Doctor Who opinions

“They hope he will be able to find someone who can have the same impact as Matt Smith did when Steven Moffat kicked off his run as executive producer.”

Oh, no. They want another young, bizarre-looking man who's still oddly considered handsome and dreamy to draw in young girls, again?

You know what, if they're gonna do that, just give it to us Yanks. I'm sure we can do something with it whether people wanted it or not. Make room for someone else on the Dr. Who USA boat, 'cause I'm on board for that.
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I was wondering... since the Doctor erased himself from existence back during Matt Smith's reign, did his number of regenerations reset as well? I know the most a time lord can regenerate is 12 times, but if he reset his own regenerations, then they can replace the doctor ad-infinum!
Well if they are going to move in a new direction it only makes since for the next Doctor to be a yank. And the 13th Doctor should be me. I will expect you all to support my run for the 13th Doctor and only have good things to say about it. (I'm looking at you Dan). :D

I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about, sir. Why, I am the very model of positivity.

I was wondering... since the Doctor erased himself from existence back during Matt Smith's reign, did his number of regenerations reset as well? I know the most a time lord can regenerate is 12 times, but if he reset his own regenerations, then they can replace the doctor ad-infinum!

The Time Lords already gave him a new set right at the end of his final Christmas special, and before he regenerated into Capaldi.
I think it's safe to say he will have as many regenerations as is necessary, you know . . . forever.

While I have enjoyed Capaldi's run, and would not mind him staying on for several more seasons, it's always interesting to get a new face in the tardis.
Yeah but we haven't seen him be the Doctor we know he could be.

Bingo. To me, this is the greatest tragedy of the Moffat era.

Capaldi has the capacity to be an amazing Doctor, but while he has elevated all of the material given to him, too much of that material has, in my opinion, wasted his talent. To be honest, though, I'm not surprised that he'd move on. I think 3-5 years is about the max that any Doctor should stick around, really. Any longer than that and they start to wear out their welcome for any number of reasons. So, even in the best case scenario, I think we'd get a season of Capaldi with the new show runner...and that's it. He'd move on afterwards.

All that said, whenever a new showrunner or new Doctor comes in, it's kinda nice when you get a clean slate. Much as I'd love to see Capaldi outlast Moffat, the more I think about it, the more I think a total reset would be welcome, with nothing of the Moffat era lingering on.

I note that, for the most part, almost nothing from the RTD era really survived into the Moffat era. Some references here and there, a handful of the Moffat-created content (e.g. River Song, the Weeping Angels), but you didn't see companions reappearing. Rose was gone. Martha was gone. Captain Jack was gone. Donna was gone. No Mickey, no Jackie, no Face of Boe.

I wouldn't mind if there was nothing left of Moffat's time to linger on into the new era. He had his time, he got to do what he wanted with the show, and then that ends and we all just move on.
In case anyone was interested, here's the full poem from "The Time Of The Doctor" this is "Thoughts On A Clock" from Eric Ritchie Junior:

Brand new face, hands never used, the ticking heart's begun.

The wonders of the world await, it's time to live, to run.

An hour comes, your very first, so early in the day.

What are you now, who will you be? What will you do and say?

When it seems you've just begun, the hour's already through

There's plenty more, get moving, start! The clock is striking two.

Be busy now, compile a list of places you will go.

Make all your plans with steady hands, time waits for none, you know.

The hour has passed, it went so fast, you didn't see it flee

You're ready now, list item one, the clock is striking three.

So many plans, it's early yet, with many hours ahead

No need to rush, those things can wait, so smell the flowers instead...

It kissed your cheek, it flew, it’s gone, it's not three anymore.

No looking back, the hand swings on, the clock is striking four.

Rub your eyes, get on your feet, you've slept an hour away.

That time has slipped, it won't come back, wish hard as you may.

You've made mistakes, but that's okay, you're learning, you're alive.

So brush it off, and start again, the clock is striking five.

It's your fifth hour, you are renewed, your slate is blank and clear,

You're older now, you're braver too, and now you have friends here.

Hold them tight, don't let them go, time ticks and tocks and ticks,

Before you know, the hour is up, the clock is striking six.

How can it be, you're halfway done! There's so much yet to do!

