The Amazing Spider-Man (Post-release)

I thought it was really good!!! I loved it!! I've always thought SM would be better more dark and gritty, but that's just me. Andrew has the Spider-man attitude down hands pat!! And the chemistry between him and Emma Stone worked soooo much better than Tobey and Kirsten.

The suit--aaaah the suit. What can I say? I'll be the first to say I hated it from the first moment I ever saw it. BUT, I will say, it works in the context of this film, it really has that 'real world' feel to it. Sure, it's not the suit I would have done, but I really don't think the Raimi suit would have worked in this film, it was just "too perfect". This one really looks like it could have "possibly" been made by someone. I liked that you could see all the wrinkles and the where the mask connects and all that. The eyes could have been better, but I have yet to see a Spider-man costume with the right eyes. Even the Raimi ones were not right, not even close.

Overall (y)thumbsup from me. It was a breath of fresh air for me after all the kiddified way he has been portrayed lately. The new cartoon is horrible!!
what made Amazing Spider-Man brilliant and what stopped it from being perfect SPOILER


okay so i have been obsessed with spiderman since i could crawl not even an exaggeration the animated series came out the year after i was born and i'd cry when my parents put it onto the kiddy channel and had my first spidy suit when i was 2 lol so obviously when i hear a movie is on its way in 2002 i was excited and then angry that it was a 12 :angry thank god they made 12A's i loved it it seemed amazing to me from the comics i had read. however i feel the next 2 where not too good watchable but nothing special. then i hear there's a remake and i'm intrigued i see whats new costume (loved it) :thumbsup webshooters :thumbsup and Gwen :lol sounds more like the comics to me so i saw it the day it came then again and am going next week again. it's an amazing film however this post is about what i didn't like and what your opinions on this is.

1. no "with great power comes great responsibility" WTF? the most important line in spiderman mythology and they gave us some weird version of it not just the simple line
2. no abusing his power for money. He never tries to make money from his powers not once and to me that is a very important part of how he becomes very selfish and then when his uncle passes and he...
3. he never catches the killer! this was a big one for me this is where he learns taking a life is not worth taking another no "eye for an eye" he learns his responsibility but in this film he just changes because of what Gwen's dad says.
4. the big one for me no one else gets it he promises a dying man a man who saved his life to keep his daughter out of it he promised and spiderman brakes it spiderman to me was someone you could always trust and in this they make him someone who cant keep his promises. they should of left that line out completely especially as it only lasts like 5 minutes

the rest of the film i loved all well cast especially Gwen and Peter brilliant effects decent 3D. it is my favorite version of spiderman to date but i still have these few issues that stop it from being a perfect spiderman film for me.

any thoughts guys?
I've also seen a few scenes from the trailers where Spidey seems to magically fly upward on the line. My assumption is that Spidey is hella strong because of his spider DNA, right, so he's pretty much flinging himself upward by janking so hard on the web he gets lift. This makes a lot of sense because you can't simply get lift by simply swinging off the ground without a force pulling you upward. I think the retractable web bit is pretty absurb myself, but I haven't seen the movie yet.

it happenes in the rami and cartoons if you watch he pulls down on the web before he lifts basically like pulling a bungee rope as hard as you can and hanging on
My turn ! XD
I saw it a week ago and... I really loved it. I mean... yes, there are some mistakes (especially a problem with the cloves of Connors on the Lizard but still in the hole it made in the toilets of the school) but the feelings and the action are better than the older ones (for me of course).

For me, Andrew show the emotions and the differences between Peter and Spidey very well. The personnality of spidey where he wears the suit is like what I read in the comic books.
The girl (here Gwen Stacy) is more present and not here just to show a pretty girl : she helps !!
For the other grief you could have, don't forget that it is an early reboot AND a personnal vision of the comics. So a sentence can be changed, and some events can be replaced by others that have the same consequences. The most important fact that he let a man with a gun escape and so kill his uncle is still here. ;)

I read spideys comics but really love this movie. The only thing you must keep in mind is that : if you want to see exactly what is in the comics, then read the comics, films are interpretations so it's normal that some facts are changed. Or they should made a film of 4hours to explain all the facts, to not make the love story going this fast, etc...
Don't you think ?

PS : can't wait to see the sequels and the answers of the many questions this episode asked :)
Re: what made Amazing Spider-Man brilliant and what stopped it from being perfect SPO

1. no "with great power comes great responsibility" WTF? the most important line in spiderman mythology and they gave us some weird version of it not just the simple line
the quote is misquoted anyway, stan lee published it first with:
with great power, there must also come---great responsibility.

and it was not said by uncle ben, but it was just narrative text.
the first time he actually said that, was in 2002 comic. so its not really the most importatn line in spiderman mythology.

just sayin.
**Spoilers. Don't read if you care about plot details**
I definitely went into the movie wanting to love it, but it didn't do it at all for me. How can you make a movie about Spider-Man's origin, and change nearly everything about his origin story?

