The Amazing Spider-Man (Post-release)

refuse to buy into this movie for any reason .

Amen to that.

Then why post here? :confused

It doesn't cost any money? :confused

it got good reviews

So? So what? I seen loads of great films that got terrible reviews...

that tells me it's a good film.

That tells me you listen more to other people's taste than your own.

because directors (and screenwriters for that matter) feel we need to see an origin story EVERY time in the first movie.

Like the new "Superman" film in the making. ****** what a hidious turd that will be :facepalm
just saw this today, i really really enjoyed it. it strayed from the comics and the original 3 films but it was so well acted and shot that I actually cared and wanted to know who this guy was. I hated the suit and casting at first, but i finally got the whole thing and i was sold and by the end i wanted more.

really fun movie, anyone know who that mysterious dude at the end was talking to Dr. Connors? i was hoping there'd be another/better easter egg in there.

also, did he ever catch the guy with the tattoo that killed his uncle? i totally forgot about that until now.
Just got back from seeing the new Spider Man movie. As a fan of the Sam Raimi trilogy, I found my self wishing that this Parker would be magically replaced with Tobey Maguire. Haters are gonna hate, but I did not care for Andrew Garfield. I couldn't stand his mannerisms half the time, I kept wanting to hear Maguire's voice when he was suited up. Also, I grew up with Parker's love interest being MaryJane Watson, it may be a minor gripe to complain about the girlfriend, the character herself was fine and she didn't bug me, the premise was just alien to me.

A lot of the elements where alien to me, the absence of Norman Osborn's son, the absence of Norman Osborn all together. I also thought that Doctor Connors was Parker's Collage professor, not an employe of OsCorp. This is all coming from the knowledge I have from the old nineties cartoon, and the tidbits I've picked up on some of Linkara's Atop the Fourth Wall comic book reviews. I greatly prefer the first two of Sam Raimi's films, the third one was simply not handled well, and the cluster attack of enemies played to it's disadvantage. With that said, The Amazing Spiderman, in my opinion, is better than the third at least.

It was really good, I liked the story, the casting of most of the characters, and the pacing was great I thought. But I just had a hard time liking it as a whole.
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Now that was spiderman.

Loved it and I thought I would hate it. Not perfect but I prefer it to the earlier version(s). I liked all of the cast so much better than the first spiderman.
Uncle ben's death didn't seem to hold as much weight for me as in the first movie, like it was just a sidebar instead of the most pivotal moment in spider-man's life. Just my humble opinion though.
Lets keep the excitement for spiderman apart.... This movie sucks.
Bad soundtrack( dont even remember a song) bad writing ( branzino? Are you serious) , engine that shoots spiderweb? And wrong actors impersonating the characters. The only good things in these movie are uncle ben and dr connors. Petrr parker is a nerd not a cocky skaterboy. I wish they did a spiderman 4...
It said each cartridge holds like over a million yards or something. Connor's said it at one point in the lab

Ok but still wasn't that one of the other "problems" spiderman always had to deal with? Would have been nice to at least acknowledge at some point that he can/does run out
Just got back from watching it with my hubby and it was pretty good and i really enjoyed it and the suit has grown on me more and i think it's pretty cool. I really did enjoy this movie and look foreword to the next one.

