Tron Disc, I just made my "Stunt Foam Disc" NEW PICS...

Thanks...but the electronics is easy to put together (as you can see).

The crux, for those of us who do not vacuform (yet!) is finding a decent frisbee.

Would suggest looking at the 175g Wham-o Frisbee as it is stock white and has grip ridges on the surface. The EL sheets/filter/rings cover up the interior design, so I didn't need to sand or paint.
I think I'd like to give this project a try. I've always been a big Tron fan, and I'm really looking forward to the upcoming movie. You make it look easy!
That's beautiful work. I still can't believe a company out there hasn't produced working props of that disc yet. I've wanted a prop of TRON's disc since first watching the movie.
This disc is pretty much exact to RAM's disc, but I wish there was a better way to cover up the electronics on the bottom of the disc.
Re: Tron Disc (Frisbee)

Someone here owns an original and sold casts of it a few years ago. It's based on a frisbee that is still sold, although I think the stunt props were actually foam discs.

Correct... I know someone who worked on the original Tron movie (special effects) and he has a framed Tron disc and mentioned all the discs used in the movie were actually made of foam and not plastic like I originally thought they were made from.

Regretfully the movie studio threw most of the props away into the dumpster, but my friend actually acquired his foam disc from that dumpster, lol.
the funny thing about the foam frisbee's is the size varies as they can be "smashed" to become larger or shrink is deformed
Resurrecting this thread, but I obtained an original perfect condition Wham-o disc. All the prod. markings match the back of the screen used stunt disc attached to the actors backs.
Very cool.
Where can I get vinyl rings as decals? The only custom vinyl companies I've seen is for making solid vinyl shapes, not flexible, or stickable.
I can't speak to the true movie props or other replicas.
I actually used a thick quality paper for mine and pressed it between contact paper. If I ever build a future version I may try to cut thin plastic discs, but I don't know. While it isn't close-up quality, the nice thing about my original design is that I could improve the design and allow discs/colors to be swapped out.

As it stands now, the top is
(disc rings)
(blue gel film)
(Joined EL-sheets)
(frisbee base)

In theory I could join the disc and gel as a single unit and swap them out as needed. If I can figure out a clean way to hook up the EL tape on the side (which is also covered by blue gel film), I could swap out colors/patterns for the same disc.

Not sure it is worth the hassle, but it is fun to design on paper.
A print shop can make a perfect vinyl sticker. I'd have one made for mine now, just need the graphic. Did I mention I suck at photoshop?
Here's one I did with paper decals to get the nice wrinkle effect.:confused

A print shop can make a perfect vinyl sticker. I'd have one made for mine now, just need the graphic. Did I mention I suck at photoshop?

If you want to get vinyl stickers made for the rings, you'd need the image done in a vector program like Illustrator or Corel.

For myself, I sent off my frisbee to someone here on the board who can do vac-forming. I wanted the areas around and inbetween the rings to have a raised surface, this is my idealized vision of the disc.
Paint the frisbee with translucent paint and cut the opaque areas out of the vac pull. Glue in place and I hope that's all!
Does anyone know the diameter of the original plastic hero discs? I was going to buy a white plastic vintage frisbee that had a similar ridge pattern to some in the movie, but the diameter was about 1" larger than the Wham-o soft frisbee.
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