Uncharted 2: Among Theives

Some progress pics -

I went ahead and made a doubloon out of sculpy. I was kind of tight on time, so I wasn't able to make it as accurate as I would have liked.



I got one of my Turkish coins yesterday...Still waitning on the other one and the tram token.



This looks fantastic! I just finished sketching out the whole thing on a Moleskine and am now going through the time-consuming process of getting high-res versions of his tickets and stamps as well as the coins.
This looks fantastic! I just finished sketching out the whole thing on a Moleskine and am now going through the time-consuming process of getting high-res versions of his tickets and stamps as well as the coins.

Sounds like your having fun...If you're willing to wait a day or so, Im gonna post up the tickets and stamps, etc.

A couple of more inserts -



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Darth Saber,

You are a Beast sir! These are great and the speed that you are reproducing them is astounding. I aplaud your excellent efforts.

Are you replicating them withthe sreen caps or somewhat from scratch. What I am asking is... can you make the pages without the colored and aged background? Not trying to be a pain but without my own computer (broken for now :angry) I am unable to work.

Your work is greatly appreciated. It is like Christmas morning everytime I sign in to this site.

Darth Saber, great job! I love this game and really like what I'm seeing!

I just wanted to point out that in the "Tibetan Buddhist Symbols" page, there is a spacing error in the second to last line: "theDharmacakra".

Also, may I suggest altering the alignment of some of the descriptions/text? Some of the text might look better fully justified or center aligned, etc, instead of just left aligned. (ie: the description text of the deity painting in the Cintimani Gem page) :) I don't recall if that's how they appeared in the game version of the journal, but this might be one of the times to "optimize" instead of staying "screen accurate."

Keep up the good work!
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Darth Saber, great job! I love this game and really like what I'm seeing!

I just wanted to point out that in the "Tibetan Buddhist Symbols" page, there is a spacing error in the second to last line: "theDharmacakra".

Thanks, I didn't even notice that..(Already reposted the edited version)

Also, may I suggest altering the alignment of some of the descriptions/text? Some of the text might look better fully justified or center aligned, etc, instead of just left aligned. (ie: the description text of the deity painting in the Cintimani Gem page) :) I don't recall if that's how they appeared in the game version of the journal, but this might be one of the times to "optimize" instead of staying "screen accurate."

Keep up the good work!

I agree that it makes more sense to have it centered, but I think Im going to keep it screen accurate .

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Awesome!! Very helpful of you!!! Thanks!!

Your dubloon looks great BTW! Wanna sell me one? :D

My tram token is about 1.5 cm in diameter...
AWESOME!!!! Thank you so much. Now I can print them and age them on the correct color and texture of paper. These look incredible. You must be living these right now.

Crap...I went to get the pages printed today, and they came out super dark.
Why is it always a pain in the ass to get the correct brightness on images when they're being printed out?

Im adjusting the brightness to compensate for the darkness, Ill try getting them printed again tomorrow.
I have the same problem. I use an Epson printer, I print from Photoshop and that might be the problem because when I print from the default Windows picture viewer the colours and brightness is much better... what gives!?
I have the same problem. I use an Epson printer, I print from Photoshop and that might be the problem because when I print from the default Windows picture viewer the colours and brightness is much better... what gives!?

Well I managed to perfectly compensate for the darkness by adjusting the mid levels on the image and then printing them out again.

-Print out a test image (I would suggest printing one of the photos of the characters....Like the pic with Nate and Sully)

-After the image is printed out, open two copies that same image in Photoshop and then open the "levels" feature on one of the two copies. Take the middle level slider and adjust it until the image on the screen is as close as possible to the same darkness as the printed image. and then commit to the changes.

- After that image has been darkened, once again open the "levels" feature on that same image and then use the middle levels slider to get the image back to the correct brightness.
Use the untouched copy of the image as reference.

-Once you get the image back to the correct brightness, write down the number that was indicated on the slider tool when you moved the middle slider. On my image I had to slide the middle slider up to 2.30...It may be different on your computer.

-Once you figured out the level number, go to the untouched copy of the image, open the levels feature and move the middle slider until it reaches that level number.
THe image will probably look extremely bright, but once it goes to print it should darken up to look right.

Let me know if that works.

Keep that number handy for future prints.

My tram token is about 1.5 cm in diameter...

Well, I got my tram token today.

It's just slightly larger than the Turkish kurus coin.

The tram token measures exactly 20mm (2cm)
The Turkish kurus coin measures 19mm (1.9cm)



A bit smaller than what is seen in the game.
Thanks for the help regarding printing! Your diary looks awesome! It doesn't really matter that the coins are a bit smaller than in the game. Looks great!

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