Batsuit: Arkham Origins V1

Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

First things first. You will need to download Pepakura Designer. (It's free) It is a Windows program so you will need that. If you are on Mac (like me) there is still a way to do it. (Let me know if you are using a Mac) Download the file, open it in Pepakura Designer. From there you will need to scale it to your size. I got lucky and didn't need to scale it as it fit me perfectly. Print it out on card stock. (You can use regular paper, just easier to trace the card stock) Then start assembly. Piece of cake.

Im on a mac but figured out how to get it running.
Now Im not sure how to scale this stuff to size... I simply printed the 10 sheets of paper required for the project thus far and am starting to cut it onto regular paper.
When it hit the print button however it told me that "the size of paper specified by PEPAKURA is not the same as printer setting" it then asks me if i want to adjust scale... I told it no... as I figure it might downsize it if I allow it to adjust scale... Im not sure if thats what it meant, but Ive been messing with the settings and don't know what freaking paper size it wants. Any idea on how I can gauge the size of this thing before I try to build it?

I also found that after printing, the prints don't show any lines... its just the shapes to cut out. I thought there was supposed to be dotted lines and stuff.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

In the meantime I've glued the abs into place and curved the frame a bit to contour my torso. Right now im making a backplate for the chest so it will protrude a bit further than the abs. Also will allow me a frame which to tether the abs and chest together.


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Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

On the painting side of the house I tried adding a layer of matte clear to some test foam pieces. I didn't like the results. Made the pieces too shiny and also messes up the smooth finish... Looks like an orange peel effect. You can see the difference in the gunmetal but not so much the black. I want to keep it looking flat. Any repercussions to just using plastidip as a color without a top coat?image.jpgWhich do you guys think looks better? Keep it flat or go with the matte clear?
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Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Open the file in Pepakura Designer, click "settings". Then click "Print and Paper Settings". Change "Paper Size" to A4. Down at the bottom check the box that says "Print alignment marks for multiple pages" (Theses lines will help you align the pages) When it asks you
if you want it to adadjust the paper size, click "YES". Also before printing click "others" and choose "texture off" (saves on ink) You probably don't need to adjust the actual scale. My head 23 1/2 inches around. I had enough room inside to glue a few pieces of 5mm foam to make it nice and snug.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Just made this really quick out of scraps(that why you see those two holes where I cut out some extra ab pieces to practice on). Plastidiped it. Glued it on. The chest plate will go on top of this.I'll probably have to reinforce it somehow as I'm not sure if the glue will hold it all together as is since the frame around the abdomen is a pretty thin foam sheet, which I beveled on top of that. Maybe I'll go gangster and bust out a strip of black duct tape. Lol


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Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Selfie time. Proportions are still good. Need to figure out how to strap this thing on still.


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Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

The details on this is excellent i love it well done keep going [emoji106][emoji4]


Thanks! I'm trying. A little stumped on how to mount it. Might be too heavy to use velcro. So not sure if I should make straps that go over the shoulders around the neck or what.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

From what I understand, there should be elastic straps from the breast area to the shoulders, from the shoulders to the plates on the back and buckles in the back.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

From what I understand, there should be elastic straps from the breast area to the shoulders, from the shoulders to the plates on the back and buckles in the back.
Yeah. I already purchased the elastic straps and the metal ring/brackets too. But I figure they are more cosmetic than functional. I think it needs to be pulled flush to my chest somehow so it doesn't move around too much when I walk. Maybe the ribcage armor will help with that if I get around to it. Not sure how to tackle it yet.
maybe some elastic straps from the back plates under the arm to the chest?
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Subbed! This is cool. And that is how I would keep it tight in, elastic straps from the chest - under arm - to the back pieces. I would actually make a plate back there specifically for the straps to come together, you won't see it with the cape but it would sit well. Same idea could be used for the abdomen too, though it could run the risk of bunching up if you bend over too far. Keep up the good work.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Glued the elastic straps the the under plate. Then glued the chest plate into place.
i also plastidipped the bat symbol. Then threw a couple coats of matte clear. Made it look like leather or vinyl. It's the only part that I think needs a little shine.


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Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

That looks really cool! That's it, I'm starting my armor over. Lol
Lol. Your gauntlets, boots and cowl look bad ass. Haven't seen the rest of your things assembled though. Feels good that it's a one piece now. Come a long way since my first version.. Still haven't decided on those snap rivets I bought or looking for some small hex bolts. That's why you don't see them glued on the armor yet.
image.jpgimage.jpgWasnt trying to look tough in the picture squinting my eyes. Just my allergies were going on full strength and my eyes were bloodshot as hell. Lol
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Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Thinking ahead to the cape. What material you guys use on your costumes when it comes to the cape?
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Luv it bud.

Thanks David, I'm a big fan of your work as well. This build has been a lot of trial and error and there is still quite a bit left to complete before Halloween. But after I'm done I'll trade you for one of those sweet Arkham Knight replica suits. ;)
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

How did you accomplish the beveling? That looks great

Some people bevel by cutting the foam at an angle using a razor or scissors. I have found success just using my dremel with a 120 grit sanding drum. Just apply adequate pressure rolling the drum from left to right. Keep it going until you get the angle your shooting for. Keep the pressure light enough though that you don't tear I to the foam, because you want to keep the surface smooth. Also be careful when you come to a corner as the drum will try to change directions on you and attempt to eat up the foam in corner. It just took a little practice but it's easy once you get the hang of it.
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