Ah - I may be able to hlp you out with this this (or failing that, my wife can.)
We've spent many an hour searching for Barris pictures and endlessly staring at them.
We recently finished a barris costume and She got a lot of good feed back.
Being her first time at costuming, she was really shy until a fit lara croft went up to her and told her that it looked amazing, and that it was way better than her own one - talk about a confidence booster.
Anyway - the belt.
Dont get fooled as a lot of the publicity photos are flipped horizontally, so you always see the same side.
The belt actually goes round like a standard belt with a loop on the left had side and ends around about her hip.
The buckle looks to be a heart, in the middle, which looks like two 'leaves' laying on top of each other causing the heart shape. The edging we did by sewing xxxxxx style which looks about as close as we could get.
We used an Imperial buckle, rectangular peice of leather over that, sewed xxxx round the outside and added the 'heart' as another layer in the middle, but flattened the heart around the edges to make it look as if the pattern was actually part of the lower layer, if that make sence
Let me see if I can find a photo...
... here we are:
For more photo's or info, feel free to drop me a PM.
Hope this helps.