Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS!

Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Well, the Rust-oleum spray works on all types of plastics. Takes a good 24 hours before its tack free. Found a coat hook to finish the look of the beast. Now that it's been primed in an anodized bronze, I can see where I need to round the hard edges and smooth some rough spots on the surface. But overall, after a couple of months staring at a pressure wash nozzle, a finished Bison and a pile of odds and ends, once the contest Bison arrived, the execution of putting all the pieces together has been reasonably smooth. Might have something finished for ComicCon. Hopefully it will ship well.
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Great work there ATLOVECRAFT, that paint finish is a good base to build off, and you found the right coat hook for the trigger guard (I am still looking).
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Hey there, I'm new and I just located this thread. Just wated to know if there are anymore guns available, and if I could still enter the contest. Sorry if the answers to my questions are already posted. I haven't had time to review the entire thread.

Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Great work there ATLOVECRAFT, that paint finish is a good base to build off, and you found the right coat hook for the trigger guard (I am still looking).

Just found out (and I should've remembered from past experience) lacquer based paints don't react as well with rubber. Which is what the little squiggly piece is on the main body. It is drying though.Just a bit slower.
In looking for possible graphics, I did come across a "Martian Matador"......
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

I got some paint down tonight.


The base coat is a Tamiya naval mid blue. It looks good on the ray gun, gives it a 'mass produced air force issue' look. I also wondered how this would go down on the rubber parts, but I can leave it for three days now before I touch it so it should dry okay.

Now to get on with the engine.
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

When does this contest officially end? I didn't see it in the first post. Am I just missing it?
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

I just received mine!!
I have already removed (which cost me sweat and tears). This ready to subsequent amendments. And I welcome the extension of the deadline ... less stress.
Soon I will put pictures of my progress.
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Wow, exciting stuff you guys !

Please stop by the Weta booth at Comic Con next week and chat with Dr Grordbort's creator Greg Broadmore and Weta Workshop Model Maker Dave Tremont. They would love to see your Work in Progress.

We are at booth 2615, sharing with Dark Horse Comics.


Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS


Lets see how well this ships. Keeping my fingers crossed, see ya at ComicCon.
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Well, I've been working some more on my project as well...
today I spent some time roughing out the pilot (Dr. G. Vandermeer) and roughed together his pilot seat. The seat is based on an antique barber chair I've seen online and thought would fit this project nicely.
I want to make sure that when people look into the port hole on the front, there's plenty of neat stuff to see...
I also began work on the robot's arms finally...this is where the gun (and/or copies of said gun's parts) will come into play. I'm having a blast!


Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Well, I've been working some more on my project as well...
today I spent some time roughing out the pilot (Dr. G. Vandermeer) and roughed together his pilot seat. The seat is based on an antique barber chair I've seen online and thought would fit this project nicely.
I want to make sure that when people look into the port hole on the front, there's plenty of neat stuff to see...
I also began work on the robot's arms finally...this is where the gun (and/or copies of said gun's parts) will come into play. I'm having a blast!

It's looking awesome!!
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Can't wait to see how he looks from the neck up. Here's to an arsenal of fantastic weaponry to equip a world filled with Scientific Adventure Violence for Young Men & Literate Women.
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

A trip to the hardware store and hobby store to gather components today. I dare say I'll be working on the construction this weekend. it's not a massive change to the original, but I think it's something a little different.
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

Well, mine is done! The Arcane Berkshire Shorthorn lives! (as far as any weapon powered by the undead can…)

Now then, a few questions…. At the thread’s beginnings we were told an email address to send pictures to and that they should be left, right and three quarter shots with neutral backgrounds. That was it.

I think as the thread has gone on we’ve seen that the Weta guys have uncorked a fantastic can of creative worms. People are really going to town on backstory documents, blueprints, logos etc (if we don’t get someone attaching one to a car roof and calling it a tank, I’ll be bitterly disappointed…) Can these rules be relaxed to enable folk full reign to show off their creativity? Obviously the pieces themselves shouldn’t be digitally enhanced but the associated gubbins only adds to the fun for all of us.

Also how is it going to work? We have an address so presumably finished pictures should not be posted on this thread – will the RPF guys post pictures on a separate thread as they come in or all of them after the end date?. I myself would favour the latter – I know some may say it goes against the spirit of the competition but posting super-duper pictures of weapons the size of aircraft carriers may discourage those that have just added tooth-paste tube tops and their Mum’s nail varnish… I would like to see as many entries as possible (even some idea sketches caused a few guys to bail – shame!)

Tell me if you agree or not – can the competition guys get out some revised rules? Also what format and resolution is best for you?

I’m off to wait for the British summer so I can photograph the beastie…..
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

I second Dudley's inquiries.

What size should our entry photos be?
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

I was planning on doing the required 3 shots, then doing a few more "fun" shots just for backstory and fun sake -

I dont think you will get penalized for doing more photos as long as you still do the requested
Re: Weta - Dr Grordbort's Custom Raygun Contest! - SHOW OFF YOUR CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS

I managed to get the engine installed this evening.


This is made from old Stromburg Carlson WW2 headphone speakers, bits of brass tube, clock parts and fish tank air line tubing. It took a bit of jiggling to get it in the right position so I can hinge the cover and close it.

This was the biggest challenge. Now with the blue base coat on, some rusting done and some graphite rubbed in, I am now on to final paint detail and weathering.

I want it to be 'mostly done' soon so I have a couple of weeks to ponder it, fine tune it and then do the required photos.
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