Jurassic World

Jurassic Park had quite a lot of iconic props (Amber cane, Mined amber chunk, Night Vision goggles etc..), but not sure what Lost World and JP3 really had that were quite as iconic? Guess there's the Raptor resonating chamber from JP3. Hopefully there'll be tons of new cool props like you say for the new trilogy, and hopefully we don't have to wait 14 years between each film.

I will be very interested in the new dinosaurs especially! I guess we'll see plenty of feather covered ones this time.
Jurassic Park had quite a lot of iconic props (Amber cane, Mined amber chunk, Night Vision goggles etc..), but not sure what Lost World and JP3 really had that were quite as iconic? Guess there's the Raptor resonating chamber from JP3. Hopefully there'll be tons of new cool props like you say for the new trilogy, and hopefully we don't have to wait 14 years between each film.

I will be very interested in the new dinosaurs especially! I guess we'll see plenty of feather covered ones this time.

Depends if they want to stay true to reality or previous films. Perhaps a bit of both?

Even a 4 year wait between films, like the first three wasn't much fun :( Lost World had the awesome cattle prodder Peter Stormare used along with a whole bunch of Swedish swearing :D and um, no, all the cool props can only be found in the first film.
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I'm actually expecting a lot more science in these new ones as did the first film. The rest lacked that, but I guess they didn't really need it given the storylines. JP3 was such a short film and with a silly ending. They could had given it so much more.

I'd love to see more of how they put the park together to start with, such as maybe exploring old labs and discussing cloning, sourcing amber, fossils etc... I guess Colin's got a great story anyway, but I would very much appreciate a 'smart' film and longer run time. :) Let each edition of the new trilogy be mind blowers!
Take it with a grain of salt, but here is possibly the plot

According to JoBlo, Jurassic Park is back in business, but business appears to be flagging. So someone has the fantastic idea to start mixing dinosaur DNA together to create new dinosaurs. Somehow, they end up with a tyrannosaurus rex, a velociraptor, a snake and a cuttlefish — because of its camouflage abilities — that inadvertently creates a perfect killing machine that of course gets loose and starts eating people. It's basically like evil dinosaur Predator.

How to stop a monster that was obviously going to murder everything it saw from day one? Good dinosaurs, trained by Chris Pratt's characters, including a regular T.rex and velociraptor.

source: Exclusive: Spoilery details on Jurassic World; the park, the dino's, & more! - Movie News | JoBlo.com

If that is in fact the actual plot of the movie I wouldn't touch it with a barge poll.
Sounds like a plot line from Sharktopus.

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The hybrid is dumb. The "good" trained dinos are dumber. If they could be trained to behave, the first movie would have been a lot shorter and had no sequels.
So another theme park story it is?

"World" implies. you know.... the world.
How about dinos rule the earth again?
Too much?
Based on the heavily weathered state of the patch(and clothes), I'd hazard a guess that it belongs to a character of some prominence. A diligent member of the Isla Nublar vets in any case.

I'm not up in arms over the story leaks/rumors though. Sure the way it's presented makes it sound stupid, but the actual execution probably makes more sense. Or at least I'd hope so. Theories can be found beyond the spoiler-tag:

Right. Trained Dinosaurs. We already know according to the leaked map, that the park has things like the Pachycephalosaurus fight show, and Mosasuar feeding show, much like modern zoo's have different shows featuring trained animals. This may be the general extent of it for all we know. There is nothing to confirm that Chris Pratt indeed "commands" an army of "good" dinosaurs, and may just be a simple assumption based on the detail that the park "features trained dinos". Even in a case where a park handler is able to extend some limited authority over for instance Raptors, one would hope it would be much like how some animal handlers in the real world work with Lions, Tigers etc. where the simple fact is that the animals are still extremely dangerous, and more so should they break out or the handler not be present.

Hybrid Dino. Sure, it conjures up some freaky images, but again I'd guess it to mostly just look like a real dinosaur, just not one we have seen before. The concept itself seems entirely plausible to me in the JP universe, as genetic engineering and tampering, as well as playing god is a central theme. The first film even touches on the subject of the dinosaurs inheriting biological traits from the replacement DNA used to build them back up in the first place. That someone would at least explore the possibilities of creating a new attraction from a questionable corporate perspective seems perfectly plausible as well to me.

For now I don't worry to much, it's all about context. Something we lack, and the guys who leaked this probably do as well. Only time will tell how things actually play out.
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