Interest Veracity Labs - "The Princess" (Leia lightsaber) hilt Interest Thread

Verity Cosplay

Sr Member
So rather than continuing to hijack Valor's thread here: ROS *Spoiler* Saber design

I have made sufficient progress to start putting feelers out to gauge interest in a hilt run for this saber.

many thanks to Valor for getting us a good and healthy start.

having procured Valor's initial model, I have been studiously making adjustments and converting the model to a machinable set of structures for an FX based saber run.

In the same vein as the "MoM of all Heroes" hilt, BRRogers and I are teaming up with Lewis (Malaki Skywalker) from 7 Chambers to look at producing this hilt.

based on a rough cut the internal cavity would be 1.15" for most of the cavity for electronics components (and incidentally chassis modules exist at this size). These are all subject to change however as we continue design.

we would be looking to machine this from 7075 just like the "MoM of All Heroes" and we would be adding the coppery accents using natural copper and a limited set with that copper rose gold plated. Based on our research it also appears that the flatter parts of the grip fins that are not ridged actually look to be pearl like iridescent and as such we're looking at doing mother of pearl inlay for these pieces. This all supports the saber of a princess and royalty.

more details to follow as we work out design and logistics and timing.

caveat: we know some other are also racing to produce this design, so this will be a competitive market however we think with the precious material elements as well as BRRogers' and my obsession for detail, we think we will have a compelling offering.

so now the for rub. We need to understand what sort of demand there might be for such a run, so if you have interest, please chime in here! This will help drive our efforts.

please speak up if you are interested in us doing a run of this and would want one.

current total interest: (156)

Main Copper Run Qty: 78
  1. kyrack - 2
  2. Loneken - 1
  3. PhantomPickle - 1
  4. kamakazykid - 1
  5. Drew Baker - 1
  6. cboath - 1
  7. r0ver - 1
  8. Halliwax - 1
  9. cphaeng - 1
  10. Darthlarry - 1
  11. xwingercrash - 1
  12. AndrewJ - 1
  13. BeggarsCanyon - 1
  14. kursosawa - 1
  15. Arnygollott3 - 1
  16. darkblade21 - 1
  17. ventuoguy - 2
  18. Johnny3072 - 1
  19. fish2keel - 1
  20. Titanic - 1
  21. the Pawn - 1
  22. Darth Maledous - 1
  23. Villenmike - 1
  24. BrickMacklin - 1
  25. SithSim - 1
  26. turok96 - 1
  27. DarkJedi360 - 1
  28. Chr2win - 1
  29. laikos - 1
  30. mryingster - 1
  31. R2bman - 1
  32. Scout91 - 1
  33. Snormeepoo - 1
  34. Blacky1977 - 1
  35. StormFallen2 - 1
  36. rockbottom - 1
  37. Luuke - 1
  38. CGClone - 1
  39. JoeSheep - 1
  40. SandieCakes - 1
  41. mgoob - 1
  42. JPLEG - 1
  43. Foe Hammer - 1
  44. jakob2121 - 1
  45. Jonesy 1138 - 1
  46. squirk - 1
  47. skoota73 - 1
  48. Jedig - 1
  49. Lobot82 - 1
  50. Scotchaholic - 1
  51. JediJohn182 - 1
  52. Mark P - 1
  53. k9muttlover - 1
  54. ggriffaw - 1
  55. coffeefrijole89 - 1
  56. Jawakilla - 1
  57. dreamtraveler - 1
  58. TWB46636 - 1
  59. the denominator - 1
  60. k9muttlover - 1
  61. sweetheart - 1
  62. Justpure - 1
  63. Riv - 1
  64. Boba Flint - 1
  65. BrundelFly - 1
  66. satoshi71100 - 1
  67. jjbinkz - 1
  68. GreyJediMaster - 1
  69. bradmckelvie1 - 1
  70. Infinity - 1
  71. cooperpullin - 1
  72. XahnoLee - 1
  73. blobcat - 1
  74. Eisenjays - 1
  75. NamelessUser - 1
  76. Rabb - 1
  77. HotStuffIsComin - 1
  78. amnesia0287
  79. CrueGuyRob

