1:24 X-Wing Red 3 **WIP**


Sr Member
What's that? 1:24 you say? Why isn't this thread in the Studio Scale forum, then? Well, that's because it's just that: studio scale, and that's about as close as this is going to get to being "studio accurate." ;)

Over the years I've seen many amazing builds of Red 3 (I mean, look at this AMAZING build by VFX Freak, and Guy's SS Red 3 build here, for example). This will not be one of those builds, but hopefully I can build and paint something up that will be worthy to be photographed for my ongoing photo project, which you can see here.

This X-Wing is 3D printed in FDM and resin. The STL files come from Dominic's wonderful model, which can be found here. Granted, it is his Mk. I version, as he is releasing a more accurate Mk. II version soon, but I was already well underway by the time I learned he was making another one. Just an excuse to build another! I am no stranger to 3D printing kits, as I've printed a few models over the years. Some of you may remember my 1:48 Y-Wing build thread. It was a rollercoaster of education, and I learned a lot.

This model was printed on my Elegoo Saturn (the OG 4K model), and the Elegoo Neptune 4 Plus. I started printing this model back in January of 2023, but life got busy and this got put on the shelf until just recently. I also purchased a few Archive-X paints, and this will be my first time using those as well (any pointers here would be greatly appreciated!).

Anyway, enough faffing about. On with the build.

I originally printed the entire kit in resin, but, unfortunately, parts warped and such to the point where it would have just been a massive headache to put together. Here are a few photos from the early days.

Some resin parts on the printer. Printing on the plate introduces a few flaws into the parts, most notably something called "elephant's foot," where the first few mms are squished onto the plate.

Resin printing gives you incredible detail!

Primed cockpit with a temporary canopy (you can see some layer shifting on the canopy in this shot)

Front fuselage test fitting. I was pretty happy how this was turning out at this point, but it was very heavy, and the business end of this bird was going to be massive and heavy. I wasn't sure if the resin would be able to support its weight with the wings and engines, etc... You don't really appreciate how big these models were until you start dry-fitting the parts together like this! I'm so used to the small Bandai and Fine Molds kits; this thing is huge!

Pilot, courtesy of Alain Rivard. I chopped off his visor, which I plan on making from some clear plastic of some sort later. Also notice that he is already seated in a chair. I like this chair more than the chair that's in the X-Wing model, so I will break out my dremel and do some surgery to the cockpit part. The pilot- should I start calling him Biggs?- will probably need his feet/legs chopped in order to fit, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Poor Biggs.

A resin-printed wing. There's a bit of warpage around the whole wing, and they won't close flat. I would later reprint the wings in FDM, making them lighter as well as stronger.

More to come in the next post!

Thanks for looking!

Thanks guys! Jaitea I can't wait to see how it turns out as well! :lol:

As stated above, I wasn't in love with the idea of this being an all-resin build because of warping and how heavy the parts came out. Here is just the cockpit section in resin. You can see where it cracked and a few layers have separated.

Plus, most of the droid strip would have been a separate part from this, which would support a lot of the weight of the wing mechanism, and I just wasn't convinced that some epoxy would be able to hold the parts together. So I went into MeshMixer and combined the cockpit part with the back of the fuselage where the droid strip would sit (this wouldn't have fit on the build plate of my Saturn, anyway).

You can see here in the cockpit section that it had waves all over it. By doing two passes of filler primer and various passes of sanding, it completely obliterated all of the panel lines, etc... I kind of knew that I would need to re-scribe all of those anyway, but I was still only about 75% happy with the FDM parts.



So I spent the better part of Christmas break calibrating my printer, trying to get rid of the waves, the over-extruding, etc... After I got it going again, I re-printed the cockpit and droid strip combo, making a few modifications to the part along the way. I added a slot under the strip where I can access the wing mechanism and the electronics, as well as making a spot for some magnets to keep the droid strip secured.


The new part came out great, and I'm really happy with how the printer is working. Had to take a break during the holidays to watch ESB with the fam:


After that brief distraction, it was on to the wings!

This is a weird/distorted closeup photo to check the striation lines. I'm printing the parts as .12mm layer height so that as much detail as possible is retained:


And here's a shot after some filler primer and some wet sanding:


Hopefully this week I can get all of the wings sanded and primed, and then start gluing the rest of the engine bits on! These parts have been printed in resin and they all came out great:


And here's Biggs' R2 unit, just along for the ride (he doesn't know how this all ends up!)

Stay tuned for more, and thanks for looking!

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Little update this morning, as well as a question for everybody. I dry-fit one of the wings together with the Sat V cans and the engines, and things were lining up pretty well. I need to add a styrene strip on the top of the engine cans as well, as Red 3 had those.


