Coollekotten's Art

Allrighty folks!

This is the last update I will show you guys when it comes to this drawing.
Why? Because I think it is too close to the end result.. kind of. :)
It is not so much left! Only the ground, some rocks, the right wall, better leaves... his legs... oh damn. But it is still the last update! Next time you see this fellow is when he is done!
No date is set for that though, so dont expect it soon. Maybe two weeks, but no promise.

oh my ,oh my!!
it looks great Nicole. Any chance you'll make prints out of this one?
I love it and would love to have a copy of it in my collection room :)
Thank you guys,

About printing it... there is a problem with that. I do not own the character. Printing/sellin/copying a character that I do not own I believe is illegal.
Dont get me wrong, I would happily print it for you, but since it is not my character I dont think Im allowed to. :) Even though it is not going into massproduction, and I have not copied any other artists art-work (unless you count the ones who actually designed the predator etc.).

But tell you what, I will look through the laws and see what I can do. Either that, or you will have to print it out yourself on a usual copymachine. But that will withoutadoubt, give a poor result. :rolleyes: DAMN!
As far as the laws go, yes the character is copyright, but your art is your OWN art. I don't think there is anything illegal about drawing the character itself and selling a few copies. If you were mass producing them and had the PREDATOR logo in the same font - well that would be different.

With at said, if you provide a high res image, I can print it off :)
Your perfectly safe. There are hundreds of Artists at Comic Con selling all kinds of drawings...paintings...sculpture...all of it, right out in the open without any kind of trouble from the law. Your good. If your still worried just say, for a small art donation you will get a print!
Thank you guys for the comments, Its not so often that people asks for prints so... But, Im sure we can work it out.

YES Jason, I will get a really great scanned version posted up when he is done. You will be able to see his nostril hair. If he had any.
I will put on my charm and visit a guy I know that has this SUPER copy machine that helped me scan P2 I did earlier. I will bring along a couple of the local bakerys tasty vanilla buns to seduce him with. Then he'll do whatever I want, mohahahaa!

I believe KPHs legs are really wierd... I mean it.
The legs were driving me crazy on the drawing so I played the movie and thought that it might learn me something about how he actually stands. And after repeating that scene too many times I took a print screen, brightened it and voila!


He sits fairly odd I tell you! Or is it the background that we see in the red circle I made? I belive it is the rest of his leg... Im pretty sure it is. It kind of helps but at the same time I think it looks really... odd. I dont know. It might turn into one of those non-accurate-places I have on the drawing.

Just needed to vent some thoughts, tell me what you think.
Have a great week everyone!
Seducing the copy guy? I like it - do what you gotta do Nicole haha!

I agree - that could have been an odd angle for Kevin to crouch down so he may have jutted his leg like that just for the shot. Looks goofy, so make it look purty in the drawing
Seducing the copy guy? I like it - do what you gotta do Nicole haha!
YES! There is only ONE copy guy in the whole town... and I know his weekness.

I agree - that could have been an odd angle for Kevin to crouch down so he may have jutted his leg like that just for the shot. Looks goofy, so make it look purty in the drawing
Ai ai, captain!

I think I have figured out his other leg too, we well see if I can use some magic on it.
Take care!
The legs... are done. And Im happy with them too. I finally made it work and it helped with all of your ideas and the screencaptures. I worked a bit more with the leaves and the wall on his right.
I also erased his right hand.

I fixed it. I was not happy with the positioning of the hand and gauntlet so I completely erased that part. It is scary how fast it was gone and only a light grey was left telling the story of a previous something-something.
Now awaits the ground. And I gotta tell you guys, that

the ground



BORING!!! *sigh*
Haha, thats the main reason why I never draw anything in the background...its boring, takes too much time, BUT in your case Nicole, I can honestly say that the background will MAKE this piece much more involved with the Pred. In the movie, the jungle is integral to the Pred, and you are proving that by doing it justice. I'm excited that this is almost done!!

So, before Jason chews off his fingernails completely until the reveal of the finished P1, here is a little snack for you guys on a drawing Im working on at the moment:



Getting a scanned version of the P1 seem to take longer then expected so here is a little update for you fellows.
I still have a bit of more shadowing to do but other then that, he is done. :)


Not much I know, but I feel like such and ass when you're waiting to see the result. And the P1 is practicly done, he just needs to be scanned in. Sigh.. why are A3 scanners so expensive? :)

Have a nice week and weekend everyone!
Beautiful Nicole...just beautiful. That Bio sneak peak looks cool too...I just love looking at your work and your style of drawing. Thanks for sharing - now go find a scanner - DO IT NAOW!!!!
Thank you fellows! :)
I decided that P1 needed some more work, so I have worked some more with the shadowing today, I am pretty satisfied with the rock on his left side and the ground is coming along nicely too. Looks much better now with darker shades. :)
I might put up another update of the bio sneak peek later this evening (swedish time) or during this week. Now Im off to look after a rat problem - they are hungry!

.... friendly rats, not vermin.

Have a nice week!
Alrighty then!

I have work so much with Mr. Giggles and the P1 lately and all of a sudden SHE comes to me in a dream, staring dead on at me in a dark area, light coming up behind her. I completely freeze.
She was not happy.
I have neglected her.
Who is she?

My Vikingpredator, of course! I have updated her bio and some armor and Im just sort of wingin' it at the moment. I have a couple of more ideas but not too happy about some areas I've done now... so will be changing soon, when time permits. But the bio... I love. SO HARD TO GET IT SYMMETRICAL!!


Hopefully this is of some conciliation for you handsome fellows, the P1 will not be done or scanned this week. Sorry. I have found some areas that I am not happy with, so Im changing it a bit. Nothing major, but changes nonetheless. Im being obstinate... sigh.

Have a nice weekend everyone, and take care!
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