Deprecated Blade Runner 2049 - K's Metal (Seller Banned)

I can believe how this guys just took all our money and pretended to care and never pay us back. I keep writing him and no reply.
The truth is he robbed us and got away with it. We trusted a member of the RPF and he just left us all high and dry.
Is it any wonder his wife left him and stopped him seeing his kids? She knew he was a no good liar and not to be trusted.
I think there's been a hope he'd come back and refund people, but at this stage?
I think you are right on this: as long as he is not banned, there is an opening for a refund. Once banned, you can be 100% sure you will never be refunded. (Although I think you can be 99% sure you will never be refunded right now.)
Read through this thread and have to say its a shambles. I really believe Brandomack started this project with very good intentions posted a lot of detail at the beginning and was on track until life kicked him in the ballsack..i mean divorce, Covid, The writers strike etc i would begin to think i was completely jinx is it all ******** by him.. Could he have handled it better definitely but it doesn't look like this site has a disputed sales section which would have helped to keep things civil ! Anyone owed money should only be allowed to post within the dispute thread anyone refunded should then be kicked from the thread having folk return sticking their ore in when they have been refunded is ridiculous and jeopardizes the chances of further refunds. Having a neutral Admin could have kept the refunds on track and stopped abuse from both sides.. remember he didn't just cut and run which it looks like he has now :mad: If i were in his shoes i cannot say will all honestly i would have handled the situation well either :unsure: Can lessons not be learned from this on this site.
Anyone owed money should only be allowed to post within the dispute thread anyone refunded should then be kicked from the thread having folk return sticking their ore in when they have been refunded is ridiculous and jeopardizes the chances of further refunds.
What about anybody who has had nothing to do with this?:unsure:
Read through this thread and have to say its a shambles. I really believe Brandomack started this project with very good intentions posted a lot of detail at the beginning and was on track until life kicked him in the ballsack..i mean divorce, Covid, The writers strike etc i would begin to think i was completely jinx is it all ******** by him.. Could he have handled it better definitely but it doesn't look like this site has a disputed sales section which would have helped to keep things civil ! Anyone owed money should only be allowed to post within the dispute thread anyone refunded should then be kicked from the thread having folk return sticking their ore in when they have been refunded is ridiculous and jeopardizes the chances of further refunds. Having a neutral Admin could have kept the refunds on track and stopped abuse from both sides.. remember he didn't just cut and run which it looks like he has now :mad: If i were in his shoes i cannot say will all honestly i would have handled the situation well either :unsure: Can lessons not be learned from this on this site.

Except I kept contact for some time, was always civil, chatted to him at times when I thought he was in a dark place because of Covid, divorce etc.

He just disappeared on me too.

Apparently he's working in the industry again, getting paid well from what I understand.

I'm out over $600, after a lot of time and trust.
I gave him a easy repayment option and he never bothered. He is getting a wage and still hasn't even bothered to start paying back the money the has taken. So i see this as THEFT! So Martian1 you getting involved is not making things any better.
Just an update for the people who got ripped off by thieving Brandomack. All may not be lost for some of you. I believe there maybe some legal action starting in Maple Ridge,Canada. Fingers crossed this guy who is living it up on our money gets what is coming to him!
Well Brandon Scott Mackay,i believe you and your other half are both working full time. Saving up to get married. Well why don't you pay the people you have STOLEN from before you tie the knot? Does your future wife know you are an untrustworthy Thief? Still living in Maple Ridge BC.
Read through this thread and have to say its a shambles. I really believe Brandomack started this project with very good intentions posted a lot of detail at the beginning and was on track until life kicked him in the ballsack..i mean divorce, Covid, The writers strike etc i would begin to think i was completely jinx is it all ******** by him.. Could he have handled it better definitely but it doesn't look like this site has a disputed sales section which would have helped to keep things civil ! Anyone owed money should only be allowed to post within the dispute thread anyone refunded should then be kicked from the thread having folk return sticking their ore in when they have been refunded is ridiculous and jeopardizes the chances of further refunds. Having a neutral Admin could have kept the refunds on track and stopped abuse from both sides.. remember he didn't just cut and run which it looks like he has now :mad: If i were in his shoes i cannot say will all honestly i would have handled the situation well either :unsure: Can lessons not be learned from this on this site.

"He didn't just cut and run..."

Are you serious right now? The whole point of his scam was to drag people along long enough so that the time to charge-back via credit card company or Paypal would be voided. Why are you sticking up for someone who stole thousands of dollars? Are you Brandomack's new incognito account?

And guess what....He is not the only one in this world that life kicks in the balls. That's called being an adult.
Life didn't kick him in the balls! The guy has a job,car and has been on a few holidays and is putting money away for his wedding. Spending the money he said he would return when he got a job! Call that a kick in the balls? HE'S A THEIF!