Sucker Punch costume thread

Hihi. I found this nifty forum while searching for references of Rocket's outfit, and I can't tell you how happy I am that I did find you guys!

I've never made a costume before, and I'm very determined to have Rocket's outfit finished by Dragon*Con 2011. I've got plenty of time right now considering that I'm pregnant, but afterward I'm not going to have any time to sit around and sew things together. So, I'm hoping that with the references that I've found and the obvious genius that resides in this forum I'll be able to get most of the sewing completed before July. :D

Right now, I think I've figured out how the pieces to Rocket's outfit go together. However, what I can't figure out is the color of the corset/waist cincher bit of her outfit. It looks black to me sometimes, but it seems gray at other times. I was wondering if I could get some opinions on this?
Welcome to the forum :)
I've just recently found this forum myself and like you I'm new to making my own costume.
Not sure which part of Rocket's costume you're talking about, but to me it looks like the main outfit is grey and the little front piece is black.
Hihi, HorrorChix89. It's nice to meet you.

I've been under the impression that Rocket wears an underbust corset/vest sort of deal, but now I'm not so sure. When I put this picture and this picture together, I figured that all those straps and the front panel were attached to the underbust corset/vest. However, when I look at this picture I wonder if maybe all those straps are just connected to the front panel and a back piece. If there isn't a corset...I'ma feel super slow for making this pattern. XD

Also, this picture makes everything look gray with a hint of black... For instance, even the front panel looks gray with an outline of black. D: Either my eyes are way bad, or all the light changes and graphics they keep adding are making the colors difficult to tell for me.

My original thought was that the dress/tunic has cap sleeves and is made of wool. I thought that she was wearing a leather underbust corset which all the straps and front panel were attached to (and it has a zipper closer in the back with two slots for extra magazines). I think the arm pieces speak for themselves (as well as the fishnet body stocking). (I would use a wool substitute (as I'm allergic) and man made leather.)

The boots confused me at first, as I doubt I would be able to afford thigh high combat boots...even if I found them. Not only that, but it's unlikely they'd fit my skinny little legs. So... I came up with a design where I could use normal (if a little dated) combat boots and attach sturdy pieces of man made leather to them so that I get the proper height and fit.

I managed to find a flintlock pistol and bayonet replica that I thought would be decent substitutes, and I even managed to find the HK UMP45 (it comes without the second grip, but I already have one thankfully). I feel that my real issue with this costume is the holsters... I've never made holsters before, and I don't think I'll be able to commission them. D:
Hihi, HorrorChix89. It's nice to meet you.

I've been under the impression that Rocket wears an underbust corset/vest sort of deal, but now I'm not so sure. When I put this picture and this picture together, I figured that all those straps and the front panel were attached to the underbust corset/vest. However, when I look at this picture I wonder if maybe all those straps are just connected to the front panel and a back piece. If there isn't a corset...I'ma feel super slow for making this pattern. XD

Also, this picture makes everything look gray with a hint of black... For instance, even the front panel looks gray with an outline of black. D: Either my eyes are way bad, or all the light changes and graphics they keep adding are making the colors difficult to tell for me.

My original thought was that the dress/tunic has cap sleeves and is made of wool. I thought that she was wearing a leather underbust corset which all the straps and front panel were attached to (and it has a zipper closer in the back with two slots for extra magazines). I think the arm pieces speak for themselves (as well as the fishnet body stocking). (I would use a wool substitute (as I'm allergic) and man made leather.)

The boots confused me at first, as I doubt I would be able to afford thigh high combat boots...even if I found them. Not only that, but it's unlikely they'd fit my skinny little legs. So... I came up with a design where I could use normal (if a little dated) combat boots and attach sturdy pieces of man made leather to them so that I get the proper height and fit.

I managed to find a flintlock pistol and bayonet replica that I thought would be decent substitutes, and I even managed to find the HK UMP45 (it comes without the second grip, but I already have one thankfully). I feel that my real issue with this costume is the holsters... I've never made holsters before, and I don't think I'll be able to commission them. D:
Ok I just finished reading all this lol (not your fault i just read slow). Anyway, I'm not good at recognizing outfits but I think with Rocket she's wearing some sort of greyish corset/tunic thing with black lining. She might not be wearing a corset at all. It's hard to tell with all those straps on her.

You know what, I think it's a wrap that closes in the middle. I don't know I'm probably making it worst with my guessing
She's just full of colors lol.

