Which saber is most comfortable to you?


Sr Member
I've owned practically ever saga saber made at one time or another, plus a few EU. The one thing I've noticed is that very few are very comfortable to hold. The large boxes on the Graflex and MPP sabers are really in the way for example. Sure they look good, but as a "real" weapon they're not really good designs.

I just got my first Qui-Gon saber and it's far more comfortable than most. I'm curious to know, looks aside, what other people think is the most comfortable to hold.

For me, it's the Qui-Gon, the Obi-Wan TPM (minus the bottom cubes) and the Ki-Adi Mundi. I study iaido and to me, even these aren't real good sword hilts, but compared to the Graflex, they're much better.

So, what is it for you?
I'd have to say Luke ROTJ as well, specifically the hero saber. The lower portion right up to the control box is just smooth and seamless, without any grooved booster or hard plastic t-tracks to irritate my palm!:lol
You'd think that with all that Jedi knowledge and technologey, they'd come up with a way to make a moldable grip whereas they'd impress their own palm/finger grip into an uncured medium that would cure forming a customized ergonomic grip. Oh well...
Although I can't say much about which saber is most comfortable to hold, since I only have the OT sabers, I was surprised after putting grips on my Luke ANH Graflex replica how friggin' HUGE it felt to hold with the grips.
Most of the council sabers aren't too bad, but for form and function I'd go with the Qui-gon everytime. Mauls saber (split in half) is ok as well.
Qui-Gon. What other button could a saber possibly require but an activator?! Nice grips, too, narrow diameter. I love it.
Qui-Gon. What other button could a saber possibly require but an activator?! Nice grips, too, narrow diameter. I love it.

That's my feeling too. it's simple and so you don't have edges digging into your hand. The Obi TPM would probably be #1 for me if it weren't for the pommel cubes. They make it a bit uncomfortable.

One thing I've notied is the OT sabers tend to average 1.5" du to the Graflex/MPP parts. This has always seemed fine until I held a PT saber. Once I picked up a TPM Obi or AOTC Anakin the 1.5" diameter just seemed so big. I remember as a kid the toy lightsaber always felt huge. I was pretty young, so it probably was, but that's the same feeling I get picking up a Graflex now.
I enjoy Anakin ROTS, but I suppose that's because I'm really used to it. Other than that, I really like Mace's saber.