Deprecated Blade Runner 2049 - K's Metal (Seller Banned)

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Have you actually reviewed the whole posting and the videos in question? By your response, it is clear you have not. Videos showing actual production of blaster parts were way before 'time extensions' were in play - they were all in the concise timeframe after the start of the run and consistent with what other makers do on this forum when offering a run, etc. You've been a member for a few weeks so why don't you review the entire thread? I agree with TomVDJ that no action will be taken to right the wrongs. I luckily got refunded my money, but the others who have not have a huge hill to climb, not to mention these transactions are fast approaching SEVEN years ago?? I think the ones that lost their money have largely moved on. Perhaps this thread should just be closed so the rest of us can too lol.
I do not see it being a huge hill to climb should anyone who is still owed money from Brandomack wish to seek avenues to get it. You might say its been 7 years since the run started was BRANDOMACK that was still promising to refund people in 2024. Those are HIS words !!!
Not sure why you would want the thread to be closed. The thread is what keeps people aware...should he ever decide to show up on here again. You seem to defend Brandomack in every post.....Hmmmm.
I do not see it being a huge hill to climb should anyone who is still owed money from Brandomack wish to seek avenues to get it. You might say its been 7 years since the run started was BRANDOMACK that was still promising to refund people in 2024. Those are HIS words !!!
Not sure why you would want the thread to be closed. The thread is what keeps people aware...should he ever decide to show up on here again. You seem to defend Brandomack in every post.....Hmmmm.
By the way Ventuguy...rather than closing the thread...perhaps if you feel the need to move on just simply do so. You are not obliged to support the thread. However...there are people on here that still want their money and what is owed to them. They still want Brandon Scott Mackay held accountable for his deceptions while making sure he does not do this to more people. As of late 2023 - early 2024 he was still promising refunds until he ran away. Im glad you got your "refund" however, you were much luckier than many.
You are right off course, but as I said: discussing things here in this thread will help nobody. It's clear what the facts are, now:

1. Brandomack took thousands of dollars from RPF members.
2. Only a few were refunded.
3. Brandomack is not reacting here anymore and is also banned.
4. Lots of people took their loss, apparently (I don't understand why, but whatever).
5. Only thing that can be done is either take legal action or call PayPal to see if something can be done there.

And that's where we are. The discussions here are just going in circles and do not add new facts to the case... In that respect I understand what Ventuguy is saying: talking here is a complete waste of time if no action is taken.
You are right off course, but as I said: discussing things here in this thread will help nobody. It's clear what the facts are, now:

1. Brandomack took thousands of dollars from RPF members.
2. Only a few were refunded.
3. Brandomack is not reacting here anymore and is also banned.
4. Lots of people took their loss, apparently (I don't understand why, but whatever).
5. Only thing that can be done is either take legal action or call PayPal to see if something can be done there.

And that's where we are. The discussions here are just going in circles and do not add new facts to the case... In that respect I understand what Ventuguy is saying: talking here is a complete waste of time if no action is taken.
Thanks TomVDJ! Nothing would make me happier then to have the blaster I also ordered; I was lucky to get a refund. I am not a fan of Brandomack or anyone who makes promises and takes money and doesn't deliver. And Landocycle- you are no Sherlock Holmes, I am not Brandomack - don't know who he is and I don't care who he is. I have been on many runs here on the RPF and picked up alot of items in the JY, as well as sell items. I am currently on 3 runs by some of the most amazing members on the forum, from whom I have purchased from before as well. I actually came up with several ideas to solve this problem, and this was years ago on this thread. If you ever decide to read the entire thread, you will see it. Brandon replied and said that would work for him. Then it fell apart because others were interjecting like you. I would have taken the responsibility to see my plan to completion and would have gotten at least some money to the run participants had their honest money taken from them. This did involve returning money WITH INTEREST and would have found Brandomack signing a legal tender document- and if he strayed from that, there could have been the hope of legal action. Now, as Tom said, there is no hope.
To be honest, I don't thin Brandomack was ever planning on refunding everybody. I do believe he started this thread with the intention to deliver the blasters, but once it went sideways and people started to ask they money back, Brandomack started planning his "exit". He refunded those who made the most noice in the hope to drag this out over several months / years, but in the end it had no intend to make things right...
With all due respect...if someone does not want to be part of the thread because they find it no longer serves a purpose to them...would it not make better sense to just not respond to the thread?

I have had a few people involved in the thread reach out to me privately to simply chat about their frustrations about being frauded. I have been supportive to their concerns.

Ventuoguy....when you say "It fell apart because of others interjecting like you" (meaning me)....that is a stretch. People who "interjected" had every reason to do so. I know of at least 3 members who reached out to me saying they felt like they would be either attacked verbally by Brandomack on the forum or made to feel guilty by his supporters for not allowing him even more time to manipulate the situation. From what i read on here Brandomack did indeed throw horrendous insults and disrespect on the thread towards members of the community.
He had other members constantly preaching patience and echo chambering "more time." Several years later...Brandomack has since run away cowardly owing thousands.

