Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Pre-release)

Yes, I think he'd be interested if he had a meatier role

There's also Dermot Crowley (General Madine)....he's currently in 'The Death of Stalin'....also in the Jackie Chan film 'The Foreigner' & on TV 'Luther'....excellent actor



I guess he saw the script and thought this is c#@! - The signs were there all along.

I don’t think he dislikes his participation in the films, he does the convention circuit. I recall he just wasn’t motivated for a brief cameo in TFA.
I didn't say he disliked his involvement, I meant he had some dislikes and whatever reasons to advise Ewan against Star Wars. Just looked up, apparently he denied finding the TFA part "boring", he said it was schedule conflicts.
I know TFA was very ceremonial about getting the old band together but it would have just come off really comical to me that everyone who fought that battle 30 years ago have jumped back in action to do the same thing over and over again as an elderly person. Just my 2 cents of course.
Set it 30 years after episode 9 and have all of the Rebellion characters sitting on a paradise planet enjoying their final victory over the First Order. Pan back out to space overlooking said planet when a giant red superlaser blasts it into oblivion from a Death Star the size of half the galaxy.

We cut to the interior of a throne room where a hooded figure is seated and he reveals his hood to be none other than


Who then removes the rubber mask and reveals it's actually

George Lucas

Who laughs maniacally and we roll to credits.

"**** you Star Wars fans! **** you!" -Sincerely Disney

Honestly who gives a **** what happens in 9? They ruined every chance they had to do something interesting or meaningful with the story and characters so who gives flying **** how it ends?

Everyone who mattered as a character is either dead in the film or dead in real life. It's ****ing over.
1. It's not over for me. I'm really looking forward to seeing where things go next. I think the table is wide open to take the story in any number of other directions. I LOVE that it's not just following the established formula, and that the end isn't a foregone conclusion. Love it, love it, love it. I think the notion that there's "no story left to tell" is utter bollocks once you accept the fact that the overarching path of the prior films need not dictate the future of the franchise. I think there's TONS of story left to tell, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if there are a lot of threads left hanging at the end of Ep. IX which will continue into an Ep. X and likely beyond. The First Order isn't just going to fold up the tent overnight, even if Kylo Ren is defeated. The future of the Force and those who wield it is wide open, with no (traditional) Jedi, no Sith, and the primary Force user apparently being Rey who seems like a real blend of what we've traditionally viewed as light and dark, dispassion and passion. We have no idea what the state of the galaxy will be at the end of Ep. IX, other than "Pretty disrupted."

2. I am quite certain it's not over for any of the people out there who continue to complain about how Ep. VIII didn't meet their expectations because there is no way they're going to stop complaining any time soon, at least if the last several months are any indication. That said, it'll end eventually, and they'll either make peace with the film, or just move on altogether. I went through the same thing with the prequels. Suffice to say that the story of the Star Wars franchise and the universe itself is far, far from over, and is going to continue to expand and evolve.
1. It's not over for me. I'm really looking forward to seeing where things go next. I think the table is wide open to take the story in any number of other directions. I LOVE that it's not just following the established formula, and that the end isn't a foregone conclusion. Love it, love it, love it. I think the notion that there's "no story left to tell" is utter bollocks once you accept the fact that the overarching path of the prior films need not dictate the future of the franchise. I think there's TONS of story left to tell, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if there are a lot of threads left hanging at the end of Ep. IX which will continue into an Ep. X and likely beyond. The First Order isn't just going to fold up the tent overnight, even if Kylo Ren is defeated. The future of the Force and those who wield it is wide open, with no (traditional) Jedi, no Sith, and the primary Force user apparently being Rey who seems like a real blend of what we've traditionally viewed as light and dark, dispassion and passion. We have no idea what the state of the galaxy will be at the end of Ep. IX, other than "Pretty disrupted."

2. I am quite certain it's not over for any of the people out there who continue to complain about how Ep. VIII didn't meet their expectations because there is no way they're going to stop complaining any time soon, at least if the last several months are any indication. That said, it'll end eventually, and they'll either make peace with the film, or just move on altogether. I went through the same thing with the prequels. Suffice to say that the story of the Star Wars franchise and the universe itself is far, far from over, and is going to continue to expand and evolve.

Call me easily emotionally manipulated by a movie and excessively sentimental but I loved the “Broom Boy” coda at the end and hope to see him back as a teenager in IX.


Joking guys......I only want quality,....I just want LFL to work harder next time & not be complacent

...perhaps old news,....but Mark goes into detail on Georges plans,.....

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Joking guys......I only want quality,....I just want LFL to work harder next time & not be complacent

...perhaps old news,....but Mark goes into detail on Georges plans,.....


From that article.......
"George had an overall arc – if he didn't have all the details, he had sort of an overall feel for where the [sequel trilogy was] going – but this one's more like a relay race. You run and hand the torch off to the next guy, he picks it up and goes."

