Tron Disc, I just made my "Stunt Foam Disc" NEW PICS...

Thanks to the members here I found a fairly, if not screen, accurate foam frisbee that I am converting into the "stunt/costume" disc. I am getting vinyl stickers made for the rings, but I have these printed paper rings as stand-ins until I get the stickers done.

Here is mine:


Looks great Brad.

I like the way you've displayed it. :thumbsup

Awesome job on the finished display, Brad.:thumbsup So many of the unique ideas that you come up with continue to inspire me.
I love your display choice Brad. The frameless glass suits the prop perfectly like some futuristic I-mac screen.
I don't believe a bordered frame would have given off the same effect.
Nicely done. :thumbsup
Brad, your Tron disc looks great! I was wondering what kind of paint would dry on this foam rubber. Krylon makes total sense.

In Nick's photo, does the center of disk look like it was a painted circular swatch of fabric from the Tron outfits?

In Nick's photo, does the center of disk look like it was a painted circular swatch of fabric from the Tron outfits? -DM

Hey DM,
Not sure but it looks like printed paper. Can anyone that has seen these in real life give us a clue???


The center is not the fabric from the outfits (the pic of the disk from the stairs is mine). It's more just a thick sticker (not printed paper, kind of like a vinal-y thing) that has been painted with the black rings. The warping is from the disk shrinking a little over time.

Also, there was some question about the lettering being removed in the JK thread. The lettering was most defitionly removed (for the most part the center of the sticker is smooth and shows no signs of the sticker being pressed down around the letters), and it kinda looks like they just gouged into it becuase around the sticker there is small torn foam sections that have just been painted over. In the pics you can kinda see the darker area around like 5 and 6 o'clock.

I have to apologise as I should have taken better detailed current photos of the disk when I was home for the the holidays (Jedifyfe, PM'ed you!). I'll be returning to Chicago in May for good, so I can take some new pics then.
i used Tulip snow white paint worked excellently and hand painted the cricles still need to do the backside
i'll post some pics tonight :cool
Very cool.

I wonder would this work?

Cast up a copy in clear resin. Vinyl Ring shaped decals used to mask off the discs light up ring areas. Several coats of primer sprayed on. Decals removed.

Base color sprayed down over the entire disc and sealed down with clear coat.

Big round EL sheet tacked on behind the disc. Yes/No?
Re: Tron Disc (Frisbee)

Thanks for posting the one version of RAM's disc.
Decided to play around with EL-sheets and tape to create a prototype.

Lots of clean-up work I could do, but that's the point of prototypes I guess.
Did attach to my arm cleanly without any issues...



Here's a quick run down on the 'Disks of TRON'.


RAM's Disk in close up and medium shot are different.

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Very cool. Give it a toss and see how it flies!!! ;)

Everything flies if thrown hard enough and with enough loft :eek

Funny you should mention this as I've been thinking of a flying version...
A lot of the work is making the materials I used lighter, but the crux are replacing/balancing the inverters.

If I can find/use thinner inverters I do have an idea for a version that can be thrown. Might take a few attempts at building a proper bottom plate.

It certainly would not be usable for long throws or ultimate competitions, but something for short throws might be possible.
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