The Walking Dead Season 8

Yeah, they lost me last year. Just a snooze-fest. Hell, I don't even remember exactly how it ended.

They're just trying too hard to punctuate the point that Negan is a bad-ass. We get it, we get it, already! Plus, the garbage people were so utterly ridiculous, I almost abandoned hope.


After last Season,they better, OR ELSE! :lol
They lost me at the end of season 5. I only watched a couple of episodes from season 6. I watched only the first two episodes from season 7 because of Negan. Then they completely lost me. It got boring. Season 8 might be a pass for me.
I haven't been really excited for this after they said the trash people will be a major player. They are the lamest thing this show has created yet. They should die in episode 1 as revenge and then we never see them again.
If this season does not pick up, I'm done. I'd almost rather have a jump in time and have them kill almost everyone off and have an older, grizzled Coral having flash backs to the past with Daddy Rick and wrapping up with the eventual demise of the zombies and remnant of what was civilization rebuilding.
Yeah I am pretty much done with the Show, I was hanging on with my fingertips with Season 5 and Season 6 did me in, I'm out! :unsure
Then why do you guys keep posting? Seriously how about you all bow out of the discussion and leave the thread for those of us who still watch and enjoy it, without having to dig through numerous "I hate it, have hated it since...blah blah blah." posts.
Then why do you guys keep posting? Seriously how about you all bow out of the discussion and leave the thread for those of us who still watch and enjoy it, without having to dig through numerous "I hate it, have hated it since...blah blah blah." posts.

Welcome to the Internet and life in general. It's what people do. We bitch and complain, and sometimes enjoy things...for a while anyway.
I gave up with the first fake Glen death. But to be fair, I've also given up on the comics even after the Negan arc is resolved. I read Compendium 3 and it just...I dunno. The thrill is gone. I think a big part of the issue is that the comics moved at a fairly steady pace early on, taking the survivors from one setting to the next, having them try to survive in each, only to ultimately have it fall apart. That was cool for a bit, but then it got old and they needed human opponents. Fine, no problem. The comic introduced them, and with the Governor, you had the first credible human threat. Then the prison fell, and they headed to Alexandria, which was interesting. But honestly, with the introduction of Negan, it just kinda...I dunno...started getting stale. I think the comic had to up the ante with Negan and he's just such an over-the-top character that it's hard to get into it. With his eventual defeat, you introduce.....YET ANOTHER group of humans and oh who gives a crap anymore.

With the show, I think the biggest flaw was that they took the more dynamic parts of the comic and then draaaaaaaaaaaaaaagged them out, and threw in a TON of boring filler and human antagonists. The end result is that every group of human antagonists is treated like OMGTHEBIGGESTTHREATEVAR!!!! and they just end up not being that way. But simultaneously, they neuter the threat of the dead. The whole thing's just been mismanaged.

