Uncharted 2: Among Theives

journal art scans would be awesome and as for the token.. great find. if we can track some down, a little paint is NO problem :)
No problem :) Yes I've asked around on some sites if there's anybody who can get some of those tokens. If possible, I'll buy enough for all :) Hope you'll do the same if you find a supply first.

I've taken some Macro shots with my digital cam. Hope you guys can use them :) see here: http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y179/Kredepops/Uncharted%202/

Most of the images were really small, but the camera did a pretty good job. The Bangkok plane ticket and that pink ticket are almost print quality :)
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Seems like there's a password code on my photobucket album and I can't see where to change that. So here are the images hotlinked instead.







Awesome! That is perfect -just need to change the number in the lower right corner! Thanks!

Password for guests wanting to acess my photobucket album is: Uncharted
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"Uncharted Movie Has Completed Script; Moving Along Nicely
05/05/2010 Written by Dan Massi
Months after its announcement, Uncharted is quickly edging closer to the silver-screen day-by-day. It was really no surprise when it was announced that a movie was being planned on the incredibly successful and critically appraised game series, though it certainly is surprising how much progress is being made.

The L.A. Times have reported that the script for the Uncharted movie Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, is complete. The script was written by both Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer, the duo who worked on the Dreamwork’s adaption of the Cowboys & Aliens film. According to an L.A. Times source, the script written by the two was well liked, and Sony wishes to move forward with the project. Also attached to the Uncharted film is producer Charles Roven, who was part of The Dark Knight crew.

Several directors are apparently being considered for the film, with David O. Russell being one them. Russell was director of films such as Spanking the Monkey, Flirting with Disaster, The Fighter, Three Kings, and I ♥ Huckabees. The Uncharted film was to be pushed towards a summer 2011 release, however, the slot has most likely be filled with Kevin James’ new comedy, The Zookeeper.

The movie is said to be based on the first Uncharted title but the actors and actresses are still unknown at this point."

My thoughts are,
1. Maybe we'll get some good licensed replicas now (dubloon and/or Francis Drake's diary anyone?) and
2. They'd better not screw it up. All of the potential for a great film is there but they will obviously have to trim it down a bit. I can live without SOME of the gunfights and such but all of the game's cutscenes need to be there along with some exploring to add to/explain/set up those scenes.
oh yeah and
3. I wanna see actors who look to some degree like the game characters, not Ben Affleck or someone in that vein, I'd prefer a relative unknown.
Hope it does well, but I believe it is doomed to fail before it starts. I have found that usually what comes first is most likely the best medium. If a movie is made from a book, the books is better. I a book is made from a movie (novelization), the movie is better. Of course with few acceptions; Jurassic Park, Lord of the Rings. And movies made from video games and toys, eh?

The potential is there, let us hope they have the vision and imagination.

Have not been able to use my computer to do any work on this lately, Windows needs to be reinstalled (SUCKS!). I did do some research, I checked out the players guide for the game at Best Buy. There are some good shots of the diary and other pics in it. Has anyone scanned any of these?

Hope it does well, but I believe it is doomed to fail before it starts. I have found that usually what comes first is most likely the best medium. If a movie is made from a book, the books is better. I a book is made from a movie (novelization), the movie is better. Of course with few acceptions; Jurassic Park, Lord of the Rings. And movies made from video games and toys, eh?

The potential is there, let us hope they have the vision and imagination.

Have not been able to use my computer to do any work on this lately, Windows needs to be reinstalled (SUCKS!). I did do some research, I checked out the players guide for the game at Best Buy. There are some good shots of the diary and other pics in it. Has anyone scanned any of these?


i'll have a look in my guide to see if there's anything of use
Hope it does well, but I believe it is doomed to fail before it starts. I have found that usually what comes first is most likely the best medium. If a movie is made from a book, the books is better. I a book is made from a movie (novelization), the movie is better. Of course with few acceptions; Jurassic Park, Lord of the Rings. And movies made from video games and toys, eh?

