Batsuit: Arkham Origins V1

Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Hey man dont forget you can use velcro in some of those pesky spots to hold it down and it makes the costume easier to put on/remove. Also if you have trouble finding straps/buckles its an ok substitute and you can find it anywhere. What material you using for the cape? Im thinking of finally trying to make a latex leatherish cape.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Hey man dont forget you can use velcro in some of those pesky spots to hold it down and it makes the costume easier to put on/remove. Also if you have trouble finding straps/buckles its an ok substitute and you can find it anywhere. What material you using for the cape? Im thinking of finally trying to make a latex leatherish cape.

I have velcro handy but want everything secured tight. Would rather use the buckles. As for the cape I have no idea what material to use. I asked the question earlier in the thread and no one responded. I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I'm just hoping it isn't an expensive purchase as I've tried to keep the cost of this costume relatively cheap.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

For the cape fabric I would suggest a nice draping polyester. I got a 10 yard bolt for 40 bucks to make this cape.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Question for you guys. You think I should add the second strap to the shoulder plate? Like I explained earlier I cut the grove into the shoulders a bit low and I'm not sure if adding the second strap looks too cluttered or too forced. I've attached an image with the single strap as it stands now and I Photoshopped one with the second strap attached. Let me know your opinion. Thanks

Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Two strap it all the way! Your good with photoshop bro lol
Thanks. I actually used ArtStudio on my iPhone for it and for most of my Photoshopping in general. Although I do use actual adobe Photoshop when I really need to. I'm leaning towards the two strap approach now as well now. Showed two of my co-workers and they said the same thing.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

I think the two strap is the way to go. It makes it look like its built for battle, so keeping with the bat suit kind of theme as far as I'm concerned.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Okay, I found it. Put Arkham Origins cowl Pepakura in this site's search engine. It's by tk1055. I. Would decrease the scale 10%. Mine was a bit big . If you still want me to upload the pics of mine I will. Note. The cowl in that Pep file is NOT the one I used.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Okay, I found it. Put Arkham Origins cowl Pepakura in this site's search engine. It's by tk1055. I. Would decrease the scale 10%. Mine was a bit big . If you still want me to upload the pics of mine I will. Note. The cowl in that Pep file is NOT the one I used.
Holy crap that looks confusing as all hell!
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Holy crap that looks confusing as all hell!
IKR! I tried to build it how it is supposed to be done but it was a big no go. I just used a few pieces to go off of to get what I have.


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Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

That looks really cool! I got to give you props to be able to get lost in that other pepukura project and somehow manage to go your own way and create that one. It looks fantastic. I'll make an attempt at creating something like it. Been trying to just get the neck brace traced out on paper. Trying to get it fitting comfortable. Thanks for the pics.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins


Finally got the shoulders mounted properly. Made a little 3 point harness in the back using elastic straps, a little velcro and a keyring. Works beautifully. I took these pics before I added the second strap to the shoulder plates. I feel tough as hell wearing this. Of course once I remind myself it's made of foam it brings me back to reality. Lol
Time to get started on the biceps and triceps.Gets a little sweaty where the abs are after a while. Winder if wearing an undershirt under the long-sleeve will help with that.
Also haven't tried it on since I added the additional strap. Letting the glue dry. Hoping it doesn't effect mobility in the shoulders too much. Because prior it was great. Could fully reach over my head with both arms. We'll see.

Made one set of bicep and triceps and just finished plastidiping them. Seems like the bicep piece will end up rubbing against the chest plate. Hope it doesn't hurt either piece by doing so. I'll assemble it tomorrow and see how it looks and start on the other set. I'm out for the day. Goodnight all.
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