Deprecated Blade Runner 2049 - K's Metal (Seller Banned)

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He's probably right though. In 25 years on the RPF I've never seen anyone successfully bring mail-fraud, small claims or any other legal claims in a case like this, and, believe me, many have tried going that route. It really, really sucks, but if you go back and check on the Steve Dymzo neuraliser debacle, that guy is still setting up companies and selling on Ebay, despite an extremely similar case to this one.
He's probably right though. In 25 years on the RPF I've never seen anyone successfully bring mail-fraud, small claims or any other legal claims in a case like this, and, believe me, many have tried going that route. It really, really sucks, but if you go back and check on the Steve Dymzo neuraliser debacle, that guy is still setting up companies and selling on Ebay, despite an extremely similar case to this one.
I agree it is not easy...however...It is not impossible. If people feel legit that they were wronged and the proof is in writing. The false promises are in writing. The promises of refunds are in writing. The abandoning the thread is in writing. The being banned is in writing. There is not a lot to prove. does require people make the effort. Maybe the Steve Dymzo person you speak of continues to get away with it because people allowed him to. Maybe they were too busy hoping someone else would fight their cause for them?
I get the fact that a certain person likes to state the 2018 date....HOWEVER...according to Brandon just over a year ago near the end of 2023 he was still promising FULL REFUNDS. He was still leading people down the road...purposely extending wait times in order to make it harder for people to legit timely refunds. I suggest Ventuoguy read the attached statement from Brandomack. It might refresh HIS memory. Brandomack was banned months after this statement. After he abandoned his customers. This ABSOLUTELY CAN be used against him. is obvious YOU choose to abandon the money you say is owed to you(considering you basically keep telling everyone to move on)...if that is the case ...why are you bothering to continue following the thread? I think most of us know why.
Okay, so in terms of contacting PayPal - is there a broader case we can add to, like a case number? I'm going to reach out to them, but if there was something to quote, to get it all under the one 'banner', all the better!
I think indeed you will need to be able to link cases together. So Landocycle , I think you should give some more details about your contact with PayPal here...

If you are owed a refund from Brandon Scott Mackay and did not receive one.
The number you need to call is 1-888-221-1161.
They will need to be able to verify your PayPal information, date of your transaction and amount of your transaction.
Paypal has been given the RPF information including info on Mr. Mackay. However, people going forward NEED to do their own due dilligence.
PayPal did state to me on the phone that as long as they were valid purchase transactions
( meaning a record of the purchase was kept) they will be able to bring up and honour the transaction as far as possible refunds and holding Brandon Mackay responsible.
****Also...they specifically said they would do this even if the transaction was OVER 5 YEARS OLD.
Especially if there was evidence that the seller Brandon Mackay was promising refunds (which the RPF has proof of in writing).
Once a person calls in to submit their information, they will be given a confirmation number regarding their claim.
The confirmation number given by PayPal will be unique to the individual as for now they are viewed as individual claims.
Upon having more RPF members contacting them to do this , they can issue a broader confirmation number that would be viewed under a grouped investigation.
This is one that could be added to the RPF forum.
The fact that PayPal stated they would honour transactions over 5 years old is FANTASTIC.
However...NOW is the time for people to act on the matter.
***Take screenshots of all the Brandomack messages where he promises refunds...or insults people who wanted refunds...abandoned the process etc.

While I have been more than willing to help members as far as gaining information to help them in the process. They need to do the work and put the effort in themselves.

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Can you share your PayPal confirmation number? I think if people do what you described above and say: "There is already a panding claim against this person, and more will follow, and the other claim against him has confirmation number X. Can you please link these cases together?" Then I'm pretty sure PayPal can do this and this can begome one big claim.

Also: for people outside the USA: when you google it, I'm sure you can also find a local PayPal support phone number.
Can you share your PayPal confirmation number? I think if people do what you described above and say: "There is already a panding claim against this person, and more will follow, and the other claim against him has confirmation number X. Can you please link these cases together?" Then I'm pretty sure PayPal can do this and this can begome one big claim.

Also: for people outside the USA: when you google it, I'm sure you can also find a local PayPal support phone number.

It needs to be done the way I described it in the previous message as that is how PayPal suggested it.
It is PayPals job to link claims together once people have started THEIR OWN CLAIMS.
It is not my job to feed customers with a spoon to get them from point A to point B.
If people want to share their private PayPal transaction numbers on here that is their call, but since it is a private financial transaction...I do not think that is the way to go.
However.....Once PayPal has worked through the claims and developed a pattern for Brandomack this is when they will be able to issue an investigated confirmation number that can be posted.
People need to put about an ounce of their own energy into this....not just holding tight to this "failure to launch" attitude that helped create this kind of issue to begin with. I feel for those who were frauded by Brandon Mackay....however...I do not feel sorry for those who put no initiative in the process to resolve their own claims.
Alpha's take control of a situation.
Beta's wait for someone to assume control.
The rest simply sit and do nothing.
People want results? Pick up the phone and get them !!!
Well, guess I'm an Alpha then, since I was refunded after more or less twisting Brandomack's arm as soon as it started to feel fishy...

But to be honest: I don't think this will ever happen:

Once PayPal has worked through the claims and developed a pattern for Brandomack this is when they will be able to issue an investigated confirmation number that can be posted.

I'm out of here again. This just is going nowhere... But good luck anyway, guys!
Any other tidbits of advice.....Brandon?
Ventuoguy has been a customer of mine for years, I am well aware he is a different person from Brandomack. Please just stop calling him a sleeper account of Brandomack, it is not doing any good to the credibility of your posts.
Yes. Matching the weathering patterns from photos of the hero blasters.

I also wanted to give everyone a heads up that i’m going to be out of town from Friday the 19th until Saturday the 27th

I’m going to be promoting the blade runner short film i Co-Produced
“Slice of Life” at SDCC,

It was chosen to be shown at the LA Shorts film festival and plays next week.


He made a financial donation in which he won a raffle that gave him a " co producer" credit on the movie.
Explains SO MUCH !!! I can put this in writing because I got that info directly from those involved.
Gee...imagine, barely producing one blaster that does not work and remains unfinished...yet taking thousands of dollars in advance orders...having money to donate to raffles for movie credits and trips. Sounds like Brandon simply ran out of money and once the money ran did he !!!

Now ...with that said. I am going to step back from this particular thread myself. Simply put...people have avenues to recover their losses...even after all this time. Take advantage and best of luck to all those still owed money. I hope you get reimbursed plus interest. Happy Holidays !!!
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