Does anyone else still get the feeling that Hamill is still not satisfied with TLJ, despite the turnaround? It feels like he's still torpedoing the production. Just far more subtlety now.

Trying to make a trilogy "Relay Race" style just seems like the dumbest way to go about it. Leaving the next guy to grab the baton, or in JJ's case pick up the baton that RJ dropped.

Bravo on GL for knowing which direction he wanted to go for all three movies.
From that article.......

Does anyone else still get the feeling that Hamill is still not satisfied with TLJ, despite the turnaround? It feels like he's still torpedoing the production. Just far more subtlety now.

Trying to make a trilogy "Relay Race" style just seems like the dumbest way to go about it. Leaving the next guy to grab the baton, or in JJ's case pick up the baton that RJ dropped.

Bravo on GL for knowing which direction he wanted to go for all three movies.

I defiantly think Mark wanted Luke to make it to IX as a living character and I think coming from a working actor that desire is understandable.
I think GL's "plan" was always kinda vague. he had a very rough sense for "Basically, I want to end up here" but not a lot of details filled in on how to get there. The myth of him as the master-planner who "always intended" to do XYZ is put to rest by the twists and turns the films took from conception to creation. Vader as Luke's father, Leia as Luke's sister, Wookiees enslaved giving way to teddy bears, etc. You ask me, the most honest reveal about Lucas' creative process comes not from Star Wars but from Raiders of the Lost Ark. "I dunno! I'm makin' this up as I go!" ;)

In seriousness, though, I think Lucas had rough plans, about where A was, maybe where E and M were, and where Z would end up being, and everything else kinda got filled in later. Which, I thought, was basically the case with this trilogy.

The thing about a relay race, though -- you know where the finish line is, even if one person isn't running the whole thing.
I think GL's "plan" was always kinda vague. he had a very rough sense for "Basically, I want to end up here" but not a lot of details filled in on how to get there. The myth of him as the master-planner who "always intended" to do XYZ is put to rest by the twists and turns the films took from conception to creation. Vader as Luke's father, Leia as Luke's sister, Wookiees enslaved giving way to teddy bears, etc. You ask me, the most honest reveal about Lucas' creative process comes not from Star Wars but from Raiders of the Lost Ark. "I dunno! I'm makin' this up as I go!" ;)

In seriousness, though, I think Lucas had rough plans, about where A was, maybe where E and M were, and where Z would end up being, and everything else kinda got filled in later. Which, I thought, was basically the case with this trilogy.

The thing about a relay race, though -- you know where the finish line is, even if one person isn't running the whole thing.

Sure, plans can change. But Lucas did lay things out.

And I think you're carrying Hamill's relay-race metaphor a bit too far. He obviously means that there is no clear route to a ending or "finish line". The fact that he states GL having an idea where to go indicates that he thinks or knows there is no such thing for this trilogy.
Just looked up, apparently [Denis Lawson] denied finding the TFA part "boring", he said it was schedule conflicts.
He had said that in another interview. He would just have shown his face, not having to do much or any real acting.

BTW, He started doing conventions only very recently. Convention organisers had before tried for many years to get him to do conventions but he had always turned it down.
In seriousness, though, I think Lucas had rough plans, about where A was, maybe where E and M were, and where Z would end up being, and everything else kinda got filled in later. Which, I thought, was basically the case with this trilogy.
There's no evidence of that for the sequel trilogy, in fact the evidence points to precisely the opposite (as in, they've pretty much stated outright that that isn't the case). Yes, things were shuffled and changed in the OT films, but GL started the journey with the overarching story, where things started and where they were going to end and yes perhaps he was making the rest up as he went, but point A and point Z were always the same. That's decidedly not the case with these movies.

Now, on the issue of "there's nowhere for ep IX to go now because TLJ sucked so bad." The movie was terrible, but that statement is utter malarkey. Now that the suckage has been released, with a lot of creative ingenuity there's every chance that JJ can take this crap and finish the trilogy strong. It won't entirely make up for what Rian did (note: I am looking forward to his trilogy as long as - as has been stated - it stays far away from the main story), but it could make the overall trilogy palatable. Not because I think TFA stunk (it didn't) but because when RJ had a chance to change things up, he took the easy route and took the story back to status quo. Instead of having two large organization vying for control - one benevolent, one malevolent - he went back to OT status by dwidling the resistence to nothing, renaming it the rebellion once again, and now we're back to Rebellion vs Empire just 30 years after the last one was defeated. :facepalm (and I just realized I started b*tching about TLJ again. Sorry, force of habit). Anyway, go JJ!
Ok, here's what I think is up.

