The Walking Dead Season 8

I could see everything fine. But it might have been better if I didn't. :)

That was an incredibly boring finale. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY needs to see another savior doing another d-bag speech about being a d-bag, and how big of a d-bag they're planning to be in the future. I have to wonder if the writers just love writing those monologues. They happen over and over again. Simon saunters out of the shadows, points a finger and off we go on another 4 minute diatribe about how things are going to be while they hold a gun to somebodies head. I just wanted to see Maggie shoot him in the face, and then you know for people to FIGHT BACK.

That said, this is, once again, exactly what I expected from the "All Out War" storyline on TV. I think most TV writers just don't comprehend defiance, war, and the mindset of a group of people willing to give up thier lives for freedom. Maggie demands that the saviors stand down 5 minutes after standing down to them? Really? Why would they do that? It's almost like the TV writers want the saviors to win. I'm kind of rooting for them.

Carl's story was weak. Really weak. That character should have been given one of those moments that make TV history. Something incredibly bold and interesting, and compelling. Nope. He'll be sitting down quietly in a sewer. That'll be fine.

It was like 87 minutes of nothing, 3 minutes of fighting, and even the fighting was boring. I feel like I'm turning into one of those people who will soon declare they are done with this show. Hahahaha. I'm not really though.
I hope it is not my tv, but this episode is so dark that I cannot even see what is going on most of the time. I have all lights off and still cannot make out anything. It is all happening in near black. Are others having this issue or should I be concerned? Lol. Commercials look fine.

I had the same problem!!! Couldn’t see a damn thing I as so lost, and you know I thought it was so horrible I don’t even plan on going back to try and figure it out

Glad I wasn’t the only one with the same lighting problem
This show is done for me. WTF did Rick's army go? They just disappeared into nothing. But somehow the Saviors get out with a bunch of people they shouldn't have. Every outpost was wiped out and they were getting killed in troves. Yet all of the sudden they have enough people to hit three locations at once! Wow. Worst writing ever. I don't know if they have new writers or what, but these guys wouldn't have survived this long acting like this. Not to mention Negan is somehow invincible. A baseball bat does not make you invincible no matter how much the writers must love baseball!
Was the bite that got Carl a thing that happened last week? Kinda lessens the dramatic impact if you have stop and think about how and when major events happened that are separated by seven friggin days. I know there was a recap at the beginning, but...I was making a drink.

I too have often wondered why people are so reluctant to fight back on this show. You KNOW if you surrender that bad things are going to happen. But they just roll over and take the same insane abuse over and over and over. Is this show written in California? :lol
I think it was at least 2 or 3 episodes ago when Carl was bit.

It was in the woods with that guy from the gas station when Carl decided to try to kill the walkers for whatever reason and got swamped.

It was actually fairly obvious he got bit. So obvious I thought it was another "Glenn" type of fake out so I dismissed it
Adding spoiler tags for those not reading the comics...
how the heck is this going to play out? how are they going to save Coral? It's a pretty common theory that this is really his story. And he's STILL alive in the comics.
Adding spoiler tags for those not reading the comics...
how the heck is this going to play out? how are they going to save Coral? It's a pretty common theory that this is really his story. And he's STILL alive in the comics.

Carl is done. There is no coming back from this. It's just a matter of what else he can do, if anything, before he goes. I am guessing some kind of suicide mission?
I heard Riggs got a hair cut and a college acceptance, so I assume he's done for sure.

BTW, is Eugene taking shots of WINE? As guilt-induced alcoholic breakdowns go, that's pretty feeble. You gotta chug the whole bottle on an empty stomach to even APPROACH "drinking to dull life's agony" at his size...
He has to be done, but this deviates greatly from the comics. Which might be a good thing.

He plays a MAJOR role going forward. That's a lot of content to rewrite.
I hope it is not my tv, but this episode is so dark that I cannot even see what is going on most of the time. I have all lights off and still cannot make out anything. It is all happening in near black. Are others having this issue or should I be concerned? Lol. Commercials look fine.