Rose Gold Exclusive Run Qty: 80

#01: xena10ares
#02: DarthSkykiller
#03: PhantomPickle
#04: SaiyanCookie
#05: Grigori
#06: MacCyber
#07: VitalNonsense
#08: DarthPlatypus
#09: goldenage
#10: suntzu707
#11: r0ver
#12: scud42
#13: Petrichor
#14: cphaeng
#15: Obi1Kenobi
#16: darkblade21
#17: the Pawn
#18: bluecoyote
#19: Phoenixgdb
#20: Darth Maledous
#21: Villenmike
#22: treansorturi
#23: cybergandalf
#24: CJVector
#25: Trooper_trent
#26: Shaun Patterson
#27: Sugarbee
#28: Scout91
#29: Dr Jedi
#30: Snormeepoo
#31: ReploidRX
#32: StormFallen2
#33: SithApprentice
#34: FuzzyWampa
#35: mattyoho
#36: enterprise0216
#37: Chase265
#38: Planettera
#39: arcana
#40: MightyThorcules
#41: pinkwlri
#42: Stormshadow
#43: FuseNova
#44: Nbowen0302
#45: OPEN
#46: Darth Barbie Doll
#47: MrPickles
#48: AJTaliesen
#49: awhite89
#50: Shinobi Hiro
#51: JediJohn182
#52: RadioShaxx
#53: katschorm
#54: nash
#55: Jawakilla
#56: MDC92
#57: Darth Elevator
#58: ryoko1000
#59: PhCIT80
#60: Miikiya
#61: djedi
#62: jjbinkz
#63: DiegoCarrillo34
#64: JulianNyx
#65: Dumog
#66: ObscureReferenc
#67: RogersSSR1941
#68: ataru72ita
#69: Martin Sabers
#70: amnesia0287
#71: victory201
#72: jinrawke
#73: BrettUnder
#74: itstheguy
#75: Barnstormer
#76: TheJediSmuggler
#77: JakkuJunkTrader
#78: v312
#79: CGClone
#80: blobcat
#81: sketchyspecter
#82: izaak1223
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Definitely interested, but would it not be prudent to wait for the film to be released in hi-def home format in order to have the best available reference images? Obviously first to market sabers satisfy the immediate urge but aren't always as accurate, and to me it is worth the time to wait for better reference because a more accurate saber is always more desirable.
Definitely interested, but would it not be prudent to wait for the film to be released in hi-def home format in order to have the best available reference images? Obviously first to market sabers satisfy the immediate urge but aren't always as accurate, and to me it is worth the time to wait for better reference because a more accurate saber is always more desirable.
Funny you mention that, we are having that very debate. First to market is very compelling and can help fund further efforts.

and yes lots of details are informed guesses currently and once better photos and references come improvements can be made. We may do Gen1 and Gen2 releases...?

right now we are gauging interest and feedback is welcome!
I would definitely be interested.
That said, I'd recommend you guys to take time and wait for better reference materials to surface.

I've seen quite a few projects (such as PPV1/V2 and Ben Solo The Light) turning out inaccurate as a result of rushed production.
I wouldn't be interested in joining the 1st run if the run proceeds before better references turn up.
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You mentioned that you believed there may have been a mother of pearl type inlay on the saber... I thought you were crazy. I looked back through the photos and I just didn’t see it at all.

BUT I just got back from the theater again, and I went in looking for this, now I agree 100%, I totally see the mother of pearl like inlay between the fins on the hilt. I believe you are correct
You mentioned that you believed there may have been a mother of pearl type inlay on the saber... I thought you were crazy. I looked back through the photos and I just didn’t see it at all.

BUT I just got back from the theater again, and I went in looking for this, now I agree 100%, I totally see the mother of pearl like inlay between the fins on the hilt. I believe you are correct
Thats one of the big things I noticed on the first viewing. But was unsure. The second viewing I was positive.
Now the wind-vane internals are the thing we really need eyes on!
Thats one of the big things I noticed on the first viewing. But was unsure. The second viewing I was positive.
Now the wind-vane internals are the thing we really need eyes on!
Yeah. I think I have everything else pretty well nailed and figured out based even on the limited references (overlays and even more in particular the math behind close-range photogrammetry is a powerful thing).

but the internals under the windvane shroud are so blurry it is impossible to figure out. I have theories but cannot prove them without better photographs of what is going on inside that windvane.

What I am planning to do is get everything ready to go from a functional assembly perspective and get as much down to accurate as I can. Then make some adjustments once better photos drop. That way at least everything else is ready to go.
Another couple of "nuggets" in case people have missed them...

the end of the pommel cap where the D ring is has a small black button head hex screw (my guess is M3 just like the 3 screws on Kylo's crossguard saber)

also the small "balls/domes" in the grip flutes appear to be m1.6 button head slotted screws. There is just a hint of the straight slot across the dome in one of the photos.