Y-Wing Building

Thanx so much Gort. Even something as simple as a direction to go in can be more
helpfull than you could imagine.
I've been working on this for about a year and I've only spent enough to buy about
1 and 3/4 of the MR Y's so far :p I know some folks have been looking for those
parts for a great many years longer, and we won't even go into what they've spent.
Should I come across the donor first I'll gladly spread the news (Among us builders)
so you have 'Plausible deniability' :ninja :love
shrugger - It's near the beginning of the thread and is concerning a "side panel." Later on I ask if this kit is really necessary and someone says "you NEED this kit." And well you do.

ralphee - thanks for the info. I had saved the pics that swpropmaker posted a couple of pages back, and after looking at them again it appears that that R2 is from the Revell JSF.
hints galore thanks I will spend the day purusing. but I am confused about the revell jsf that is a very recent kit it was not around back in the day or did I get something wrong.
btw I have archived catologs from airfix lindberg revell 60 70 invtages if anyone wants a copy speack up but you have to have at lease a DSL connection
<div class='quotetop'>(boatbuilder1 @ Aug 16 2006, 04:05 PM) [snapback]1301571[/snapback]</div>
btw I have archived catologs from airfix lindberg revell 60 70 invtages if anyone wants a copy speack up but you have to have at lease a DSL connection

Found it................................................
in my airfix catalog cool thanks now I can move on to the next mystery piece

Sure, I'd like to see those - I have a cable connection.

Would anyone have any info regarding old NITTO 1/76 kits being re-released by Fujimi? I found a site that had a number of kits labeled as "NITTO/FUJIMI," but I am not sure which (whisper voice) nitto kit may or may not have a Y Wing piece or two in it (end whisper voice).
<div class='quotetop'>(boatbuilder1 @ Aug 16 2006, 04:05 PM) [snapback]1301571[/snapback]</div>
btw I have archived catologs from airfix lindberg revell 60 70 invtages if anyone wants a copy speack up but you have to have at lease a DSL connection

I'd love to see those catalogs as well. Ready with full speed cable connection.

wizardofflight at comcast dot net

P.S. I'll post a comparison pic of the R2 units later tonight (AMT, SW Chess Set and the CC SS X-wing)
DSL user here who's interested. :)

I think it was in an X-Wing thread, but someone also found a good 1/24 R2 in the form of a pencil topper. EP3 product.

As promised here is the R2 comparison pic. From left to right we have the AMT, CCardboards, ?? and the chess piece.


I went to the R2 Builder's Club and down loaded their drawing and scale it down to 1/24th scale and ended up with R2 being 3/4" in dia. Of the 4 version the only one that is 3/4" in dia is the chess piece.

I see what you mean. Looks like I'll be picking up that chess set. :)

Much thanks to everyone for the cryptic hints :angel And to BB1. Seems
a Kit catalog Might just be useful after all. :p Found those mystery bits, plain as day.
I'd thought it might be from a ship, but boy was I thinking in the wrong direction.

Only half a zillion mysteries to go and I'll be done :lol
I think the third R2 in that pic is a casting of the Revell Germany Episode III one. In fact I am pretty sure.

Shrugger, I found that small truck in your hint picture. Do you know what it is? I was assuming that you did... I've had several ideas for pooling resources, but I haven't had time to work on this thing. For example, to find a 1/48 Merlin engine (as in the Hurricane engine) for my 1/48 Y Wing, I went to a forum for 1/48 WWII plane builders. They told me that the only kit that had an engine like that in it is the ICM Spitfire Mk 9. Someone even sent me 4 sets of those engine parts for free because they never use them.

Here is another, though limited, resource:


Click on "Kit Lists & Previews" and you'll find sprues galore, like on the kit scans page. Stick to Airfix, Hasegawa, Fujimi (re-releases of old Nitto kits), and ESCI (most, if not all, of ESCI's kits have been re-released by other manufacturers, e.g., Italeri). To find that kit, pay close attention to the front leaf springs.

I was thinking, we could take our pictures to other specialized forums to ask them if they know what kits we are looking at here.

I was also thinking of something else. I have an AMT Peterbilt Wrecker, and for the longest time I heard that that was a kit that was used on the Y Wing. However, I have been unable to locate any parts from it. The closest thing I see is a fuel tank half that would go on the top, forward of the Italeri Howitzer piece, and to the left. However, the part from the Wrecker seems too big. Anyone know about this? Also, I do not know what wheel is used for the base of the Ion Cannons, but the closest I can see is a wheel from the AMT Fruehauf Tanker from the Kit scans page. I do not have this kit, but I know that at least one AMT kit is used on the Y. The Sandcrawler has a lot of AMT Semi parts on it, so the Wrecker could very well have been available as the source of those parts. I think the 5 foot Falcon has them too.
Oh what a great source of kit scans, thanks for posting. :thumbsup
Which one of the y-wings are you guys building/researching?
I have the gold ANH as my favourite.
<div class='quotetop'>(Maths_Hal @ Aug 17 2006, 07:28 PM) [snapback]1302470[/snapback]</div>
Oh what a great source of kit scans, thanks for posting. :thumbsup
Which one of the y-wings are you guys building/researching?
I have the gold ANH as my favourite.

Not a problem. I am making my own variant and I will probably paint it with blue markings. But, I plan on molding my parts so I can make more than one.
Yep, that would be it :) Theres also one on the bottom beside the Harrier piece.
I don't have any pix quite clear enough to tell if its the exact same axle, but
it does look like it.
I just got the 1/25 Fruehauf tanker. I got it cuz I thought the wheel rim looked
right as well. Its close but Doesn't look quite right to me.
I think I can pull off some kit pix.
Pic #4 from Flintlocks post #1083. DUH.
A VERY confirmed kit.
I won one 2 weeks ago from eVil Bay but it hasn't arrived yet :cry
So don't mind me. My Momma always said I was special. :confused
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