Attention: BANDAI will stop selling kits outside Japan

Statement Revell and Bandai
We are massively confronted with the accusation that Revell invited Disney as licensor of the Star Wars license to prohibit Bandai selling Star Wars licensed products outside of Japan. This claim is plain wrong because we haven’t and won’t at no time take influence to the business matters of other manufacturers!
The truth is rather that each licensee, whether Revell or Bandai, is only be entitled to sell its licensed products under its own license contract and the countries agreed upon. These license contracts are concluded solely between the licensor Disney and the various licensees. We as Revell GmbH therefore aren’t allowed to sell our Star Wars products in Japan. On the other hand it is not possible for Bandai to sell its Star Wars products in the US and Europe, if these regions are not part of the contract.
Apart from that, we are convinced that a license like Star Wars lives from the wide variety of products and thus inspires young and old. Therefore we see the model kits of the company Bandai not as competition but as a supplement on the market for Star Wars model kits.
What a total load of horse droppings from a new poster.
Revell can't compete, so they bring the mouse to hammer Bandai with threats of lawsuits, for supposed breach of contract. Bandai could most likely fight and win, but would you want to go up against all the lawyers Disney can afford?

I prefer “horse hockey” to describe my comments… what I’m saying is that, instigated by Revell or not, Disney not only has an interest but is itself put at risk by Bandai’s actions. Disney watches closely who sells what where, because they have so many deals in place.

Disney would have put the hammer down either way.

Do you think Bandai would have backed out if they didn't do anything wrong... I doubt it. So there is no "supposed breach of contract." They breached it. They are now playing by the rules they signed up for.
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Damage control and PR excuses. I don't buy it (literally). The timing is a smoking gun. For a year and a half Bandai kits were available without anyone saying boo. Then Force Friday arrives and Revell reveals their kits to the world. The modeling community sees their offerings and gives a collective sigh of disappointment. Then Bandai announces THEIR line up and the same modeling community celebrates. It's clear to anyone with a brain that the Bandai kits are better and cheaper -- and almost all of us expressed anticipation of buying the Bandai kits. Then, apparently by divine intervention, if Revell is to be believed, an embargo is ordered on Bandai kits. If Revell truly doesn't consider Bandai kits competition, then this wouldn't be happening. Period. Disney likes to make money and they wouldn't jump in to enforce a license agreement unless one of the parties was crying foul. That's just how the world works.
What a total load of horse droppings from a new poster.

Revell can't compete, so they bring the mouse to hammer Bandai with threats of lawsuits, for supposed breach of contract. Bandai could most likely fight and win, but would you want to go up against all the lawyers Disney can afford?

Bandai cannot fight and win. They signed a contract and misunderstood the overarching terms. That contract is being enforced. Simple as that
To say that there was no news about this for a year and a half isn't true.

When the 1/48 X-Wing came out, some suppliers (see starship modeler) were already making comments that their distributors were being told that the bandai kits weren't to be imported anymore.

So this has been slowly happening for months now. It's just with the sudden mass release of product with TFA that the pin has dropped and everything has been banned.

Personally I managed to secure my T-70 kits and a 1/144 Falcon for a friend through sources I have.. I had to pay a small commission fee but it was worth it.
Bandai cannot fight and win. They signed a contract and misunderstood the overarching terms. That contract is being enforced. Simple as that

You certainly don't know that, any more than I know the opposite. Is Bandai responsible for who retailers in Japan sell their items to? Most likely not. However, Disney has the muscle power to get what they want, whether they are right or not. Bandai probably just determined it wasn't worth fighting for.
Quality wise, I can understand this guys position.
I have the impression that his other statements are coming out of frustration because Revell does not make the kits he wants and are NOT based on facts or knowledge.
For me, the way he is blaming Revell without any proof is just lame. More and more info indicates that Revell has not pushed Disney into action.
Regarding the Episode 7 x-wing: He is comparing a kit with a toy. He does not mention that Revell is going to offer a snap kit too. I know, it will most likely be inferior in quality compared to the Bandai kit, but it will be far better than Revells light and sound toy.

Please do not get me wrong. This guy is free to say whatever he wants. I see a big difference in saying Revell is responsible and speculating that Revell might be responsible. For me, this guy is acting like his accusations are facts. Unless he presents inside information, I can just smile at these statements.

I am looking forward to buy both kits (Bandais kit & Revells snap kit) and see for myself how big the quality difference of these two kits is. I have the feeling that the quality of the finished models will depend more on modeling skills and especially painting skills than on the kits itself. I have seen build ups of Revell Star Wars kits on exhibitions that are absolutely amazing.

