A 70s blaxploitation Star Wars film? NEW Edit: LOST TRAILER in HI-RES!! See post #43

The Wook

Master Member
I remember getting into a heated argument with Jeff Herder, the black kid in my class, back in the early 80s over Star Wars--because he said that there was a black Star Wars movie coming out soon that was gonna blow away the 'white' Star Wars movies. I told him he was nuts, but he (and his little sister, Trina) insisted their uncle had told them it was coming out.

I did hear other rumors about a black Star Wars over the years, but never with any shred of evidence--just vague rumors. And of course no such movie ever did come out, so I knew Jeff and Trina had been full of crap. But now I'm not so sure.

A buddy of mine back east forwarded me this link. What do you think?

Can This Be Real? | Lando Is The Man

Anyone else here ever heard of a lost black Star Wars movie?

The Wook
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Re: I recall hearing about this in the 80s--a blaxploitation Star Wars film. Is it r

No! Never heard anything like that!


I would REALLY like to see it! Even a second of it! Im sure it sux compared to the OT (if it IS actually REAL) but its gotta be better than the holiday special and the PT! :p LOL!!!
Re: I recall hearing about this in the 80s--a blaxploitation Star Wars film. Is it r

Tell Jeff Herder, he was riiiiight.

Re: I recall hearing about this in the 80s--a blaxploitation Star Wars film. Is it r

wasnt it called "Space Balls"?
Re: I recall hearing about this in the 80s--a blaxploitation Star Wars film. Is it r

I have a hard time believing this to be true. None of us have ever heard of it. Also you would think someone has seen it or even recorded it.

I mean look at the Holiday Special - someone had a copy of that.
Re: I recall hearing about this in the 80s--a blaxploitation Star Wars film. Is it r

Also at the end of the video it states in the disclaimer that this "parody" is blah blah blah under the Fair Use Act yadda yadda.

That may be something to note.

Re: I recall hearing about this in the 80s--a blaxploitation Star Wars film. Is it r

George so should've cast Melvin Van Peebles instead of Billy Dee.
Re: I recall hearing about this in the 80s--a blaxploitation Star Wars film. Is it r

I think the grandson is full of crap. He first made claims that his grandfather did indeed make the film, then goes on to say that his grandfather inspired Lucas to put in Landos character as a black man....and then all you see is a quick story board of a movie that never happened.

I think he is trying hard to find something that never happened.
Re: I recall hearing about this in the 80s--a blaxploitation Star Wars film. Is it r

Can you imagine Sam Jackson as Han Solo?
"That's it I've had it with these Mutha-F'n Mynocks on my MuthaF'n Falcon!"
Maybe Chris Tucker?
"Do. You. Understand. The. Huttese. That. Is. Coming. Out. Of. My. Mouth?!":lol
Re: I recall hearing about this in the 80s--a blaxploitation Star Wars film. Is it r

WTF!?! :confused

My first instinct was to say "ummmm. No. I highly DOUBT IT!"

I gotta find some time to watch that doc.
Re: I recall hearing about this in the 80s--a blaxploitation Star Wars film. Is it r

If this is real, I've so gotta see it!
Re: I recall hearing about this in the 80s--a blaxploitation Star Wars film. Is it r

I think he is trying hard to find something that never happened.

And milking it for all it's worth with these goofy videos.
Why are both videos just a bunch of guys saying they heard rumors about this? Where is ANYONE that actually did work on it? They mention a box full of photos, storyboards etc, but barely show any of it.
I say it's BS.
Re: I recall hearing about this in the 80s--a blaxploitation Star Wars film. Is it r

In the "vintage" picture of the guy at the end with the Rebel trooper blaster, you can see the orange plug in the barrel. Just like the MR. I'm thinking this is fake.
Re: I recall hearing about this in the 80s--a blaxploitation Star Wars film. Is it r

I'm following "blackstar warrior" on facebook... I suspect there was NOT a film made but I also suspect that (somewhat in the vein of "Black Dynamite") one WILL be made.
Re: I recall hearing about this in the 80s--a blaxploitation Star Wars film. Is it r

As Ryu pointed out above in post 8, the credits list it as a parody.
