The Walking Dead Season 8

The wife and I were saving season 8 so far to binge watch..........until tonight.

We were looking through the DVR and stopped on TWD, looked at each other and said nah, we're done. Last season had pretty much become more of a chore than entertainment and no one we know was watching and talking about it anymore. This thread reinforces our choice.
I guess we will just wait for the eventual series finale and check that out.

The comics are in the same place with me. There better be an ending soon because they've been a slog as well for a while.

Added: never did like FTWD.
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I think tonight was a great episode.

Questions though, what’s up with the helicopter

And what is going on with Gabriel?!?!

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I think tonight was a great episode.

Questions though, what’s up with the helicopter

And what is going on with Gabriel?!?!

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Yeah, I liked it tonight. A bit different. I think Gabriel was bitten, but then, who knows. Funny how Rick has that look of, I haven't seen a helicopter in years. Sure introduces something new. Hopefully making it better.
Yeah, I liked it tonight. A bit different. I think Gabriel was bitten, but then, who knows. Funny how Rick has that look of, I haven't seen a helicopter in years. Sure introduces something new. Hopefully making it better.

if he was bitten then this is different then the book. which i dont mind i like them changing things. once i saw the helicopter i thought of revolution... that was another tv series i watched
I don't know where the Daryl Rick fight came from. It's like someone randomly said "Hey let's have them fight!" It didn't make sense. I always go over and watch this with my dad on Sun. so we were talking about it and he said "these guys would never have survived this long if they were as dumb as they've had them act this season." I don't know if they have new writers or if this is because Kirkman left or what.
Yeah, thats the one part I didn't like, was them both fighting. It really didn't make sense at all. Or when Morgan and ***** were fighting. Its just there to be there.
The show is dying a slow and painful death. What a crap fest.

How so? I think it's going great, but then again I don't read the comics to compare against.

I suppose the show is technically dying a slow and painful death in terms of the world going further to crap and people dying left and right, but I know that's not what you meant....
What is with the garbage people already. Just please get rid of that story arc already. It does get tiring of watching our heroes on this show walk blindly into trouble over and over again.
Also, this week felt like it was trying to cram way too many stories in. Almost felt like a trailer episode.

Feel like whatever Daryl and company are going to do is going to mess up the plan big time. Still steaming over Shiva. They better make something good happen soon. Although I did thoroughly enjoy the savior getting blown up with a rocket launcher. That was awesome :)
So, how long has passed since Glen and Abraham were killed? Wasn't Maggie pregnant at that time? Why is she still not showing? Did she lose the baby and I just forgot it? That baby she was holding this episode, that was Gracie, wasn't it?
What is with the garbage people already. Just please get rid of that story arc already. It does get tiring of watching our heroes on this show walk blindly into trouble over and over again.
Also, this week felt like it was trying to cram way too many stories in. Almost felt like a trailer episode.

Feel like whatever Daryl and company are going to do is going to mess up the plan big time. Still steaming over Shiva. They better make something good happen soon. Although I did thoroughly enjoy the savior getting blown up with a rocket launcher. That was awesome :)

I can't stand the Garbage people, they're so stupid and they talk stupid!

I'm skeptical on the RPG shot in that scene. That warhead looked like an anti-tank HEAT round, which I would think would go right through a person at that range. Not to mention that warhead won't arm until 5-10 meters, so it might not have been able to detonate. There was at least one incident during the Black Hawk incident where a RPG rocket went through a Humvee and lodged in a soldier's torso. He lived. Also when I Googled that to make sure it was Somalia, another incident of this happening came up from Afghanistan where it went through a Humvee into a soldier's hip:
Given that a large chunk of the last couple of seasons involved a lot of navel-gazing, one-day-from-many-angles stuff, does anyone really know what the time line looks like right now?
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