The Amazing Spider-Man (Post-release)

Spider- Man recognized in Raimi's films vs Webb's films

I should've posted this a few weeks ago, but whatever.

In Raimi's films, Spider-Man was well known. Whether he was swinging over rooftops, or fighting petty crimes, citizens on the street immediately knew that it was Spider-Man. People just knew about him because of either: A) Seeing him on the streets, or B) On the cover page of The Daily Bugle. What I remember, In either movie 1,2 or 3 there was a festival honoring spideys' earning the key to the city (I think it was the 3rd movie because he kissed Gwen), there was merchandise and balloons with his face on it. He went from an outlaw to a respected hero/celebrity.

But, what I find interesting is that in Webb's films, Spidey isn't really a celebrity. He is seen more as a vigilante (which he sorta is) or as Capt. Stacy would say is a "menace". I didn't really see or hear anything that explained Spider-Man's celebrity status or not (if there was any mention at all).

So, long story short, my questions are:

1) Why isn't Spidey recognized as a hero/ celebirty in the Webb films? He does all kinds of heroic things in Webb's films, but isn't recognized for it. Everything he does brings him closer to being viewed as more of an outlaw than before. In Raimi's films, he was being accepted more and more as the films went on.

2) Why isn't Spidey being more respected/loved/seen as a hero? Is it because of the police? Do you think they'll recognize/respect/hero-ize Spidey within the next two films?

Again, this should've been posted closer to the release of the movie but I'd just come up with the questions a few days ago. Sorry!

-Steamboat Spidey
Don't forget the pace in this film is a lot slower, so i imagine it will ease into it. Although i thought the key to the city scene in 3 was a little cheesey. Also he never really does anything spectacular in front of a large audience, aside from saving the kid from the car, everything else was done out of public view. Whereas in the raimi films he's alway infront of large crowds when he's needed. Although He was thought of as a hero towards the end of the film where the crane operators help him out.

I imagine when he starts to work for the bugle in the next film or so, we will see the popularity/Noriety of him increase with the photos he takes of himself.
Spider-Man IS a vigilante for the most part of the story, only chasing criminals for his own gains to locate his uncle's killer. He's not doing it so much to be a hero, though he sees himself as one - wrongfully. It takes Captain Stacy to knock some reality into his head... and towards the end he begins to take the journey towards being a hero where going after the villain is more than just for his personal gain - he does it to protect others. So... towards the end... he finally begins to become the hero that we see him be nearly immediately in the Raimi versions.

Also... the third movie with the celebrity status and the key to the city... I had gladly forgotten all that as that was just so freakishly dumb... like the rest of that movie.

Give it some time... with the continuation of the story... he'll probably be more famous and respected for what he's doing, but he also brings escalation and people will also fault him for that - exactly like in the comics, where he's faced with the dual reaction from the general population.
I never liked Spider-man being known as a hero. I grew up on his comics in the early 70s when he was a wanted man. The general public hated him, thought he was creepy, and thought of him as a murderer. I liked the edge those books had.

Everything he did turned out wrong for him...for some reason I could relate to that a lot..
Saw Amazing Spider-Man today and liked it so much, I may actually go again to see it in 3D!

I thought it was really good detail how in this film when he returned to home or to school, he showed a lot of very severe injuries, cuts, and bruises - showing how dangerous crime-fighting can be. (builds upon Gwen's fear the possibility she may loose him as she might her father)

What put it over the top for me was the way Spider-Man has to fight the Lizard. The Lizard is stronger so Spidey has to use his agility and web-slinging and I felt like I was watching comic pages come to life and not in a cheesy way.

Agreed - Just as the ads and posters look just like comic cover art - I felt the fight scenes were straight out of the pages!

From the original Spidey comics I read as a kid, he was always determined to defeat his opponent no matter how much stronger or more powerful they were (like the Unstoppable JuggerNaught) and this film showed just that.

He limps his way back into the fight.


Anyone other than me notice the possibility that Aunt May (Sally Fields) realizes that she knows he's Spidey after he comes home all beat up after saving the City? or was she just was worried he may have got caught up in all that danger and narrowly escaped it.

The shot of him pulling out the egg carton from his pack was Classic! :thumbsup

Perfect timing for humor relief after such a serious tone with the loss of Gwen's father.
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Spiderman Release on DVD

Good Day All.....any news on when the latest Spiderman will released via DVD? Seen any special offers that will bw w/ it? THX
Thankfully, I was able to catch this movie, for free on youtube. I got bored. The acting seemed a secondary priority and so did the plot. It reminded me of SPAWN. Ugh!

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Watching it on youtube isn't the smartest way to view a big budget movie.

I did appreciate the fact that Spider-man was acting sort of mean-spirited when pursuing his uncle's killer. This is how a high school kid should act. He would get very emotionally charged and breakdown a bit when things weren't going his way.

And the action! Good lord it blew all three Rami films out of the water with just one film, IMO.

He was agile and acrobatic. Even though he has superpowers he is cautious. It helps add a little more suspense to the scenes when you wonder how badly he'll get beaten.
Just watched this for the first time last night.
I was disgusted with their take on the "origin story" part. They really mangled it.

The movie was a real emotional story, which some might like. I didn't really. Seeing the relationship between Gwen and Peter develop was painful. Especially with Peter doing a whiney Hayden Christiansen impersonation.

I didn't go into this film expecting much and that's what I saw, not much. I just chalked it up to an "alternate universe" Spiderman.

