mind you... :D