I think a lot of folks were really frustrated at how TLJ went. They didn't like the film, they felt like it didn't "fit" with the lead-in from TFA, and they felt like it didn't "fit" overall into the Star Wars framework, based on the existing 6 films. In short, I think they viewed the path that the story took in getting from the end of TFA/start of TLJ to the end of TLJ to be not remotely what they had come to expect from Star Wars, and they didn't like it at all.

I think, based on that, that these same folks have taken comments by Mark Hamill (and maybe others?) and focused heavily on the more free-form approach to telling the story of these films, all basically focused around the fact that "there is no plan." I'm not sure where this idea came from, whether it was solely Mark or someone else or some mix of comments from different sources, but I rather doubt that LFL has literally zero idea of where they want the story to end up. I think they know what will happen to the Resistance and the First Order in broad strokes, and what will become of Kylo Ren and Rey in broad strokes. Beyond that, whatever plans they have may change, just as they did for George when Han was no longer dying on the Falcon in ROTJ's ending, or Lando survived, or whathaveyou, or suddenly the 9-part (12-part?) epic that would see Luke wander off as a Hermit while Leia rules the galaxy (and where they were never related to each other and the love triangle actually plays out) doesn't end up happening either.

And in the end, even if LFL knows where the story ends, it still may not end where people expect it to.

I think a lot of folks are conditioned to expect that the trilogy will be wrapped up with a bow, with the First Order defeated and the implication being that the bad guys have lost, the good guys have won, and that's that, much the way the vibe of ROTJ played in 1983.

I don't think that's a safe assumption at all. I think it's actually quite likely that this will play out as some grand epic where the First Order isn't utterly defeated, and instead hangs on for a while, but perhaps without Kylo Ren leading it (or Hux, or who knows who else). Or as it crumbles, it does not go quietly, and the galaxy deteriorates. Or Kylo realizes that the First Order is doomed, and he turns back to the light or at least becomes a kind of anti-hero/fallen knight capable of redemption, and his story heads off in some direction where he walks the galaxy like Kane in Kung Fu, while Rey grapples with being a figurehead for the new Force wielders, and realizes that she cannot isolate herself the way Luke did, or try to run an "order" the way the Jedi Order of old ran and does...something else instead. We really have zero idea of what comes next, because people cannot conceive of a Star Wars without an Empire (or ersatz Empire) or without Sith (or ersatz Sith) using red bladed lightsabres or Jedi good guys, etc., etc., etc. I think it's entirely possible to tell stories in a Star Wars universe absent these features, and which do not implicitly or explicitly reference these features. In fact, I think the franchise needs to grow beyond these confines, or it will stagnate and die the way all other iterative franchises have over time.

I can see where that doesn't sit well with some folks, though, who would prefer a more iterative approach.
Ok, here's what I think is up.

I think, based on that, that these same folks have taken comments by Mark Hamill (and maybe others?) and focused heavily on the more free-form approach to telling the story of these films, all basically focused around the fact that "there is no plan." I'm not sure where this idea came from, whether it was solely Mark or someone else or some mix of comments from different sources, but I rather doubt that LFL has literally zero idea of where they want the story to end up. .

Although it's hopelessly buried in the Solo thread I believe, I put forth what I have been able to glean from interviews with people at Lucasfilm and surrounding the productions in regards to how the story group functions regarding these Saga films. To begin with I think KK misspoke initially when she said these films were about the Skywalker Saga. I think they may have had that instinct at the start but that quickly morphed into something more dynamic once JJ and Kasdan began to write VII. They embraced the new characters and decided to have the existing OT folks to support them and pass the baton so to speak. That's something which has been consistent since TFA began production. Even Mark has acknowledged as much. The story group and JJ likely had an outline for how the 3 film trilogy could progress BUT that was always with the caveat that each Director and writer were free to explore the story however they see fit. @Solo4114 Dan had a great post a few pages back discussing this and the open end possibilities from a creative standpoint. I think this was also intentional as a means of being assured they could attract good talent to STAR WARS. High in demand Directors aren't going to be too keen to sign up with LF if they are told they have to adhere to a fixed storyline that is intractable and they have no opportunity to make the story their own.
That's not what bothered me about the film,.....tonally, it didn't feel like a Star Wars film right from the start similarly how Alien 3 or Superman 3 doesn't fit in with their predecessors.... although there has always been humour in Star Wars (a lot better in the OT,....Jar Jar stepping in poo??),....but the humour or comedy moments are in a completely different style....which is kind of awkward & geeky

Right from the start of the film there was the Poe pranking Hux scene.....which everyone has picked up on,...there was also the BB8 scene where he goes into the inside of the X-Wing, where there was way too much space in there,....the multitude of appendages that came out of the droid?.....this was when my smile started to fade

