The Walking Dead Season 8

This whole site is populated with people who can't NOT obsess over things. It took me a while to realize that that's why people who say they don't even like something anymore can't stop talking about it. Now I usually am able to just scroll past those posts and barely take note of them.
I gave up with the comics after the 'All Out War' arc. It was just endlessly dragged out. Then the time jump happened, which was a great opportunity to mix things up and make it fresh, but it was still dull as.

It's really obvious that Robert Kirkman loves Negan and wants him to be the main character. But as Negan is a) an awful human being and b) Glenn's killer, it just can't stick. In the comics Negan is so OTT now, it's like a parody.

Yeah, Negan was kind of interesting at first, but he's become boring. Great. He curses, and he's not just Chaotic Stupid in his alignment. So what? That doesn't make him particularly interesting. He should be dead by now, or he should've had his character really change. Or there should be a point to keeping him around, other than giving Kirkman the opportunity to have a guy who swears every 3rd word.

I think the real problem with both the comics and the show is that the characters have always been kind of one note, and don't really seem to grow. They just kind of...are. Stuff happens to them, and life goes on. They don't really change a ton, so much as their surroundings and circumstances change. The plotlines tend to be self-contained, too, so there isn't a lot of opportunity for that to be dynamic over the long haul. So, really, all you're left with is the world itself changing around the characters, and them occasionally getting killed off in gruesome or abrupt fashion.

This translated into the show, too, and I think it really hurt the show. The actors are all terrific, but the writing has been uneven and hasn't given them a chance to really demonstrate character growth.

Look, I love me some zombie apocalypse tales. I don't need it to be highbrow, either. A little social satire, some blood 'n' guts, and I'm good to go. But TWD positioned itself to be something different, something better, and something that treated its setting as merely the backdrop for a more serious take on "How would regular people really respond?" That started off as really, really interesting. And then they got caught up with gimmick moves, dragging out storylines, and apparently not letting the characters progress that much. They accumulate experiences, but I don't get the sense that they've changed a ton.
Excellent points Dan as I posted on another "Dead" thread, I wonder how this Series would have turned out if Darabont was still at the helm.

As it is this was the smoothest bait and switch i have seen in awhile.......
Love the Chaotic Stupid alignment! Great RPG reference.

Stopped reading the comics at the same point I stopped watching the show, Glen's death. His fake death really didn't help. I though it cheapened his character and lessened the impact of his expected death.
Love the Chaotic Stupid alignment! Great RPG reference.

Stopped reading the comics at the same point I stopped watching the show, Glen's death. His fake death really didn't help. I though it cheapened his character and lessened the impact of his expected death.

I agree. I'd prefer if Glenn got killed first before Abraham. Glenn gets killed on screen at the end of S6, probably ends with a shot of Negan's face smiling and spewed with blood. Then S7 starts directly after that and Abraham would be the one to try to beat up Negan for making fun of Maggie crying, and Negan just brutally beats him to show how serious he is. They can still do with the Daryl thing if Negan states that Daryl keeps looking at him funny.
Too funny!

Everybodys getting screwed by the People, AMC, who put up the money, well no chit thats show biz :rolleyes

Kudos to AMC for giving Gale Ann the shaft shes one smart and tough cookie

I was wondering when Raleigh would be sold!

Good for them!!
I have to admit, it would certainly **** me off if Kirkman was trolling us the whole time.

Rick wakes up to Bobby Ewing taking a shower.



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I just watched season 7 for the first time and honestly liked everything but Negan's scenes. Even the idea of the Saviors is fine, and their interactions with the other communities, but I genuinely can't stand Negan as a character. Not even in a "love to hate him" way.
I just watched season 7 for the first time and honestly liked everything but Negan's scenes. Even the idea of the Saviors is fine, and their interactions with the other communities, but I genuinely can't stand Negan as a character. Not even in a "love to hate him" way.

I have to disagree, but admit I am a bit biased as I love the comic book character. I love the fact that he is based on Henry Rollins, and love the fact that the actor was/is a fan of the show. In some ways, I see similarities to another role Morgan played (The Comedian-The Watchmen), which is another favorite of mine.

What's not to love about a used car salesman/former gym teacher/coach?! I hope somewhere down the line that little bit of his back story comes out.
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