The Walking Dead Season 8

It's still pretty sexual...If a Colt Python doesn't set your nether regions tingling, I don't know what will.

But it is "Rick's Python". Question is, does it set your nether regions tingling? I mean, if it does, there is nothing wrong with that. The RPF is an open and accepting community. ;)
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Even though its wasn't "earned" by his actions this season, Ricks inevitable turn back to the light is a relief. But now Maggie?! I get her being bent at Negan and can see why Daryl would be on her team...but *****?! How is he ok with any of this talk unless he's going to rat them out?
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Even though its wasn't "earned" by his actions this season, Ricks inevitable turn back to the light is a relief. But now Maggie?! I get herbed and can see why Daryl would be on her team...but *****?! How is he ok with any of this talk unless he's going to rat them out?

Totally, especially with what he'd been saying to Morgan all through the episode, he's the last person I'd want to be discussing these plans with. I do have to wonder if Daryl and Rick are that far apart at this point that Daryl would turn on him like this.

I do like that someone actually used a molotov at last. Ive been bleating on about this since day one, especially the quarry.

Overall, I think it went some way towards rescuing the season, I have reservations about the Maggie mutiny but hopefully they can get some more life into it next year.
I didn't like it. A person that gleefully bashes people's heads in with a bat, doesn't get to live. Period. I can see allowing some of the Saviors to go free, but I would say only if they abandon the way they acted previously. Also with the way the writing is this past two seasons, Negan will escape fairly easily at the beginning of the next season.
I was really let down by the finale.

I feel what happened to Negan was a cop out. This is one of if not THE GREATEST villain and you do him like that? He needs to die, epically. I felt nothing. I have a feeling he's going to escape and start all over again. If not, what a waste.

Too focused on Morgan.

What was up with the Maggie, *****, Daryl meeting? That has my interest.
...with the way the writing is this past two seasons, Negan will escape fairly easily at the beginning of the next season.

Exactily, and then they can stretch out another two seasons on trying to get him again. A season or two with plenty of needless dialogue, missed shots at Negan and Negan bolstering how “Rick is really going to get it, THIS time”.
Regarding Negan being allowed to live..

BIG OLD SPOILERS FROM THE COMICS: Don't read on if you prefer to not know, as this may feature in the show.

It's been obvious for the longest time that Robert Kirkman REALLY LOVES Negan and doesn't want to get rid of him. In the comics, Rick allows Negan to live and holds him prisoner for years following the All Out War storyline, based on the idea that he wants to show that people are better than just killing others (!)

When the next 'Big Bad' - The Whisperers come along, Negan is released and works with Rick and the others to fight the Whisperers, having MAJOR scenes in the storyline. It essentially became Negan & Rick vs The Walking Dead. At the conclusion of that story he is let go. Maggie never gets revenge for Glenn. I gave up with the comics at that point. All Out War and the endless repetitive cycle of the story completely killed my enthusiasm for it.
Even though its wasn't "earned" by his actions this season, Ricks inevitable turn back to the light is a relief. But now Maggie?! I get her being bent at Negan and can see why Daryl would be on her team...but *****?! How is he ok with any of this talk unless he's going to rat them out?

Yeah, I thought that was the worst part and it totally ruined everything the episode had been working towards.

I'm guessing that could be part of the "intrigue/drama" for next season as ***** possibly plays both sides or has to try convincing Maggie otherwise?

Although I believe Scott Gimple said the threat wasn't really directed at Rick and Michonne, just that she wants Negan.

But for all intents, they were trying to manipulate you into thinking team Maggie is out to destroy Rick and Michonne now.

Just another dumb fake-out

I hope it doesn't devolve into something where her attempt backfires allowing Negan to escape and then gathers followers
Regarding Negan being allowed to live..

BIG OLD SPOILERS FROM THE COMICS: Don't read on if you prefer to not know, as this may feature in the show.

It's been obvious for the longest time that Robert Kirkman REALLY LOVES Negan and doesn't want to get rid of him. In the comics, Rick allows Negan to live and holds him prisoner for years following the All Out War storyline, based on the idea that he wants to show that people are better than just killing others (!)

When the next 'Big Bad' - The Whisperers come along, Negan is released and works with Rick and the others to fight the Whisperers, having MAJOR scenes in the storyline. It essentially became Negan & Rick vs The Walking Dead. At the conclusion of that story he is let go. Maggie never gets revenge for Glenn. I gave up with the comics at that point. All Out War and the endless repetitive cycle of the story completely killed my enthusiasm for it.

This sounds entirely likely. It would fit into Carl's plans too
I didn't like it. A person that gleefully bashes people's heads in with a bat, doesn't get to live. Period. I can see allowing some of the Saviors to go free, but I would say only if they abandon the way they acted previously. Also with the way the writing is this past two seasons, Negan will escape fairly easily at the beginning of the next season.

IIRC, in the comics, letting Negan live went a long way towards showing the Saviors that Rick was serious about peace and putting the past behind them.
While I found the S8 finale was weak, but still kind of nice, I thought the Fear4 premiere, even to the huge timejump, was great. I am pretty sure we will learn what happened to the Clarks after the explosion at the waterdam
From the comics, if you have not read them, and don't want to know what is happening, don't click on the spoiler tag.

Maggie tracks Negan down. He is alone, and I think fairly broken emotionally and he surrends to her, says he won't fight back if she wants to kill him. He is completely a changed man by this point. She chooses to let him live. I don't think that is where they are headed in the show though as Lauren Cohan might be leaving the show to star in a sitcom. So goes the rumors.
My favorite part was when Negan was hiding behind a tree in the middle of a huge field, and rather than circle out twenty or thirty feet, Rick just runs up right next to the tree so Negan can jump him. I know the writers' drool probably blurs some crucial stage direction when it comes time to film this crap, but c'mon.
That was ridiculous much like their previous encounter a few episodes earlier. Rick is so good at killing people unless its Negan.
I know that we've all felt that the show has been too long drawn out lately, but now that All-out War is over I was thinking of maybe sitting down over a few days and binge watching the last three seasons, or whenever the first appearance of The Saviors was and see how the story actually plays out all-in-a-row. I know it seems like forever since this thing started, but isn't it supposed to be like only a month or so since Rick first invaded the satellite outpost?

I'm just wondering if the story would feel as dull if taken in all at once instead of having to simmer in it for three years.
Holy crap!!! That last episode of Fear The Walking Dead! I totally did not see that coming! I was literally jumping out of my seat screaming “NOOOOOOOO!!!!!”

At this point I definitely have more interest in this show than TWD. At least things actually happen on this one, it’s not just season after season of hurry up and wait.
Yeah did not expect that. It seemed like they were setting him up to be the focus of the new show, especially with Morgan taking him under his wing if you will

Fear The Walking dead feels much more like the walking dead used to. It's funny how it seems to be getting better after a pretty lackluster season, while the Walking Dead started strong, but now seems to have run out of steam.

I think part of it, is the show has no backstory or comic book equivalent to try to appeal to fans with so they can be more open ended

I was wondering if Madison is actually dead and we were only going to see her in flash backs the whole season leading up to the discovery of her death at the send of the season. It seemed like they might have been setting Nick up to be the shows main character, but then bang...
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