Tron Disc, I just made my "Stunt Foam Disc" NEW PICS...


Master Member
Thanks to the members here I found a fairly, if not screen, accurate foam frisbee that I am converting into the "stunt/costume" disc. I am getting vinyl stickers made for the rings, but I have these printed paper rings as stand-ins until I get the stickers done.

Here is mine:

Here is the screen used:


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Re: Tron Disc (Frisbee)

Ooh I'd never thought of a Tron disc before (surprising as it's one of my favourite films). I'm surprised nobody's made one with LEDs or EL sheet lighting up through the strips. That'd be quite cool.
Re: Tron Disc (Frisbee)

looks like you can just buy a regular plastic frisbee or one of those pro frisbee golf frisbees and slab some stickers and black duc tape.
Re: Tron Disc (Frisbee)

What are the dimensions? It really does look like a 80's model Frisbee with lots of paint and some decals. Matter of fact, I think I have a frisbee with that exact pattern of ridges around here dogs chew on it.
Re: Tron Disc (Frisbee)

Someone here owns an original and sold casts of it a few years ago. It's based on a frisbee that is still sold, although I think the stunt props were actually foam discs.
Re: Tron Disc (Frisbee)

I used to think Tron Guy was pretty cool. You know, the whole 'doin' your own thing' bit. However, I now hate him because any mention of Tron and he gets brought up.
Re: Tron Disc (Frisbee)

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Doesn't EL or any other kind of active lighting require a battery? That might throw off the balance. I'd like one I could throw around!
Re: Tron Disc (Frisbee)

It really does look like a 80's model Frisbee with lots of paint and some decals. Matter of fact, I think I have a frisbee with that exact pattern of ridges around here dogs chew on it.

I think it was an Ultimate Frisbee 175 gram.

Mine is in my trunk somewhere! :lol
Re: Tron Disc (Frisbee)

I got a solid cast of one once but I just didn't like it. It was clearly not a "hero" style disc when comparing it to the type Tron has in close ups. I don't know what it was but it was, stunt, costume piece or whatever... but it was kinda like a big white cow patty with a sticker on top.

I've been wanting a really nice memory disc for a long time. Of course, I'm sure one will be made soon because I can't begin to afford one right now :rolleyes

What I'd like to see is maybe a painted - clear resin frisbee with some electroluminescent lighting embedded in it (so the stripes are clear in the pattern of the light... I dunno... that was one idea I had for putting one together anyway. I'm sure there's probably a better way.

Maybe we'll see replicas of the new kind from Tron Legacy.
Re: Tron Disc (Frisbee)

Sounds like a solid idea Dualedge. I have always wanted one like that where it glowed. I have seen the papercraft ones , but I still can't force myself to make something out of paper.
Re: Tron Disc (Frisbee)

I am buying a foam disc and painting it white, like the real prop. Yeah, it would be cool to get a light up one BUT I doubt that will happen. I mean if BTTF just got a few (crappy) licensed props, I really don't think TRON will have anything cool put out...

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