It´s an interpretation of the original story. That´s how most reboots work nowaday ;)

How come Peter's a whiny, angsty, skate-boarding hipster instead of an awkward, kind-hearted, science nerd?

Update of the backstory, to make it more contemporary.

Why is Connors working for Oscorp? Furthermore, why were Mary and Richard working with him? Peter never even got to create his patented web fluid, he just stole it from Oscorp!

Creative license. And the fluid was developed by his dad. Yes, he did steal it, but even better, it looked like it was delivered by OsCorp, as if he had ordered it.

They decided to cut the entire start to his career, as a wrestler, and instead Ben died because Peter threw a hissy fit and started crying at a mention of his father who he barely even knew.

Again, creative license. Look what function the wrestling sequence had in the comics and how it was solved now. Nothing really missing. Absolutely nothing. And the new take on it is even stronger, since the crime and Peter´s inaction in contrast to the consequences are even stronger. Peter wrestled and was cheated out of his money by a crook who then got robbed. This time it´s a store clerk, a regular guy with regular guy problems who does not want to give Peter a break. I mean, if I don´t have enough money, I don´t expect a freebie. And then that regular guy, is robbed by a petty thief/potential drug abuser. And then that guy kills UNcle Ben over say 50 bucks.
Both versions are tragic, but the new interpretation is much easier to relate to, I´d say.

Then Captain Stacy gets killed by the lizard, and tells Peter to keep Gwen out of his life, when in the original story he pretty much says the exact opposite, telling Peter "Be good to her son. She loves you so very much." Not only were some pretty major plot points messed up, but so many other things just didn't make sense.
Why does Spidey's ability to stick to walls and web swing suddenly become a huge issue when he's somehow hit by a random police bullet? Dr. Connors even had to catch Spidey from falling after he slid down a bunch of windows and somehow didn't remember he could stick to them...
Why does the lizard look like King Koopa? Is it that hard to animate the lizard mouth that he's always had? Cause I'm pretty sure they did a fairly good job of it in the Jurassic Park trilogy.
The film was more like an amalgamation of ASM, Ultimate Spider-Man, and some ideas that Sony threw in because they thought they could make more money by turning it into a trilogy.
I think Emma Stone and Rhys Ifans were the only redeeming qualities to the film. They did a great job playing Gwen and Connors, but everything else about the movie just confused me, or left me feeling "meh".

I enjoyed the movie for what it was, a smaller budgeted reboot of an already established franchise that was kind of ruined by the third movie in the series. I was hesitant to like it at first and found quite a few elements in it not so very well executed, but overall I like how it´s a fresh take on an established character.
How come Peter's a whiny, angsty, skate-boarding hipster instead of an awkward, kind-hearted, science nerd?
Update of the backstory, to make it more contemporary.
How does him being a angsty, skate-boarding hipster rather than the awkward, kind-hearted science nerd make this version "contemporary"? There's plenty of awkward, kind-hearted science nerds in 2012.
I like how he moved like a spider lol like in the final fight when the Lizard throws him off the building and he swings into the hexagon pattern he sort of does this insecty bounce and then when he gets to the edge and the Lizard throws the canister at him he starts doin little hops sideways just like a spider does when you put something near it. I loved that! and I also liked how because he was hurt and obviously weak at that point, he had a hard time crawling. He's not Superman, he's a kid with some Spider powers. He gonna get weak and hurt and it should reflect in his movements, and did
I saw this last week, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I think the best spiderman movie is somewhere in-between the two franchises. Somewhere, if you take aspects of the Raimi films and combine them with some aspects of this new one, you'll get the perfect movie.

Toby was a much better Peter Parker, than Andrew. At least with Toby, you got to see Peter as a real science geek. With Andrew, it's like the only reference was from Gwen, when she tells Connors that Peter is in her hard science class (which was something I hated in Spiderman 2, when Octavius say something like "Love is harder than advanced science.". Really? advanced science? That's something a third grader says, not an accomplished physicist, who's on the verge of cracking fusion.). Andrew just seems like some loveable loser kid, that gets picked on, on occassion. You don't get the feeling that he's the 98lb weakling that gets wedgied for being a nerd.