Realistically, though, I think what we're dealing with is a concept that was fresh and interesting at one point, but which has been treading water and riding the same premise for coming up on 8 years now. It's bound to get stale no matter who they introduce, because the foundation was never really in the characters or the plot, but rather in the setting.
Solo 4114's Post is a discussion. My complaint is the same crowd every TWD or FTWD thread feels it necessary to chime in that they hate the show. Got it about 4 seasons ago, you don't like it or watch it. There are threads here about shows I don't care for or watch, but I don't feel the need to go stomping into the discussion, I don't even bother to read the threads. But that's me i guess. Carry on.
I feel like a lot of the negative opinions in threads like these are coming from people who once cared a lot about a property and have been subsequently let down by it. In a way they are still carrying a torch for the topic, but they've been "hurt" (dramatic as that may sound) and have feelings they want to discuss. Seems like a similar situation in the Alien:Covenant thread. For TWD a TON of people were on board with it in spite of some not great story lines, but TV continued to evolve and the show wore out its welcome for a lot of viewers by stumbling over some plots and needlessly stretching/padding others. I will go back and watch the whole series someday (haven't watched since S7 premiere) but I still appreciate how much I loved the show when it was at its best. I hope they decide to end things within this season or next, and really bring it back to center before giving it a nice send off. I was disappointed initially when I heard that the final seasons of GoT would only be 13 episodes combined, but now I'm actually glad they made the decision to wrap things up for better or worse, and I would like to feel the same out TWD's final season.
I feel like a lot of the negative opinions in threads like these are coming from people who once cared a lot about a property and have been subsequently let down by it. In a way they are still carrying a torch for the topic, but they've been "hurt" (dramatic as that may sound) and have feelings they want to discuss. Seems like a similar situation in the Alien:Covenant thread. For TWD a TON of people were on board with it in spite of some not great story lines, but TV continued to evolve and the show wore out its welcome for a lot of viewers by stumbling over some plots and needlessly stretching/padding others. I will go back and watch the whole series someday (haven't watched since S7 premiere) but I still appreciate how much I loved the show when it was at its best. I hope they decide to end things within this season or next, and really bring it back to center before giving it a nice send off. I was disappointed initially when I heard that the final seasons of GoT would only be 13 episodes combined, but now I'm actually glad they made the decision to wrap things up for better or worse, and I would like to feel the same out TWD's final season.

Bingo. As rushed as the current season of GOT seems, it only seems that way because it's taken so long to get here and all the pieces have been put in place for ages. Now they're paying things off finally, and it's (so far) pretty satisfying.

I really enjoyed TWD's first season. I liked the 2nd half of their 2nd season, too. The first half was pretty weak and dragged, though (the search for Sophia). The pattern basically held like that. The start of the new season would be slow until a big moment would happen mid-season, and then things would usually go better for the rest of the season. Or they'd flip it and the first half would be interesting and eventful, and the second half would drag. And on and on it went. Over and over until it just got...stale.

But yeah, I used to really love it. That's why I still care at all, to be honest. It'd be nice for them to wrap it all up well, but I just don't have a ton of faith in them to do so. The comics on which they're based haven't handled things much better, really, at least not over the long haul.
In point of fact. This thread wasn't started with any specific tone such as "Post if you can't wait for season 8" or "I love The Walking Dead and here comes season 8!"

Hell, the first post even ends with..."So they say" which is sardonic at best and rather invites everything from speculation and criticism to enthusiasm.

That said, I don't like to see hate pile-ons on otherwise celebratory threads, e.g., "McRib is back!"

Not the case here. As others have noted. There are those who are simply disenchanted with the course of the show. They've earned the right after having invested their time to passive aggressively vent on-line as much as the next miserable *******.


Then why do you guys keep posting? Seriously how about you all bow out of the discussion and leave the thread for those of us who still watch and enjoy it, without having to dig through numerous "I hate it, have hated it since...blah blah blah." posts.
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I think a big part of the issue is that the comics moved at a fairly steady pace early on, taking the survivors from one setting to the next, having them try to survive in each, only to ultimately have it fall apart. That was cool for a bit, but then it got old and they needed human opponents. Fine, no problem. The comic introduced them, and with the Governor, you had the first credible human threat. Then the prison fell, and they headed to Alexandria, which was interesting. But honestly, with the introduction of Negan, it just kinda...I dunno...started getting stale. I think the comic had to up the ante with Negan and he's just such an over-the-top character that it's hard to get into it. With his eventual defeat, you introduce.....YET ANOTHER group of humans and oh who gives a crap anymore.

I gave up with the comics after the 'All Out War' arc. It was just endlessly dragged out. Then the time jump happened, which was a great opportunity to mix things up and make it fresh, but it was still dull as.

It's really obvious that Robert Kirkman loves Negan and wants him to be the main character. But as Negan is a) an awful human being and b) Glenn's killer, it just can't stick. In the comics Negan is so OTT now, it's like a parody.
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