I have also been hit financially by Brandomack and have first hand experience regarding him. So i do have empathy to those he has frauded.
I have had a few people involved in the thread reach out to me privately to simply chat about their frustrations about being frauded.
It's perfectly fine if this thread is used just to express frustration, off course, but in that case indeed I'm not really interested to follow it anymore. I'd much rather would see people here responding that actions have been taken and there is a chance that Brandomack will be called to justice.
It's perfectly fine if this thread is used just to express frustration, off course, but in that case indeed I'm not really interested to follow it anymore. I'd much rather would see people here responding that actions have been taken and there is a chance that Brandomack will be called to justice.
I absolutely agree Tom. People might feel more obliged to do that if they feel the thread will be open to their frustrations and venting as well as pursuing avenues to hold Brandomack accountable. When people hear what sounds like they are wasting their defeats them. Perhaps if people show a more unified front to hold him accountable , it will actually happen and the justice you speak of will occur.
It might be worth it to mention as well. The sales/ refund list Brandomack published on this site is only about 1/3 of the people he affected on these blasters.
So this is an image of Brandomack. Brandon Scott Mackay. It is being circulated to the proper authorities in Maple Ridge BC Canada as well as PayPal. It seems while Mr. Mackay was telling everyone he could not afford to repay them their refunds during Covid he was also pocketing Covid Government Loans. The guy is a douche. This ginger leprechaun had his greedy chubby fingers in everyones pots of gold.
It is being circulated to the proper authorities in Maple Ridge BC Canada as well as PayPal.
With this, do you mean:

1. "The info has been sent to the authoroties and PayPal."
2. "It has been sent to the authoroties and PayPal and we got the message that they are actually doing something with this and will take action."

There is a HUGE difference between 1 and 2. 1 is basically useless, 2 gives a bit of hope.
With this, do you mean:

1. "The info has been sent to the authoroties and PayPal."
2. "It has been sent to the authoroties and PayPal and we got the message that they are actually doing something with this and will take action."

There is a HUGE difference between 1 and 2. 1 is basically useless, 2 gives a bit of hope.
The answer to that is 2, HOWEVER...that means all those who suffered a loss actually have to put in the effort to make the loss known. Not just on the RPF but to both law enforcement RCMP in Maple Ridge BC Canada as well as PayPal. The old phrase "You can lead a horse to water " comes to mind.
I myself have spoken to the RCMP and PayPal...who said they are looking into the matter. However...I advise those affected to do the same. They have his phone number, address and work info and picture. That is a good start. People need to also put in some effort tho to protect themselves.
The answer to that is 2, HOWEVER...that means all those who suffered a loss actually have to put in the effort to make the loss known. Not just on the RPF but to both law enforcement RCMP in Maple Ridge BC Canada as well as PayPal. The old phrase "You can lead a horse to water " comes to mind.
I myself have spoken to the RCMP and PayPal...who said they are looking into the matter. However...I advise those affected to do the same. They have his phone number, address and work info and picture. That is a good start. People need to also put in some effort tho to protect themselves.

I'm willing to, but don't think I have a leg to stand on as I'm not a US or Canadian citizen.
I'm willing to, but don't think I have a leg to stand on as I'm not a US or Canadian citizen.
You might feel that way now...but if everyone that got frauded ended up joining together...i can guarantee it would be worth it. Just think....doing nothing gets nothing...doing something gets it on the record and makes it harder for him to ever pull this crap again. All the times Brandon Scott Mackay called out that Curtis fellow for being a fraud and a cheat and dishonest....deflecting from the fact that he was the exact same breed. Birds of a feather. Brandon Scott Mackay is a cheat and a thief. He was banned for this reason....however, he abandoned the forum prior to being banned. He raised a middle finger to all involved.
If PayPal indeed is looking into this, than indeed EVERYBODY here that still gets money from brandomack should contact PayPal too. The more people that actually take action, the bigger the "case" will be with PayPal and the more likely it is they will go after him themselves! If they notice that their platform (so PayPal) was used for some serious fraude, they will take action.

But as said: with only 4 or 5 complaints you get nowhere. If there are 20 or 30, THEN we are talking!
If PayPal indeed is looking into this, than indeed EVERYBODY here that still gets money from brandomack should contact PayPal too. The more people that actually take action, the bigger the "case" will be with PayPal and the more likely it is they will go after him themselves! If they notice that their platform (so PayPal) was used for some serious fraude, they will take action.

But as said: with only 4 or 5 complaints you get nowhere. If there are 20 or 30, THEN we are talking!
4 or 5 can turn into 7 to 10...which can turn to 20 to 30. It has to start somewhere. Keeping it available for people to see is key. This past year I understand he was able to attend several concerts....trips...movies...
Disney on money or lack of it was never the question.
Okay, so in terms of contacting PayPal - is there a broader case we can add to, like a case number? I'm going to reach out to them, but if there was something to quote, to get it all under the one 'banner', all the better!
Nothing is going to come of this unfortunately, AT ALL. I sincerely doubt the RCMP are going to take up some type of investigation on a small civil matter where the loss to each member is less than 1000USD. RCMP has better things to do then to come to the 'rescue' of us hobbyist fan boys in pursuit of our prop toy guns. Landocycle may have some type of beef with Brandomac outside the forum (never disclosed exactly what the issue is) and is trying to stir up dead embers. Most people who actually lost their money have moved on. The claim is too small, too old, and not well documented. I sincerely doubt any afflicted member can even pull up their original purchase on PayPal. Speaking of PayPal- they have the 6 month 'dispute' timeframe for a reason. It expires after that timeframe. If Landocycle actually got someone on the phone or some type of response from PayPal in writing- details would have been provided here to afflicted members so they can actually follow up with PayPal. People who lost money who indeed wanted to try and pursue this after the 6 month deadline, would have done so already and wouldn't be waiting for permission from Landocycle to now reach out.
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