The many times when there were 'earthly' sayings in the film took me out of the moment.....they were jarring.....A First Order Officer says "Bloody" he speaks in an English accent....& he swears with a mild English swear word.....In the real SW films swearing & cursing were in the SW universe,....Han about to be thrown into the Sarlac calls Jabba 'Worm ridden filth",....Leia calls Han a 'Nerf Herder"......other 'earthly' words or slang were "Chrome Dome",.....& Snoke teases Kylo by saying he was "bested" by a girl....."Bested???'s not even a proper word.....could you imagine Obi-Wan, Palpatine or even Yoda......(Who says "page turner")...saying bested?'s just not in the Universe......would lingo like this even appear in the EU?.....This may sound as petty, but all the other films carefully kept you inside the SW bubble,....this is what made the films unique,....much like BattleStar Galactica with it's 'Frek"

Now either this is a conscious decision to move away from the SW lore, or RJ doesn't even know he's doing it,....which worries me more

The nonsensical plot has been mentioned umpteen times, I said in a previous post,....a bit like Star Trek Into Darkness,....the film is like a rectangle,....starts at the bottom left corner (A).....goes up to top left corner (B),...along to top right corner (C),...then down to bottom right (D).....when you finish the film,....& can look back, you realise that going from A to D would have been much easier & the B to C was pointless

The arcs of Poe & Finn are not needed,....they proved themselves in TFA,...the two films don't gel

Yes I gelt that Luke got a lame death.....but by that point in the film I had already given up

That's not what bothered me about the film,.....tonally, it didn't feel like a Star Wars film right from the start similarly how Alien 3 or Superman 3 doesn't fit in with their predecessors.... although there has always been humour in Star Wars (a lot better in the OT,....Jar Jar stepping in poo??),....but the humour or comedy moments are in a completely different style....which is kind of awkward & geeky

Right from the start of the film there was the Poe pranking Hux scene.....which everyone has picked up on,...there was also the BB8 scene where he goes into the inside of the X-Wing, where there was way too much space in there,....the multitude of appendages that came out of the droid?.....this was when my smile started to fade

The many times when there were 'earthly' sayings in the film took me out of the moment.....they were jarring.....A First Order Officer says "Bloody" he speaks in an English accent....& he swears with a mild English swear word.....In the real SW films swearing & cursing were in the SW universe,....Han about to be thrown into the Sarlac calls Jabba 'Worm ridden filth",....Leia calls Han a 'Nerf Herder"......other 'earthly' words or slang were "Chrome Dome",.....& Snoke teases Kylo by saying he was "bested" by a girl....."Bested???'s not even a proper word.....could you imagine Obi-Wan, Palpatine or even Yoda......(Who says "page turner")...saying bested?'s just not in the Universe......would lingo like this even appear in the EU?.....This may sound as petty, but all the other films carefully kept you inside the SW bubble,....this is what made the films unique,....much like BattleStar Galactica with it's 'Frek"

Now either this is a conscious decision to move away from the SW lore, or RJ doesn't even know he's doing it,....which worries me more

The nonsensical plot has been mentioned umpteen times, I said in a previous post,....a bit like Star Trek Into Darkness,....the film is like a rectangle,....starts at the bottom left corner (A).....goes up to top left corner (B),...along to top right corner (C),...then down to bottom right (D).....when you finish the film,....& can look back, you realise that going from A to D would have been much easier & the B to C was pointless

The arcs of Poe & Finn are not needed,....they proved themselves in TFA,...the two films don't gel

Yes I gelt that Luke got a lame death.....but by that point in the film I had already given up


"Big assed door"

That is unforgivable. Johnson is such a hack - he is out of his depth.
In general, there's nothing wrong with not doing what you thought they'd do and things like that. The problem is, with a TRILOGY is that it's just that, a three part series that is supposed to fit together. In this case, there isn't anything really that HAS to happen in IX from what we saw in 7 and 8. It's all basically been accomplished. You can have a positive end (ROTJ) or a negative end (ROTS), but there does need to be an end. There isn't anything at this point that has to happen to wrap up 7-9. The only thing would be setting up Kylo as the formidable, level headed, cool and calculating bad guy and setting up a formidable resistance/new republic and then, 'the end'. That isn't a trilogy, that's a prologue that should have been condensed into the opening scrawl for 7 or completely accomplished in 7. It would seem utterly pointless to end on 'now we have a good fight'...see you in 10 years or whatever. A cliffhanger end will **** off more people than it ensnares. Not to mention it's incredibly lame. It's the writers/producers/etc feeling their product isn't good enough to get people to come back of their own volition.
"Big assed door"

That is unforgivable. Johnson is such a hack - he is out of his depth.

Missed those

This is why critics liked the film & SW fans didn't,.....SW fans know the tone

Now either LFL don't get it, or they consciously want SW to be more 'normal' & less other worldly
There were other things that brought us back to earth, Books, Horse racing, the casino, coins...(Han did toss something coin-like to the Bartender in the Cantina) parking illegally??....running out of fuel

It is not a Star Wars film.
