Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Yeah, who knows if this is accurate, the article readily acknowledges that. I would say that for me, all of those "hints" you refer to are fans reading into things too much. Watching the film I didn't have those same reactions regarding Rey and didn't walk out thinking she was his kid.

It could be just another misdirection... Also, JJA was very adamant by saying that everything we see in TFA has a purpose, a reason and meaning. Are all those similarities nothing more than paying homage to the OT? For me, it seems too easy an explanation to simply pay homage or re-familiarize us with something we already know and love.

I DEF left the theater asking more questions. And now having seen the movie a buh-zillion times, the visual clues point to Rey being Luke's daughter. But again, it could be nothing. It's all our own individual perspective. All I know... they better have a darn good explanation for all this!

Gotta love the confusion! :)
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)



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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Mine was nothing more than an opinion / observation. I know nothing... Seriously! It's all sorts of empty up there! ;)
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Honest question, is that directed at me or @SofaKing01? My post with the link said it was a rumor and there are no spoilers in the link title or was it my comment about Bloodline? I'll put it in Spoiler tags if it's either one, it just didn't seem like spoilers to be.
Honest answer: @SofaKing01 - your post was clearly marked and had no spoilers in the actual post.

Correction: you did quote him and those rumored spoilers are in the quote.

- - - Updated - - -

Mine was nothing more than an opinion / observation. I know nothing... Seriously! It's all sorts of empty up there! ;)
Based on rumored spoilers and being very specific in mentioning those rumored spoilers.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Hard to comment based on rumor, but, it could be Williams was told something that was true at the time, but between then and now - things were changed.

Obi-wan was Luke's father up until the middle of shooting ESB.

However, i can't believe they'd have started filming 7 without having that lineage set in stone.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Hard to comment based on rumor, but, it could be Williams was told something that was true at the time, but between then and now - things were changed.

Obi-wan was Luke's father up until the middle of shooting ESB.

However, i can't believe they'd have started filming 7 without having that lineage set in stone.

I recall hearing Williams in an interview played on the Star Wars Oxygen podcast that is choices for musical cues were mostly based on how he was reading the scene as opposed to intentional direction from the production team, or something like that.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Speaking of Williams, this sounds promising for his return to score VIII! From a Variety interview released today:

"He plans to begin work on Spielberg’s next film, “Ready Player One,” in November, and then next year expects to do the next “Star Wars” film. “If I can do it, I certainly will. I told Kathy Kennedy I’m happy to do it, but the real reason is, I didn’t want anybody else writing music for Daisy Ridley,” he quips."
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Speaking of Williams, this sounds promising for his return to score VIII! From a Variety interview released today:

"He plans to begin work on Spielberg’s next film, “Ready Player One,” in November, and then next year expects to do the next “Star Wars” film. “If I can do it, I certainly will. I told Kathy Kennedy I’m happy to do it, but the real reason is, I didn’t want anybody else writing music for Daisy Ridley,” he quips."

That's awesome! Rey's Theme is one of my favorites from all the SW movies. I'm so thrilled he'll be back. :)
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

So, does anyone wonder if Luke will have to convince Rey to train to be a jedi, or do you think she would be pretty much for it at this point, after what happened with Han and Kylo? Or perhaps if she will have to beg him to train her? I mean neither of them seems like they would really want to. Rey originally wanted nothing to do with the lightsaber or the Force, and I don't feel like Luke would be terribly gung-ho to take on another student after what Kylo did. Also, sorry for multiple edits.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

I recall hearing Williams in an interview played on the Star Wars Oxygen podcast that is choices for musical cues were mostly based on how he was reading the scene as opposed to intentional direction from the production team, or something like that.

In interviews I've read with Williams he said that themes were based on characters, but were sometimes used when they fit the emotion of a scene that didn't involve that character.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

So, does anyone wonder if Luke will have to convince Rey to train to be a jedi, or do you think she would be pretty much for it at this point, after what happened with Han and Kylo? Or perhaps if she will have to beg him to train her? I mean neither of them seems like they would really want to. Rey originally wanted nothing to do with the lightsaber or the Force, and I don't feel like Luke would be terribly gung-ho to take on another student after what Kylo did. Also, sorry for multiple edits.

I think she may be very reluctant.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Min the book Bloodline she is asked why she didn't choose the Jedi path. She never felt the calling line she did for politics. She doesn't mention any training.

Here's the quote:
“But clearly we’ve seen, and we do again, that she still is Force strong. And it’s something that I think is an intrinsic piece of her character.”

Now, like I said before, I don't expect Leia to being Force leaping everywhere, but it wouldn't surprise me if she can do mind tricks or move things. Those are just basic things that she, being a Skywalker, should easily pick up.

Another interesting quote that I didn't see weeks ago when this was published, was that apparently at some point JJ did talk to Lucas about some things.
“It’s funny because, in talking about this, even with George Lucas, the question of…what age can someone learn the Force, and become a Jedi. And I would like to think that there really isn’t much of a ticking clock, and it’s never too late.”
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Leia has shown to have force powers (?) in TFA when she felt Han's death. Not quite using the forcing, so to say, but very similar to what Obi-Wan felt when Alderaan was destroyed.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Leia has shown to have force powers (?) in TFA when she felt Han's death. Not quite using the forcing, so to say, but very similar to what Obi-Wan felt when Alderaan was destroyed.
Much like sensing luke at the end of empire

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Back to Williams - He is known for his Leitmotifs, written to introduce and reinforce characters in the films he scores. All film composers do this to an extent, but Williams has, at least in the Star Wars films, made it his trademark. He also uses the motifs in situations where the character is referred to obliquely, or alluded to in the scene.Even minor characters, and groups have their own "milieu" music. It works very well, and has, in my opinion, enhanced the SW films, helping make them, to a great extent, as successful as they were.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Leia has shown to have force powers (?) in TFA when she felt Han's death. Not quite using the forcing, so to say, but very similar to what Obi-Wan felt when Alderaan was destroyed.

And/or her son's darkside consuming him

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

I think she may be very reluctant.

Reluctant and unsure of her abilities, yes. Reluctant of the path before her? I think she's very well aware and committed to the decisions she's made after being the "one" to set out and find Luke. :)

- - - Updated - - -

And/or her son's darkside consuming him


I think the combination of both. Her Force powers are not that honed. If so, IMO, she would have been able to let the Force guide her to find Luke - given that Luke wanted to be found, of course. :)
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