The posters are a little hard to go by for colors since they love to play with the lighting. But mainly it's grey/black/brown.
I just started working on my Blondie outfit :) The leather gear while I can't make it, know some amazing leather crafters who would love to make the stuff. I'm pretty stumped by the leotard piece she wears though.
I'm avoiding the leather as much as possible. I could get it commissioned but sadly I don't have connections and I don't have $300 to pay someone either.

With the leotard I'm just getting a plain one with a high back and thick straps like in the reference pictures and just layer other fabric on top.
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New to the forum and was looking for people doing Suckerpunch costumes for DC2011. I'm planning on doing one of the samurai guards, the one with the bambo hat. Currently doing research and planning on starting in a week.
Welcome Crow! I still feel fairly new to the RPF myself, but I know there are several of us here planning Sucker Punch costumes for Dragon*Con this year, myself included, and there are more planning for it over on the forums too. I'll probably start a SP thread on the Cosplay D*C board eventually, if no one else does, so maybe we can organize a meetup or something.
Wow thanks ! These bastards are going to destroy my wallet :S

I found another photo from November 2010's con, they are all the same :/ I suck at photos and modeling and stuff :$. Soon I'll take some photos at a japonese garden, with my new wig and things i'll have to change from the outfit...


Hey, you should consider "Jem" from TRON. From that photo, you look a lot like her:

Hey, you should consider "Jem" from TRON. From that photo, you look a lot like her:


Thanks ! I'm flattered ^^ I do love Gem. Specially her awesome shoes :love
I really considered that first some months ago, then I wanted to do Quorra's, I was so excited about it, drew the design and found the el wire lights and stuff, but it was just too difficult for me and it was going to cost a lot of money. Then I went back to Gem's, it's easier but really a challege, not for the lights, but for the hair, make up, suit and fabrics :/
New to the forum and was looking for people doing Suckerpunch costumes for DC2011. I'm planning on doing one of the samurai guards, the one with the bambo hat.
Welcome, Crow from another newbie! I'm planning on doing an Amber costume for DC2011. Can't wait to see your guard in person!

I know there are several of us here planning Sucker Punch costumes for Dragon*Con this year, myself included. I'll probably start a SP thread on the Cosplay D*C board, so maybe we can organize a meetup or something.
If you take point on organizing a meetup, can you please link us here? I would love to join you guys! I have friends that want to make Babydoll, Madame Gorski, and Sweetpea...but I would love to see the full compliment of characters represented. :)
If you take point on organizing a meetup, can you please link us here? I would love to join you guys! I have friends that want to make Babydoll, Madame Gorski, and Sweetpea...but I would love to see the full compliment of characters represented. :)

While I'm not keen on being in charge of organizing a meetup, I went ahead and started a Sucker Punch at Dragon*Con thread over on, here. I would really love to get together for pictures, just not sure I want to be in charge, hehe.

On the costume itself, I'm starting to scope out fabric and techniques and such, but I don't think I'll go further than the mock-up phase and ordering fabric samples before the movie comes out. For Sweet Pea's corset-coat, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be leather, but I'm not sure if I want to tangle with leather -- and I've had some trouble finding the bomber jacket look in real leather, too. I've had a bit more luck with faux leather fabric, so I'll probably go that route.

It looks to me that it's a slightly weathered lighter black leather, with tan leather showing through on the seams, and tan stitching. The few movie shots I've gathered are all pretty dark, but on the statue:


And in a more well-lit shot of the costume itself:


So for faux leather with that look, so far I'm looking at:

And maybe even:

What do you guys think? Right track, wrong track? Have any of you Sweet Pea'ers scoped out anything else so far?
i'm making it vac formed if someones need it ;)

i have to finish the 3 other plate ( make the mold ) and vac formed it , and do the paint job on it

thanks for the comment :)
Oh that's really nice looking! In the first two pictures, what is that? Did you start from an existing arm piece and work from there?
Oh that's really nice looking! In the first two pictures, what is that? Did you start from an existing arm piece and work from there?

no , i cut my motorcycle helmet for the black piece you see for the matrix ,
and work with clay on it to add the bump on it. make the negative mold with latex and plaster , re-create the positive mold in paris plaster.

the edging was made from car door liner and all the white part are plastic bucket for making the matrix of the mold ( non complete ) i have to make the bump in the middle.

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