I do love Sally Field tho. Hottest Aunt May yet, haha ( yes, Smokey & The Bandit fan)
not sure if this is on topic or not but, this is a very interesting comparison of "Amazing Spider man" and the Raimi "Spider Man"
12 Rounds: The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Spider-Man Trilogy

Read through that article and agree on most points. Raimi's was better.

What I got from ASM was that the Parker character was changed too much. He was made to be instantly relateable to most teens today. Which, teens today are...a different breed. Which is why ASM seems to be popular.

I do like Raimi's version better but my FAVORITE will always be the original "The Amazing Spider-Man" TV movies from the 70's with Nicholas Hammond. In just the fact that a stuntman in a Spider-Man suit was scaling buildings for wide shots is awesome. I'm a fan of Practical Stuntwork over any CGI stuff.
Read through that article and agree on most points. Raimi's was better.

What I got from ASM was that the Parker character was changed too much. He was made to be instantly relateable to most teens today. Which, teens today are...a different breed. Which is why ASM seems to be popular.

I do like Raimi's version better but my FAVORITE will always be the original "The Amazing Spider-Man" TV movies from the 70's with Nicholas Hammond. In just the fact that a stuntman in a Spider-Man suit was scaling buildings for wide shots is awesome. I'm a fan of Practical Stuntwork over any CGI stuff.
Yeah, i felt like they changed the look of Peter Parker too much, they changed his attitude too much, they changed practically everything that was the image of Peter Parker way too much.....
Webb wasn't trying to make a peter parker in the 60's. They couldnt use the same peter from the comics, because that peter was set in the 60's. look how much ultimate spider-man changed peter parker. and this is 10 years after ultimate. i liked it because it is basically taking the same peter parker from the comics, and placing him in the present day. its the same guy, but society and everything is different, so he must be different too. i thought it was extremely well done
Webb wasn't trying to make a peter parker in the 60's. They couldnt use the same peter from the comics, because that peter was set in the 60's. look how much ultimate spider-man changed peter parker. and this is 10 years after ultimate. i liked it because it is basically taking the same peter parker from the comics, and placing him in the present day. its the same guy, but society and everything is different, so he must be different too. i thought it was extremely well done

So then are you saying that if they made a movie about something like (ya i know, weird comparison) a Beauty and the Beast live action movie that the director would decide "Oh no, a Beast is way too 1800's! lets change him to a robot!" or if they made a new Dracula movie, would the director decide "Vampires sucking blood is way too old; lets make him use a gun to kill all his enemies and then he can use a machine to drink their blood instead of doing it with hie teeth! that would be so 2012!". Better idea, why dont they make a new Phantom of the Opera movie and change the phantom to where "half of his face is either a robot or an alien! yeah that sure will fit in with the 21st century!"
No.. you don't change something just because you want it to fit in with present day. The Ultimate Spider Man series was good no doubt, but like The Amazing Spider Man movie, It most definitely is NOT classic.....
So then are you saying that if they made a movie about something like (ya i know, weird comparison) a Beauty and the Beast live action movie that the director would decide "Oh no, a Beast is way too 1800's! lets change him to a robot!" or if they made a new Dracula movie, would the director decide "Vampires sucking blood is way too old; lets make him use a gun to kill all his enemies and then he can use a machine to drink their blood instead of doing it with hie teeth! that would be so 2012!". Better idea, why dont they make a new Phantom of the Opera movie and change the phantom to where "half of his face is either a robot or an alien! yeah that sure will fit in with the 21st century!"
No.. you don't change something just because you want it to fit in with present day. The Ultimate Spider Man series was good no doubt, but like The Amazing Spider Man movie, It most definitely is NOT classic.....

Blade uses a gun and injects himself...The new Beauty in the Beast was a deformed hipster.

You're using extremely ridiculous examples. Worse than Spiderman 3's ridiculous dance scene.
Blade uses a gun and injects himself...The new Beauty in the Beast was a deformed hipster.

You're using extremely ridiculous examples. Worse than Spiderman 3's ridiculous dance scene.
Woah... your so right.... you just proved my point. Your argument is invalid.

Spider Man 3 was just plain awful... not only did it change things that should'nt have been changed, but it just overall was bad. The amazing Spider-man was atleast a decent movie. I just don't like that i thoroughly disliked the changes made to the main character... Garfield was just not a good Spider Man. Tobey maguire at least looked the part, unlike Garfield..... and yes, I'm talking about Garfield's over all look as Peter Parker AND Spider-Man (including the suit) was just terrible....
My "ridiculous examples" as you call them just so happen to be unfortunately true...
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Okay, so I'm just going to touch the tip of the iceberg with this but, here's two comparisons:
This is Garfield compared to the classic Spider Man and the Ultimate Spider Man. Most people say that he looks like the Ultimate version, but to be honest, the only reason he even looks similar is because he's long and lanky like the Ultimate. apart from that, he looks nothing like any Spider Man ive ever seen.

Here's Maguire compared to the same two Spider man images. Maguire isn't lanky like the Ultimate. he has a similar build to the classic. but if you'll notice, the suits are very very VERY similar on all three.

Now acting wise, Garfield was like the guy who played Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars films.... he was whiny, cried too much, corny, and overall just made me say "ew" when he would start talking. But when Garfield jumped into his suit, he was EXCELLENT as Spider Man. He hit the nail on the head with his sarcastic comments!
Maguire was absolutely ASTOUNDING at being Peter Parker (until the third movie), but when he got in the suit, he wasn't... well... funny. He was a great peter parker, but not a good Spider Man.
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