Doctor Who opinions

I say we just forget this Christmas episode and wait for next season. I know I am alone in thinking it was rubbish…but as Riceball will tell you I am always right. :lol
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Yay! An end to complicated twists just because it's cool, spectacle rather than substance, casting your/Gatiss's (league of gentlemen) friends in roles unsuited, and women who are introduced as strong only to become fawning eye-candy and inevitably lampshaded.
Let the wild speculation on replacements begin!
He's still in for Season 10, as is Capaldi, so the major change this season will be the companion. We'll see what that does for the show.

I still haven't watched the Christmas special. I keep forgetting about it. I read the synopsis of it, and I just didn't really care all that much. I dunno. My enthusiasm for this show -- at least in its current iteration -- has severely waned. It just doesn't excite me anymore. My wife isn't that into it either, so we just end up kind of thinking "Oh right. We haven't seen Doctor Who in a bit. I guess we could watch that....or maybe start Jessica Jones! Let's do that instead!" (which was awesome, by the way)
He's still in for Season 10, as is Capaldi, so the major change this season will be the companion. We'll see what that does for the show.

I still haven't watched the Christmas special. I keep forgetting about it. I read the synopsis of it, and I just didn't really care all that much. I dunno. My enthusiasm for this show -- at least in its current iteration -- has severely waned. It just doesn't excite me anymore. My wife isn't that into it either, so we just end up kind of thinking "Oh right. We haven't seen Doctor Who in a bit. I guess we could watch that....or maybe start Jessica Jones! Let's do that instead!" (which was awesome, by the way)

While the story isn't all that great I really enjoyed it for the chemistry between Capaldi and Alex, I thought that they really had great chemistry together, better than the previous 2 Doctors, and that really made the episode fun for me. In my opinion, this was the best Doctor-River pairing so far and I certainly wouldn't mind seeing another Doctor-River episode if they can keep up the chemistry.
While the story isn't all that great I really enjoyed it for the chemistry between Capaldi and Alex, I thought that they really had great chemistry together, better than the previous 2 Doctors, and that really made the episode fun for me. In my opinion, this was the best Doctor-River pairing so far and I certainly wouldn't mind seeing another Doctor-River episode if they can keep up the chemistry.

That's encouraging. I expect I'll get around to watching it soon enough, but I just feel no urgency. It's how I've felt all season. Really, after he brought Clara back and then didn't do anything with it, I just lost interest. The great strength of Doctor Who in the relaunched era has been its characters and how it generally shows them as beings with a past, as well as how their experiences impact them.

This season, it felt like -- with the exception of the Ashildr/Me stuff -- we were back in the pre-relaunch era with random one-off episodes. I love the old series, but I love it for what it was. The new series I love for different reasons, and I'd prefer it not go back to the old approach.

That and I have Moffat Fatigue. His approach just...exhausts my excitement.
Personally, I'm going to hold off on the rejoicing until after I've seen what the new showrunner does. As much as I dislike Moffat's fanboyish treatment of the show, it can always get worse.

JNT. Never forget.

In all seriousness, this is sage advice. People were growing tired of RTD when he left, and thought FOR SURE that Moffat would be the best guy for the job. Looking back, all you can say is "We didn't know...we couldn't have known..."
Is this real?

Only a Doctor Who Christmas special will air in 2016. Moffat's final series to be broadcast next year in order to create a “huge event” for fans. Chibnall will begin his tenure in 2018

Steven Moffat has decided that his “timey wimey” as showrunner of Doctor Who has come to an end and he will step down as the show’s lead writer and executive producer after six series at the helm, can reveal.
Moffatt will hand over the keys to the TARDIS at the end of the next series in 2017 to Broadchurch writer and Doctor Who fan Chris Chibnall.

BBC1 has decided to air Moffat’s final 12-part series - the 10th of the modern era - in spring 2017. Chibnall’s debut series as head writer and executive producer will launch in 2018.

A Christmas special WILL air this year overseen by Moffat, though it is unclear whether Peter Capaldi’s new companion will feature. The companion, who will replace Jenna Coleman's Clara Oswald, will definitely be in place for the spring 2017 series, say BBC sources.
Is this real?

Only a Doctor Who Christmas special will air in 2016. Moffat's final series to be broadcast next year in order to create a “huge event” for fans. Chibnall will begin his tenure in 2018

Steven Moffat has decided that his “timey wimey” as showrunner of Doctor Who has come to an end and he will step down as the show’s lead writer and executive producer after six series at the helm, can reveal.
Moffatt will hand over the keys to the TARDIS at the end of the next series in 2017 to Broadchurch writer and Doctor Who fan Chris Chibnall.

BBC1 has decided to air Moffat’s final 12-part series - the 10th of the modern era - in spring 2017. Chibnall’s debut series as head writer and executive producer will launch in 2018.

A Christmas special WILL air this year overseen by Moffat, though it is unclear whether Peter Capaldi’s new companion will feature. The companion, who will replace Jenna Coleman's Clara Oswald, will definitely be in place for the spring 2017 series, say BBC sources.

Wo, that is a weird one....almost a year without any Who.......and when it does come back, won't even be with a new direction.....more Moffett for a while

...very odd

Its BS, sounds like they don't really have faith in Chibnal, gives them a year to find someone else if they decide he's not the right person for the job, which is ironic considering they have had the wrong person for the job for years now.

I wish they would give us one episode a month, it would be better than all the waiting we have to do now, by the time it does come back half the audience will have vanished.
Knowing his record, he'll say he's leaving and leave for an episode before coming back and saying "Nevermind! I decided it's better for me to stay!"
Yes, it's all real. I'm not sure how to feel, but I think that next series will be the best of all modern Doctor Who since they have double the time they usually have, I'm very much looking forward to it and will miss Steven Moffat's work and writing on the series, which I, personally, think as one of the best to have ever written for anything related to Doctor Who since it's conception. He will be remembered fondly, I'm sure.
...Steven Moffat's work and writing on the series, which I, personally, think as one of the best to have ever written for anything related to Doctor Who since it's conception. He will be remembered fondly, I'm sure.



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He won't be remembered fondly by me, I revile the man as a talentless showrunner and only a moderately decent writer. I guess I won't see Doctor Who until 2018 then.
Yes, it's all real. I'm not sure how to feel, but I think that next series will be the best of all modern Doctor Who since they have double the time they usually have, I'm very much looking forward to it and will miss Steven Moffat's work and writing on the series, which I, personally, think as one of the best to have ever written for anything related to Doctor Who since it's conception. He will be remembered fondly, I'm sure.
Based on reaction I'm reading in other places, you're not alone. I really enjoyed the last two seasons - the end of last and most of this season especially. Despite the naysayers - who I'm sure have good reasons for their opinions - I think Moffat will be remembered fondly as well.
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