Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS!

Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Getting more done as possible myself...I have the body roughed in with more sculpting work to do and it seems like I've forgotten something, but I'm not sure what...

I also put some more detail work on the chair....Now it's back to the robot.
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

That is fantastic sculpting work there Pyxl - I wish I could carve from scratch like that.
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Work continues. Today I sucessfully fed power to one of the forward collimator tubes:


I need to power up the other one and then align them on the forward assembly. It is a slow process but each step is eminently satisfying. :)
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

That graphic is fantastic. I think it's top notch, sir..top notch!
Even Dr. Vandermeer is impressed. You can tell by the look of bliss on his swarthy face.


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Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Okay, so I join RPF just because of this contest, and now I'm losing sleep reading all the archived forums, the Junkyard is draining my wallet, and the competition is a freakin' mech? I mean come on people, give a guy a chance. :lol

If my Bison's going to compete it'll have to launch other Bisons that then each shoot chainsaws or something. I'm booking holidays, things are gonna get serious in here.:)
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Okay, so I join RPF just because of this contest, and now I'm losing sleep reading all the archived forums, the Junkyard is draining my wallet, and the competition is a freakin' mech? I mean come on people, give a guy a chance. :lol

If my Bison's going to compete it'll have to launch other Bisons that then each shoot chainsaws or something. I'm booking holidays, things are gonna get serious in here.:)

Well - I just found the cowards way out.

I am now off to Kenya on Wednesday to work in the Dadaab refugee camp for a few weeks as a volunteer, so I don't think I will be back in time to finish my entry.

And to be honest - I think I will be less stressed over there than I am watching the competition on this forum.

I am 'mostly done' so I am still a chance to finish - all depends on Dadaab.
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

The good doctor is getting close to being completed. Much easier to paint him now than once he's installed in the robot cockpit. I've never done a sculpture like this, and I learned a great deal. Now I can focus on the robot arms and that (those) gun(s).

Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

The mini doc is looking great! It will be cool to see what you do with the outside of the machine.

I had a couple of ideas myself recently. Nothing near as fancy. First was the old advertisements you'd fine in new gun boxes and cases in the mid-late 1800's. I tried to draw on that style for the case I started making for my entry. Took my old footlocker and lined it as best I could. Got a DC Amp charging gauge and a vacuum gauge in atmospheres to mount on the main stand. Found a neat world map clock and the cavity was just right to lock in my fake pocket transit for some extra survival gear. Nothing is mounted yet and I need to finish the rest of the modular armament and the Manual for the weapon before I can finish putting it all together but I thought I'd share. First time aging paper and I lost some of the lighter sketch details unfortunately.



Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Sorry I haven't posted any progress/concept pics. I don't really have much progress as of right now. I will soon though :D
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Looks like you are having a lot of fun with this project. I will be post some pics soon. beware the Tatonka!
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

I got mine ordered and will be entering this contest. I think I got the last one! I'm pretty excited. This will be my first contest, so I'll be sticking pretty close to the original, but I'm going to add some cool stuff that will really give the gun some awesome detail.
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Anyone else feeling like they have bitten off a wee bit more than they can chew with their gun mod???
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

OK - This is funny - but for the longest time with all of your photos I thought you were building a 1:1 scale prop - It was just a few days ago when I noticed smaller objects in the photos that gave me a clue to the "actual" size of the piece!

That is a compliment I guess to the quality of your work and attention to scale :)

That graphic is fantastic. I think it's top notch, sir..top notch!
Even Dr. Vandermeer is impressed. You can tell by the look of bliss on his swarthy face.


Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Anyone else feeling like they have bitten off a wee bit more than they can chew with their gun mod???
I've got great plans, as I also wish to do a charging case, display base and maybe a holster! But life keeps stealing the hours away as fast as I get them!:wacko:wacko:wacko
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Just wanted to say thanks for this video - I had a look at it yesterday and it helped me incredibly to get my Bison apart

Seconded. It helped prepare me for what was not an easy task.

Anyone else feeling like they have bitten off a wee bit more than they can chew with their gun mod???

Too right. This thing is eating my social life. I just chose to work through my birthday on it and have turned down at least three opportunities of nights out as I don't want to risk leaving it all to the last minute and running out of time.
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

"The BOS" prototype is well underway! In fact I've poured a considerable amount of time into it already. Those Venusian savages won't stand a chance!

I don't want to give too much away before the final reveal. My new invention employs a brand new phlogiston technology that must be kept confidential with the utmost care for fear of those dreaded martian miscreant spies stealing my designs!

Anyways, on with the show . . . :)

Behold, a detailed shot of the "Ultrasonic Wave Generator":

Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS


mkay, this is what I have done so far. It's simple, but I don't want to change too much. I still gotta put the paint on, add a few more things, and come up with a name but this is a general idea :D.

Also, is this a like a typical therpf contest, can I post this on another site?
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