On a side note I really really wanted to hear Uncle Ben say "Shepard". Why? He's the same actor that does the voice of The Illusive Man from Mass Effect lol.
It was odd to me how we first heard the name "Spiderman" in the fiction of the story, when Gwen blurted it out after he revealed himself. Since when did he become known as Spiderman? He didnt even call himself that until later when he rescued the child in the car.
I took that as deliberate. When the father on the bridge asks who he is, he looks away, as if he's considering what to say, and decided on the name his 'girlfriend' called him.
No one gets the quote right anyway, and it wasn't actually said by Ben in the original story so why bother? Besides, this film was trying so hard to not be like the Raimi films that they couldn't use the quote.
**Spoilers. Don't read if you care about plot details**
I definitely went into the movie wanting to love it, but it didn't do it at all for me. How can you make a movie about Spider-Man's origin, and change nearly everything about his origin story?
How come Peter's a whiny, angsty, skate-boarding hipster instead of an awkward, kind-hearted, science nerd? Why is Connors working for Oscorp? Furthermore, why were Mary and Richard working with him? Peter never even got to create his patented web fluid, he just stole it from Oscorp! They decided to cut the entire start to his career, as a wrestler, and instead Ben died because Peter threw a hissy fit and started crying at a mention of his father who he barely even knew. Then Captain Stacy gets killed by the lizard, and tells Peter to keep Gwen out of his life, when in the original story he pretty much says the exact opposite, telling Peter "Be good to her son. She loves you so very much." Not only were some pretty major plot points messed up, but so many other things just didn't make sense.
Why does Spidey's ability to stick to walls and web swing suddenly become a huge issue when he's somehow hit by a random police bullet? Dr. Connors even had to catch Spidey from falling after he slid down a bunch of windows and somehow didn't remember he could stick to them...
Why does the lizard look like King Koopa? Is it that hard to animate the lizard mouth that he's always had? Cause I'm pretty sure they did a fairly good job of it in the Jurassic Park trilogy.
The film was more like an amalgamation of ASM, Ultimate Spider-Man, and some ideas that Sony threw in because they thought they could make more money by turning it into a trilogy.
I think Emma Stone and Rhys Ifans were the only redeeming qualities to the film. They did a great job playing Gwen and Connors, but everything else about the movie just confused me, or left me feeling "meh".
There was a cartoon series lately where everything was tied to Oscorp, and I guess they're going with that.
Now Osborn will take the lizard formula and become Green Goblin. Doc Octavius works for him and creates other bad guys, before getting in his lab accident.

And how can his feet stick to walls with his thick soled shoes on? It ain't magic Sony.
There was a cartoon series lately where everything was tied to Oscorp, and I guess they're going with that.
Now Osborn will take the lizard formula and become Green Goblin. Doc Octavius works for him and creates other bad guys, before getting in his lab accident.

And how can his feet stick to walls with his thick soled shoes on? It ain't magic Sony.

Haha, I totally didn't think about the whole shoe thing, they missed that big time!:lol:lol:lol

If they do end up using the goblin, I'd love to see what they come up with for a design. I really hope they go for a comic inspired suit as opposed to the Raimi version.

But Iron Patriot is in IM 3! They could do a whole tie in with the avengers and Iron Patriot and then Spidey could join the Avengers!

And how can his feet stick to walls with his thick soled shoes on? It ain't magic Sony.
The skin being responsible for his wall crawling abilities was reinforced in the Raimi movies.

From Wiki:
"The ability works through thin layers of cloth, such as the fabric of his costume, but not through materials such as the soles of shoes. When Peter Parker needs to crawl without changing into the costume, he removes his shoes first. (ASM #90)

Spider-Man's wall-crawling ability has increased with time, most notably a backup in Amazing Spider-Man #365 by Tom DeFalco. There DeFalco had Peter explain his abilities to Mary Jane and Peter revealed that every part of his body has gained or increased in attraction to other surfaces, and he can stick people or objects on his back."

"Spider-Man's wall crawling abilities have been explained in several ways. Some notable explanations include:

1) A panel of biologists and physicists on the History Channel’s Spider-Man Tech suggested the barbed-hair on his fingertips (from the movie) could have the same effect as the miniature scopulae hairs on the ends of a spider’s feet. Spiders are able to climb up seemingly impossible surfaces like glass because the scopulae interact with the glass’s atoms causing a form of atomic static cling via the Van der Waals force.

2) The Spider-Man entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe states that Spider-Man is able to enhance the flux of inter-atomic attractive forces on surfaces he touches, increasing the coefficient of friction between that surface and himself.

3) Bio-electricity. Spider-Girl's similar power is referred to by Reed Richards as "bio-magnetism," but her ability is somewhat different."

The second point mentioned above is the one generally accepted amongst most comic readers.
But Iron Patriot is in IM 3! They could do a whole tie in with the avengers and Iron Patriot and then Spidey could join the Avengers!


I'm sure Sony will totally go for that

Marvel doesn't have the movie rights for Spider-man, so they'd have to work out a deal to have Spidey in Avengers. They don't have the movie rights for Osborn, so he's not going to be Iron Patriot in IM3. Also, IM3 comes out next year and ASM2 isn't even written yet, why the hell would Marvel introduce Spider-man's arch-nemesis in an Iron Man film? It'd be stupid.

They're doing just like with Valko in the last IM flick, they're taking one character and giving him another guy's suit and making an amalgamation.
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