The Walking Dead Season 8

Nope, I am in the same boat as you. I watch the show out of habit but sadly I have not been excited about it for several years.

Only reason I watch it is so I can be part of the conversations at my night job... that’s all they talk about...

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So... We going to talk about the finale? Boy that was something. I feel like it was satisfactory enough that I could stop watching now if I wanted to.

That is how I felt. If it wasn’t for the scene with Maggie, ***** and Daryl, this felt like a series finale. I could stop watching and it feels wrapped up for good.
I thought it was an alright finale.
I'm just glad this whole war storyline is finally over with.​
I wish they teased the whisperer's at the very end to generate some excitement about season 9, much like they did with the Wolves. Overall I think the majority of this season was an improvement over the previous two seasons though.
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Only question I have about last night's episode is when did Rick get injured? He's already holding his belly when he takes those shots at Negan and chases after him.
Haven't we learned anything from LOST? You can show something and then totally never mention it again and you can just assume the viewers are dumb enough to forget about it or never question it again.

Did you watch Falling Skies? It had one of the worst examples of this I've ever seen. At the end of one season, they discovered they could melt the alien armor to make alien armor piercing rounds. It was going to turn the tide.

Never again mentioned it the rest of the series, and they never used those rounds.
I understand why they did what they did with Negan, but I agree with Maggie.

That whole ending was just blah to me. There's some things I'm ready to move on from and that didn't feel like a good season finale.
It was heavily implied that the chopper would not be back again after she missed it while Negan was there.

Falling skies changed up the showrunner, and I'm pretty sure that was why the show changed so much after that season. LOST, well, that was something else.

As for the big "crossover" event. I will give Fear another chance because I like the new actors they are bringing in, but they need to stop with the idiotic ambush stuff. 3 times in one episode. It makes the characters look very stupid.

I'm glad TWD has wrapped up the "all out war" storyline. I'm hoping the new showrunner brings in some new energy and some good writing. I gotta' say though, that crap ending with Maggie and Daryl and *****. WTF? That one scene almost made me not want to watch any of these shows anymore.
My favorite part was when Negan was hiding behind a tree in the middle of a huge field, and rather than circle out twenty or thirty feet, Rick just runs up right next to the tree so Negan can jump him. I know the writers' drool probably blurs some crucial stage direction when it comes time to film this crap, but c'mon.
My favorite part was when Negan was hiding behind a tree in the middle of a huge field, and rather than circle out twenty or thirty feet, Rick just runs up right next to the tree so Negan can jump him. I know the writers' drool probably blurs some crucial stage direction when it comes time to film this crap, but c'mon.
:lol My wife and I said the same thing. Plus, Negan is beating Rick down on the ground, then stands up and starts doing the whole dialogue speech thing, all the while Rick is laying there with his gun in his holster. I mean, it is right there ON HIS HIP.... pull the gun and aim it at him so he will stop and back up. The fight scenes have become comical.
:lol My wife and I said the same thing. Plus, Negan is beating Rick down on the ground, then stands up and starts doing the whole dialogue speech thing, all the while Rick is laying there with his gun in his holster. I mean, it is right there ON HIS HIP.... pull the gun and aim it at him so he will stop and back up. The fight scenes have become comical.

I hate to defend this degenerative brain-disease disguised as a television show, but I think the Python was out of bullets, right?
I hate to defend this degenerative brain-disease disguised as a television show, but I think the Python was out of bullets, right?

Could have been. Did we see him shooting it earlier and I missed it? But I would have still pulled it. As far as Negan knows, it is loaded. Instead of getting beat on the ground, pull it and watch Negan back up... then get up and you have your footing, even with an empty gun.
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