I find that AMC's quality is absolute garbage. I have watched 1 episode on blu ray and compared it to the one on AMC and the difference is astounding. It's like they compressed the episode so much all I get is motion blur and crap resolution. With this being one of the most money making shows on TV you'd think they would at least be able to transmit it in , minimum, 780p. It looks like TV I watched in the 80's and is infuriating. I have a 4k/UHD TV, I should be able to at least make out some bushes or a sign instead of them looking like blobs.
Adding spoiler tags for those not reading the comics...
how the heck is this going to play out? how are they going to save Coral? It's a pretty common theory that this is really his story. And he's STILL alive in the comics.

Carl is done. There is no coming back from this. It's just a matter of what else he can do, if anything, before he goes. I am guessing some kind of suicide mission?

He is done. Chandler has not been on set filming for a month or so, and that was how so many leaks came out that he was the one to get the boot from the show. His stunt double has been seen a couple times, but Chandler has not been present. Rumors started to surface when he no longer was on set, had cut his hair and had been seen around California. Why his stunt double has been seen is another question, although it could be for some flashbacks where he is only seen from a distance and if Chandler is too busy to get back for a minor shot, they could use a stand in.
All I can say is that they break camp end of November and ALL the Actors get out of Georgia like a bat out of.... :lol

He is done. Chandler has not been on set filming for a month or so, and that was how so many leaks came out that he was the one to get the boot from the show. His stunt double has been seen a couple times, but Chandler has not been present. Rumors started to surface when he no longer was on set, had cut his hair and had been seen around California. Why his stunt double has been seen is another question, although it could be for some flashbacks where he is only seen from a distance and if Chandler is too busy to get back for a minor shot, they could use a stand in.
He is done. Chandler has not been on set filming for a month or so, and that was how so many leaks came out that he was the one to get the boot from the show. His stunt double has been seen a couple times, but Chandler has not been present. Rumors started to surface when he no longer was on set, had cut his hair and had been seen around California. Why his stunt double has been seen is another question, although it could be for some flashbacks where he is only seen from a distance and if Chandler is too busy to get back for a minor shot, they could use a stand in.

As far as screen time, he will be in at least one more episode. the first mid-season opener. After that he is gone. Hopefully he goes out with a bang rather than just waste away
Yeah I think I might be out with CORAL !!

He is the only character that has ever made any sense !

My wife and I both said we were done last night. We gave the last season or so a chance, but this season was the last straw. So many times they could have just shot Negan and many of the other saviors and moved along with their lives, but I guess that would have moved the story along too fast and they wanted to continue to drag this out. Sure Negan is a threat with Lucille in his hand, but how many times this season was he standing without the bat and nobody did a damn thing. Even without guns, one of the group could at least managed to tackle Negan and split his skull on the pavement. This season dragged way too long for no other reason than to make a two or three episode arc, last an entire season. I feel I wasted my time at this point.
I watched (read: fast-forwarded through most of) the mid-season finale, but it's the first episode I've seen in weeks. I didn't really mean to stop watching TWD - it kind of just happened.
I found Carl’s bite confusing as well. After the episode I watched talking dead and that’s where it was explained that Carl was already bitten at the beginning of the show. That’s why he went up on the balcony to speak to Negan and said if anyone has to die kill me

Because he already knew he was on his way out

I keep forgetting the show is from different points of view, possibility at the same time... so the last 2-3 episodes all took place over the same time period. Which confuses the heck out of me

I am not a huge TWD fan. I got involved because my friends love it, so I am not up on everything, including spoilers

I seriously didn’t see this coming at all

I thought for sure michonne was the one getting the axe... or should I say bat. when she came back in I thought for sure it was her... never saw Carl

The episode was so confusing because of the dark for me, I actually had to go back and see who got shot when they caught ***** and Maggie.

Another thing that confuses the hell out of me was the garbage trucks chasing off? What the hell was going on? I still can’t understand it

Those garbage trucks were inside Alexandria?! And they drove through a back wall or something to create a diversion?

I have watched the scene 3 times and i just don’t get it.. I’m probably just slow lol

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