Regarding sales numbers: Revell Germany employees told me, that the fraction of exported kits (not just of their own) is very small. I think that retailers like HobbyLinkJapan are making a large percentage of their sales with exporting kits. For them this situation is a big hit. For Bandai, loosing those exports should hopefully not be that big issue.


I think that sums things up decently. People's frustration is getting the better of them and lots of wild accusations being thrown around as fact

Obviously I'd prefer it if Revell issued the quality kits that Bandai did, but they don't. Who wouldn't

However I am looking forward to the level 2 kit simply because it is /150 which is close enough to 1/48 so I can show it with my other 1/48 stuff. Bandai has a 1/72 version.

Both kits fill a needed void for me in scales.

Frankly product-wise, both companies product could easily co-exist in the same market due to the target audiences being different

I just hope Revell is not our only hope in the future. The ideal for me would be to have Revell repackage and distribute the Bandai kits like with the Fine Molds kits and Moebius Galactica kits for their more discerning modelers
Bandai cannot fight and win. They signed a contract and misunderstood the overarching terms. That contract is being enforced. Simple as that

Bandai has nothing to do with this. They just make the kits. It's the third party distributors like HobbyLink Japan who are being told to stop. And for a year and a half no one bothered to stop them or care until the moment Revell put their kits up for sale. Yes, the licensing deals that everyone signed are simply being enforced. Revell paid for the exclusive right to sell its kits in the U.S. It's business. Fair enough. But it's frustrating nonetheless that we consumers can see with our own eyes that Revell's offerings are lacking in quality and value compared to Bandai's. And instead of competing in terms of quality and price, competition is nullified by pieces of paper.

Honestly, I don't blame Revell as much as I blame Disney. They should be interested in offering quality products to its consumers. Hopefully, someone somewhere is taking notes and telling Revell, "Our customers are demanding better products than this. If you want to keep your license, throw some Bandai kits in front of your creative team and tell them, 'We're getting out butts kicked and we need to do BETTER!'"
Hunk a Junk:

Bandai has something to do with it, as they are the ones that are, apparently, being forced to ask HLJ etc. to stop selling the kits.
Bandai has nothing to do with this. They just make the kits. It's the third party distributors like HobbyLink Japan who are being told to stop. And for a year and a half no one bothered to stop them or care until the moment Revell put their kits up for sale.

That's not true, back as early as late April / early May John mentioned in the Starship Modeler threads that "They may be the last ones I can get .... apparently, Bandai is being forced to take "steps" to ensure "Japan-only" licensed goods stay in Japan."

Things seemed to cool down for a while as places like HLJ etc... said they wouldn't be effected since they were Japanese based but obviously this has bubbled up again to the point where we are today. This has been brewing for some time.

If you want to keep your license, throw some Bandai kits in front of your creative team and tell them, 'We're getting out butts kicked and we need to do BETTER!'"

That would be awesome. Hopefully Revell does take note from all this. After all they seem to have started to take some steps in this direction with aquiring the Fine Molds stuff.

It's both funny and sad though. Think how praised Fine Molds was two years ago. They were the pinnacle of commerical Star Wars kits. How times change
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Having reading all comments bottom line is: let's bug Disney FB for a long time.

I'm just glad my y wing is on its way to Europe and hopefully my pre ordered Falcon reached the end of the tunnel too.
I don't want to get embroiled in this exciting conversation too much, but I think it's worth mentioning that Revell is likely making a sound business decision by making toy like models, however much I may dislike it. Flip through an issue of Fine Scale Modeler, what do you see? 99% military models, with the very occasional sci-fi kit thrown in. Look through an issue of Hobby Japan. What do you see? Glossy beautiful sci-fi stuff, lots of it, every month. Check out your LHS if you happen to have one. What do you see? Cars, planes, tanks, and like 5 sci-fi kits. This is what the large percentage of the US market wants. We are small but noisy. I think we're better off blaming video games and the Internet frankly.
Re: Attention: BANDAI may stop selling kits outside Japan

Good find!!!!! There is hope guys. While doesn't specifically list Star Wars kits it does make sense that Japanese retailers would be cut off. I'm guessing that there will be a gap in availability because Diamond Comic Distributors is a distributor and not a retailer. US retailers will have to pick up those kits and offer them, this means we could see them in local hobby stores. Only time will tell.

Is this possibility on the table still? As far as possibilities go this one seems to make the most sense to me.
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