Time flies and crawls, and with each hour, you feel like someone new.

You stack these lives from front to back, remember each in turn.

You're running now, you're moving on, you love, you lose, you learn.

Your seventh life, your seventh self, but then the hour is past.

How can it be, each hour that comes, seems faster than the last?

You cling hard to the things you knew, but time, it doesn't wait.

So say goodbye, smile, take your bow, the clock is striking eight.

Tide in, tide out, sun up, sun down, conflict, famine, war.

You're getting lost, and hour to hour, you're not sure who you are.

It's all right though, through war and waste, you'll always come out fine,

Be wise, be strong, be kind, be brave, the clock is striking nine.

The dust has cleared, what's done is done, let go, you're moving on

A brand new face, a brand new start, but remember those who've gone

Much still to do, much still to see, you'll learn to run again

Breathe in deep, and take the leap, the clock is striking ten.

So many stones unturned, and soon, the end is close at hand.

You start to see the awful truth--you can't do all you planned.

So flee and fly, and touch and do, and climb the highest tower.

live and feel and reach and stretch, you've come to the eleventh hour.

You're aging now, you're slowing down, you're dimming, losing strength.

But that's okay, your heart has grown, and there's more to life than length.

The time has come for one last bow, like all your other selves

Eleven's hour is over now, the clock is striking twelve's.

The worlds we see, the hands we hold, the common threads we pull

The trick is to take the time that's yours, and live a life that's full.

(End) I think it's really good, it also works well with every incarnation of the Doctor which I think is really interesting.
In this last season, Capaldi's doctor spoke about why he "chose" the look of his regeneration with flashbacks to the Pompeii episode. How awesome would it be if he was able to "choose" and become one of the former faces again, like Tennant or even Eccleston!
In this last season, Capaldi's doctor spoke about why he "chose" the look of his regeneration with flashbacks to the Pompeii episode. How awesome would it be if he was able to "choose" and become one of the former faces again, like Tennant or even Eccleston!

Well he "might" be able to choose that face but he wouldn't be the same Doctor. He would have a new personality and be a different person just like always just with the same face as an earlier version.

Now if you meant that you want him to choose the same face and have Eccleston come back and give in another try that would be interesting but I have to say IMO it would ruin what work they did before. IMO.
It's possible for future incarnations of the Doctor to have the same face as an older one, just look at the Curator from "The Day of the Doctor."
No, that's what Osgood was for, he wrapped the whole message from Elizabeth plot very nicely. However, if they ever actually even consider bringing back old Doctor's it'll likely only be for some kind of Big Finish Unbound story.
What if the Doctor regenerates into a Female next time? I think it's long over due... it's not impossible and I'm sure there'd be a whole new line of in-jokes and humor to come from the new found womaness! :) I mean, if the Master can change into Missy, why can't the Doc?
Moffat flirted with that, but half of the time I think he was just doing it to tweak a certain segment of the fanbase. I wouldn't object to a female Doctor, but I think that'd require a male companion to keep things balanced.
I'm sorry I have to say that unless I would be blown away by the acting and the stories (two things that haven't happened on Who for a bit now) I am opposed to a female Doctor. I have no issues with an other time lord showing up that is a woman but Doctor Who IMO is a male. Not to get up on my soap box to much but I am getting tired of the pandering to everyone about ethnic and gender swapping. Superman is a man. Santa Claus is an old white guy. James Bond is white. I am not racist it's just that these characters have a long lineage of being what they are and I find changing them to appease people to be an insult to the character and to the people that have worked to create these characters.

Let the yelling at me begin.
Well, not to derail, but the solution to "James Bond is white" is simply "James Bond is also black, because 'James Bond' is a code name." It's basically the Dread Pirate Roberts approach to where there was, at one time, an actual "James Bond," but that he either died or became too high profile and retired, and instead they brought in a new person to be "James Bond" who looks completely different.

I agree, though, that Superman needs to, you know, be a man, because the franchise should do what it says on the tin.

That said, the mere fact that the Doctor always has been a man does not -- in and of itself -- preclude the Doctor becoming a woman. We've now seen two male characters regenerate into women, so the show has established that it is at least possible.

At any rate, we're over two years away from that, and it'll be up to Chibnall and Auntie Beeb.
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