Having access to both resin and FDM printing is pretty cool, because I can do the high-detail stuff in resin and the larger less-detailed stuff in FDM. Mixed media, if you will. Once I am happy with how the wings are coming along, I'll start gluing bits on. I have wet-sanded up to 400 grit on these so far, and so I'll hit them with some primer this afternoon and see where they stand. Maybe I'll hit them with 800 after that. We'll see.

Okay, question time, and it revolves around Biggs' R2 unit.

On the studio scale Red 3 model (at least in the photos that Jason took in 2005), it seems that there is just a normal blue/silver/white R2-D2 droid in the socket:


But in Star Wars, Biggs has a droid named R2-F2, as seen in this BTS photo here:


And here are some images pulled from Wookiepedia on R2-F2:



So the question is: Do I go with what's in the SS model, and paint it up like R2-D2, or do I go with the full-size set and do R2-F2? (And if I went with R2-F2, I'd paint it like the first image, not the bottom one. I think I like the gray more than the green).

Let me know what you think!



  • kg-lucasfilm_archived-red3-reference-031.jpeg
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2005 version is not a filmed version in my opinion. The fan shapes are blue, but they are in different possition. ROJ version are red. I would choose R2-F2 if the cockpit is full-size version.


  • r2.jpg
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It seems like someone put in the wrong droid, at some point.

Gentlemen: One of our droids is missing!

As we all know, the Y-wings didn't even have droids in their sockets, during the trench run.
After looking through various photo documentation, and ‘Chronicles’, I noticed that the droids on many ships were swapped around randomly.
Red Leader was a good example, I counted at least 3 different droids used on that ship. The droids were often different between Hero and Pyro models too.

And as edge10 pointed out, the Y-wings didn’t have droids present in most of the movie shots.

When I built my SS X, and Y-wings, I took a few liberties with droids….
You could do it as the Pyro Red3's droid configuration, sort of like the full size version???

View attachment 1775507View attachment 1775508

OOOOoooooo I love the Pyro paint scheme as well. I really like the gray on the canopy... Maybe I will do an amalgamation of the Hero and the Pyro? Decisions, decisions....

It seems like someone put in the wrong droid, at some point.

Gentlemen: One of our droids is missing!

As we all know, the Y-wings didn't even have droids in their sockets, during the trench run.

After looking through various photo documentation, and ‘Chronicles’, I noticed that the droids on many ships were swapped around randomly.
Red Leader was a good example, I counted at least 3 different droids used on that ship. The droids were often different between Hero and Pyro models too.

And as edge10 pointed out, the Y-wings didn’t have droids present in most of the movie shots.

When I built my SS X, and Y-wings, I took a few liberties with droids….
Yeah, it seems the ILM'ers played Musical Droids with the ships while shooting them. "Nobody's gonna see this film anyway, so who cares?" :lol:

I think I am gonna go with the Pyro Red 3 droid, R2-F2, which is white, green, and gray.

Not much of an update, but I primed the wings and upper fuselage parts this afternoon, and I'll wet-sand them tomorrow, so stand-by for more photos!

After looking through various photo documentation, and ‘Chronicles’, I noticed that the droids on many ships were swapped around randomly.
Red Leader was a good example, I counted at least 3 different droids used on that ship. The droids were often different between Hero and Pyro models too.

And as edge10 pointed out, the Y-wings didn’t have droids present in most of the movie shots.

When I built my SS X, and Y-wings, I took a few liberties with droids….

Yeah, droids were definitely swapped around, and even left out sometimes like that shot in the movie with Gold Leader and Gold 2 Y-Wings where there is no droid in there at all

I think also some of the droids were in various stages of painting. Like one shot has an all grey dome, later a black and white pattern etc...

I seems like there is a different droid in many of the Y-Wings and X-Wings over the various production photos as well. Make it hard to nail down which one to use sometimes so I just often went with what I liked
I am seriously leaning towards the Pyro paint scheme. It's a bit cleaner and a bit more stark, which I like. We'll see.

Today was spent re-scribing panel lines. I learned that I'm really bad at doing this, and that going slower is definitely better! :lol:



You can see a few spots where the scriber slipped and went rogue. I'll fix those bits before the base paint color. But like I said, it's not perfect, but it'll work for what I'm doing here. And my hand is all cramped now :lol:

Thinking about the order of operations here for being able to glue bits to the wings:

- finish coat of primer
- 800 grit wet sanding
- drill holes for small bolts to attach to the armature
- solder red LEDs (need to measure the inner diameter of the engine nozzles so that I can print a little LED holder for them)
- glue engines and greeblies on

So as you can see, there is still a lot to do before I get the greeblies and engines on. Also, I printed a shorter turkey feather nozzle, as Red 3 has one short one and three normal ones:


This photo makes it look WAAAAAY too short, but that's just the camera angle, I think.

Anyway, that's it for today's update!

Thanks for looking.