The potential is there, let us hope they have the vision and imagination.


I agree, the potential for doing it right is there but the question is how much will have to be cut and unfortunately, thats probably a lot. I actually liked "Last of the Mohicans" and "The Count of Monte Cristo" better cinematically than in novel form. Those books were just terrible :lol
As for good game films though, those are few and far between. I'm in the camp that actually liked the FIRST Mortal Kombat film but hated the second. I feel that when it comes to games, we have more time to get to know the characters and see how they work through their various obstacles.
With the Uncharted series, you almost NEED the extra time. Just breezing through the first game and skipping the cinemas took me around eight hours. I feel strongly that in order to properly tell this story (as well as the second game) you really NEED to take your time, otherwise you lose so much that the plot starts to make less/no sense and the characters become very one sided.

edit: I don't have the player's guide for either game yet so I guess I'll need to pick those up :lol
I want to go ahead and throw my hat in the ring for Nathan Drake in the upcoming movie... what do you all think?



Back to the scheduled post.

Heheh ash - you do look alot like Drake!!

I got my two turkish 10 kurus coins yesterday. If you buy some for your book, be aware that they're a bit smaller than illustrated in the book and they're most likely silver in colour rather than bronze like shown in the game.

D_jedi1 - It would be very cool if you could get som hi-res scans of those images from the guide book.

I got some goodies for you soon, I've just finished tracing all the old parchment drawings in 600 dpi. It should make it easier to make some nice prints :) I took the screenshots into photoshop streched them out to get rid of the perspective and scaled them to fit the A5 moleskin book, then I meticulously traced it all down to the smallest detail. I have the lines and the parchment in seperate layers in case you want to age the paper yourself rather than print it.

Here's a small preview:

I can mail these to those interested in hi-res when they're done, just PM me with your email adress.
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Kredepops those look awesome, and Ash don't even waste your time they are prlly gonna cast some hollywood a-hole like Ryan Reynolds or Hugh Jackman
Thanks Frank :D

Sorry I havn't been around much lately, my wife gave birth to our firstborn baby son recently so I've had my hands full for awhile - still has ;) But I'm very close to completing the rest of the drawings.

The turkish tram coin is now available on the 'bay. There's a turkish seller there who has several up for grabs, they're a bit pricey though :(
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One more pice for the inserts -

Also picked up a couple of these a few days ago -

As for the Istanbul tram token...It looks like they do make them out of metal.
Just picked this one up today -

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Woah, thanks for all the stuff Darth Saber! Let me know if you want the pages I traced in hi-res :)

The Tram Token how big is it? I got one off ebay and it's quite a bit smaller than the one depicted in the book. Where did you find yours?
Woah, thanks for all the stuff Darth Saber! Let me know if you want the pages I traced in hi-res :)

Thanks for the offer...Im still contemplating drawing the images by hand (I figure it makes it more authentic.)
Still on the fence though. I might take you up on the offer.

BTW, Im making more inserts, Ill be posting them up as I finish them.

The Tram Token how big is it? I got one off ebay and it's quite a bit smaller than the one depicted in the book. Where did you find yours?

Not sure how big it is ...Haven't received it yet.
As soon as I get it Ill post up dimensions.

BTW, how big was the one you got?

Darth Saber, excellent posts. Those look great. Did you construct them from screen caps or find actual pics online?

Really well done and thank you for sharing.

Darth Saber, excellent posts. Those look great. Did you construct them from screen caps or find actual pics online?

A little bit of everything....I used the screencaps mainly as an under-template to reconstruct the hi-res version.

Really well done and thank you for sharing.


No problem...Im currently working on the spanish coin. Im making a reverse template out of sculpy. After it's cooked and hardened it will hopefully work as a stamp to press on top of another piece of soft sculpy.
If all goes as planned it should work out.


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