In the comics, you at least get to see Peter create the web fluid. It made sense - if you, all of a sudden, have spider-like abilities, you figure out how to go all the way. In this movie, he just stole a case of the stuff. Plus, whose job is inventory control at Oscorp - no one noticed a case of web fluid went missing?

On the other hand, I really did like the fight scenes in this movie, more than the others.

I watched the day before yesterday the amazing spiderman with a friend, not knowing what to expect. Mind that I only saw the costume pics and Emma as Gwen, as well as knowing this is going to be a reboot. I remained skeptical, but I thought:"Why not give a try?"

I'm not disappointed, nor very excited about. Like we used to say in german neither fish nor fowl. The pace of the movie was totally different for me. It didn't strike me as a comic book adaption, not very spider-man like, Garfield didn't made for me as Parker… too emo, too dark. No fun, not much excitment, little wise cracking her and there. Some scenes too long. Plenty action, but I guess, it misses heart, thought trying to by casting Martin Sheen and Sally Field as Uncle Ben and Aunt May, but they didn't convinced me like Cliff Robertson and Rosemary Harris. Field was a bit younger looking, while Harris was coming from the comic books look-wise.

The was a little scientific flaw with the web milking and putting them into the cartridges - it won't work in real life. Web fluids instantly hardens in contact with air. Therefor, I applause Raimi for making it more realistic with the wrist glands.

And since I just finished Spider-Man 1, the music gave away the feeling you are going to see an adventure. Nothing compared to TASM, I like Horner, but since it's all different, I won't watch TASM a second time, sorry.
I like how he moved like a spider lol like in the final fight when the Lizard throws him off the building and he swings into the hexagon pattern he sort of does this insecty bounce and then when he gets to the edge and the Lizard throws the canister at him he starts doin little hops sideways just like a spider does when you put something near it. I loved that!

This! He had several times when he really moved like a spider. The scene that really stood out to me was when he fought the Lizard in the 'skywalk' hallway in the school. When he webbed up Lizard fully (just before throwing Gwen out the window) he crawled all around/over him as he webbed him. It struck me as very spider-like!
I started reading Spider-Man as soon as I could read...and I gotta say I love this movie. The thing with the Raimi films is that there were too many issues I had with them.
1. I hated the organic shooters
2. May Jane before Gwen??? And Gwen felt like a cameo in the 3rd one.
3. Doc Connors in all 3 films and NO Lizard?? When I saw the first one I was like cool they are setting up Lizard for a sequel...that never happened.

Okay, having said all that, I liked them as much as I could because it was all we had...other than the trusty comics. When I found out about the reboot, I thought...please let them get it right this time.

IMHO they hit it spot on. Garfield was great as Peter, and I LOVED his Spidey performance. Sarcasm that actually made me laugh out loud(one of my favorite things about Spidey).

As far as some folks freaking out...there have been many different versions and reboots in the know the SOURCE material. This interpretation felt more like a comic on film which is just what I was hoping for.

tidbit...I loved it when he grabbed the fly from in front of Aunt May...classic
I liked the origin in Spider-Man 1, not everything else.
Spider-Man 2 was awesome.
Spider-man 3 was garbage.
Amazing Spider-man was the best out of all of them IMO.
Totally ;)
There are a lot of questions to answer in the 2 next films and they can also make Peter growing by killing Gwen for exemple. That could bring a more mature dimension into all spideys movies ^^
Contains a spoiler or two:

I saw this a few days back, and Im a huge fan of the Raimi films (even the 3rd) and I gotta say this film really did it for me. Sure their are differences with the origins, but I dont want to see a shot for shot remake of the first spidey, so I thought the changes were needed. Although when he fell into the wrestling ring, I was hoping for a wrestling scene. The Raimi films to me felt like they were straight out of the comics, very bold colors and sets, while I went into this expecting something like the Dark night. But The real world feel I found worked really well.

I thought Garfield was a perfect Parker, I always liked Tobey, he was a great spidey but I never felt him as peter, same with watson/MJ. Of course there was going to be good chemistry with Garfeild and Stone, they are a real couple. And I like how she had a proper part in this film, not some cannon fodder for the Lizard to capture and spidey to save.
What I really liked about the film, aside from the fighting and acting, was the way Peter reacted to his powers. In Raimi he just looks at his self in the mirror, runs down the stairs. Here you see him breaking things and freaking out at the wind and bugs in his room. The train scene was pretty funny as well.

I really want to see a sequel, and if this is a trilogy as people are saying, I would like to see MJ introduced in the next one. And with the end scene showing what I think is Norman, I think Goblin could be the next villain. With the film possibly ending in Gwens death.
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