The Walking Dead Season 8

To all you guys wanting to quit... there is help. Take it from a guy who was able to cut the habit. I haven't watched TWD in a really long time and I'm a better man for it. My family and friends enjoy me more. I have my Sunday nights back. I'm not dreading what boring misdirect TWD will try and come up with next.

Just do what is right and cut ties to it. If I can do it, you can do it, too!

I quit before last season. I was fed up with the mediocre writing and fake outs. Unfortunately, my wife is still watching and I was the one who got her into season 1. So it's my own fault.

I was done after Season 5 but gave Season 6 a go I was really done with it after that!

I think I watched the first half of the Alexandria season where they had Jessie and her obnoxious kids and such. I didn't make it to the big walker invasion where everyone gets eaten.

In the comics, I've read up through Compendium 3, which covers All Out War and what comes after (with its own time-jump).

I'm not going to give specific spoilers, but I am going to warn people about something:

If they follow the comics, you will find yourself pretty unsatisfied.

Personally, my sense is that the comics have long since lost their focus and interest. The problem lies not merely with the showrunners, but with the source material. The newness of the show has worn off, and the characters no longer behave in an interesting way. The story tends to meander in the show, and in the comics just seems to recycle problems for the group, without a ton of direction. Mostly, everything just seems...I dunno. Tired. Old hat, really. The thrill is definitely gone.

If you find yourself getting annoyed at this show, I too advise just...stopping. I'll tell you, in broad strokes, what happens next. A conflict occurs, the conflict is resolved, the survivors feel safe for a while, and then another conflict occurs and the cycle repeats. If just watching these characters exist in this cycle isn't entertaining, then quit now, because the cycle will repeat ad infinitum.
There is a toy figure released before the season started which tells you what happens. I'm not gonna post it since it's a spoiler for those that never read the comics. I've stopped watching the show and only have to when I got friends over that still watch. Then I make fun of my freinds for the rest of the week. So a little pain for a lot good jokes n crap to slap by boys around with.

Rating are droppping for the show each year. Just let them go and it will end. I got money next year is the last one if rating decline more this year.
When I saw that I said "I don't think that will stop even an AR-15 round..."

But they didnt really use it as armor. Once they got to the Saviors HQ, they just used it as cover, so the Saviors wouldnt know how many there were or be able to see their movement.
But they didnt really use it as armor. Once they got to the Saviors HQ, they just used it as cover, so the Saviors wouldnt know how many there were or be able to see their movement.

And then instead of mowing down Negan and everyone standing in plain sight on the balcony they waste 1000 rounds of ammo shooting at windows.
And then instead of mowing down Negan and everyone standing in plain sight on the balcony they waste 1000 rounds of ammo shooting at windows.

True. Not defending the rest of the stupidity in this episode, but they did not use that corrugated sheet metal as armor.
And then instead of mowing down Negan and everyone standing in plain sight on the balcony they waste 1000 rounds of ammo shooting at windows.

Why they didn't immediately kill everyone on that balcony makes zero sense. There's no defending this show anymore. I don't understand why any character does anything. It's like the writers are pulling cards out of a hat.
In addition to being frustrated with the writing, I thought that Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who is an excellent actor, was miscast. I thought that Chris Bauer from The Wire would have fit the intangibles of the character better.
In addition to being frustrated with the writing, I thought that Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who is an excellent actor, was miscast. I thought that Chris Bauer from The Wire would have fit the intangibles of the character better.

i think he was a terrific choice but now is being so over used as to become a chariacture if what he initially was.
i think he was a terrific choice but now is being so over used as to become a chariacture if what he initially was.
And what's with that weird curling in of his left wrist when he talks now? Looks like someone with an affliction, which I don't mean any offense by, but that's what it looks like, an actor playing someone with cerebral palsy or something. It's just jarring.
But they didnt really use it as armor. Once they got to the Saviors HQ, they just used it as cover, so the Saviors wouldnt know how many there were or be able to see their movement.

This is how I saw it, too.

- - - Updated - - -

And then instead of mowing down Negan and everyone standing in plain sight on the balcony they waste 1000 rounds of ammo shooting at windows.

I'm sure there's a reason they shot the windows, but yeah, as soon as Negan and company walked out, less than 50 yards away, they all should have just unloaded on them.
Hey guys, I don’t want this coming off as being a know it all because I am far from it whe it comes to TWD.
but I’ve seen this question brought up multiple times. And I may just have the answer

I see everyone is confused about the windows. In the books they surrounded Negan’s compound and made as much noise as possible. Shooting windows, blowing up cars, slamming garbage can covers, just to lure and windup the walkers.

Pretty sure their strategy stayed the same as the books, swarm the compound with walkers, and have negans men try and defend the place, making them all tired and exhausted. Then ambush the compound with exhausted, low ammo carrying men.

which I think is tough, even though they are low on ammo from taking out walkers, there is a million of them swarming the compound

This is just what I’m seeing

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Hey guys, I don’t want this coming off as being a know it all because I am far from it whe it comes to TWD.
but I’ve seen this question brought up multiple times. And I may just have the answer

I see everyone is confused about the windows. In the books they surrounded Negan’s compound and made as much noise as possible. Shooting windows, blowing up cars, slamming garbage can covers, just to lure and windup the walkers.

Pretty sure their strategy stayed the same as the books, swarm the compound with walkers, and have negans men try and defend the place, making them all tired and exhausted. Then ambush the compound with exhausted, low ammo carrying men.

which I think is tough, even though they are low on ammo from taking out walkers, there is a million of them swarming the compound

This is just what I’m seeing

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I figured that was the case. Negan and the Saviors have numbers, but by wearing them out and cutting down their ammo supply, it at least gives Rick and company a tactical advantage.

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Just more proof that they have no respect for their fans.

I really hope they go to a 3 share by mid season
I think it would have been better when Negan and the others came out, that they had something to hide behind and Rick and him are yelling back and forth not seeing each other.
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