Tron Disc, I just made my "Stunt Foam Disc" NEW PICS...

I was just at Comic Con in San Antonio with Cindy Morgan and she told me the stunt discs were foam but that means it was only the ones thrown around at other people. All other discs were regular Plastic Frisbees. Even the ones they wore on their backs for general shots. The only time a foam one was used on the back was when it was going to be taken off the back and thrown in one shot. Now I am just relaying what Cindy said but we had a great conversation. I still think these are wonderful props and hope to do my own some day as well. I just wanted to help define where exactly in the movie the foam discs were used.
Vinyl decals with more of a matt finish to the usual glossy stuff, although I may replace the outer ring with 1/2" wide tape. This Wham-o disc didn't have the copyright information on the inside but my next one will.

You can't see it very well but I used 2 part epoxy for the velcro strips. Hopefully it'll yellow over time...

That's the disk from the armchair archivists Tron special.

It's a whammo disk that's been sliced in half to create a lower profile on the main actor's back. Someone with knowledge of the original production mentioned a while back something along these lines as one of the variants of disks used on set. I think this version would be considered a Hero "back disk" technically.

More screen caps I pulled from the armchair archivists episode-
Oh, man! How am I going to slice my disc in half? LOL!

That's the disk from the armchair archivists Tron special.

It's a whammo disk that's been sliced in half to create a lower profile on the main actor's back. Someone with knowledge of the original production mentioned a while back something along these lines as one of the variants of disks used on set. I think this version would be considered a Hero "back disk" technically.

More screen caps I pulled from the armchair archivists episode-
I have handled that disc in the photo at the Disney Archives, and can tell you its not a Whamo sliced in half. This is a Whamo disc, that has had additional foam added to the reverse to seal up the back, so it could be used as a "back disc." The only ones that I am aware of that have this foam insert were the primary cast only. Background actors that discs attached to the backs had no foam inserts.

There were mulitple styles of discs used in the production. All the foam discs were the Whamo Soft Foam Frisbees. Some were altered as above with the addition of foam inserts, while others placed on the characters backs were not filled, and only had velcro on the reverse. The paper/ and in some cases vinyl center rings applications were also used to hide the raised Whamo logo on the center disc after it was shaved down to make it flat.

Disney props dept made some casts of the Whamo and created harder "throwing" versions, and then there were some discs that had center rings where the base was paper, and the rings were hand painted, and some that had vinyl sticker applications. The majority of screen used discs from the film were hand painted using egg shell white satin finish paint.

Hope this helps.
Wow! Great info, thanks.

The foam insert on the back of the discs, is it actually shaped to fill the space? That would be tricky to make. Or when you press it, does it sink into the space?

I think my next replica will be a hand painted satin white Wham-o with the foam added to the back. :thumbsup

I have handled that disc in the photo at the Disney Archives, and can tell you its not a Whamo sliced in half. This is a Whamo disc, that has had additional foam added to the reverse to seal up the back, so it could be used as a "back disc." The only ones that I am aware of that have this foam insert were the primary cast only. Background actors that discs attached to the backs had no foam inserts.

There were mulitple styles of discs used in the production. All the foam discs were the Whamo Soft Foam Frisbees. Some were altered as above with the addition of foam inserts, while others placed on the characters backs were not filled, and only had velcro on the reverse. The paper/ and in some cases vinyl center rings applications were also used to hide the raised Whamo logo on the center disc after it was shaved down to make it flat.

Disney props dept made some casts of the Whamo and created harder "throwing" versions, and then there were some discs that had center rings where the base was paper, and the rings were hand painted, and some that had vinyl sticker applications. The majority of screen used discs from the film were hand painted using egg shell white satin finish paint.

Hope this helps.
Started work on my Tron '82 hero disc. Just some coats of white primer so far, but I need to remove some more of the logo and text so they don't show through the decals.


This is the disc I am attempting to replicate:
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I'm also in the market for a Tron IS Disc. But the one I'm going for is Tron's ID Disc. I want to use a plastic white disc, (or any color as long as the white primer won't show it), as my base. Is there a plastic frisbee out there can serve well?
It's a vintage world championships Frisbee. You should find it with ease. I went for 1981 for obvious reasons!
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