Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release) (Spoilers)

Someone in the comments section on that flashback link made an interesting prediction... that Kylo Ren is a Ezra Bridger from Rebels...

being that Kylo Ren is rumored to be a collector of artifacts, which Ezra does... it would at least give us an idea what happened to him (as he has know known whereabouts in Episode IV...

As another poster pointed out, he does like his unconventional lightsabers...

I think it would be great if true... I nice fall from grace story done better than with Anakin... Rebels is already showing that Ezra has issues controlling anger...

And now that I LOOK at Ezra... he could be a young Adam Driver... I like it.
Someone in the comments section on that flashback link made an interesting prediction... that Kylo Ren is a Ezra Bridger from Rebels...

being that Kylo Ren is rumored to be a collector of artifacts, which Ezra does... it would at least give us an idea what happened to him (as he has know known whereabouts in Episode IV...

As another poster pointed out, he does like his unconventional lightsabers...

I think it would be great if true... I nice fall from grace story done better than with Anakin... Rebels is already showing that Ezra has issues controlling anger...

And now that I LOOK at Ezra... he could be a young Adam Driver... I like it.

But Adam Driver isn't 60+ years old.
Yeah funny. I wrote that, went to bed, and realized immediately the age makes no sense.

To lazy to get up though and kill the post. ha

Whatever the desert "planet" is is fine with me whether it's Tatooine or somewhere else. But the article even states:
Now, I know that’s not concrete evidence that the desert planet from The Force Awakens is Tatooine, but I thought it was interesting because I know there was been some debate about that subject.

So while it very well could (and likely will, if this info is accurate) be Tatooine in TFA, there is still no solid, concrete evidence or official confirmation, and likely won't be until the next trailer if not the movie itself, that it is. So let's stop saying things like "it's confirmed" or "that settles it" etc. until then. In the meantime, debate away if you like.

And just a little fyi to preempt any possible attacks about my above statement: when I say "you" or "let's," I'm not talking about any one individual, but all participants in the "Tatooine or no?" discussion.
So once again the empire strikes back proves to be the only star wars movie not to have a scene on the backwater planet where nothing exciting ever happens.
So once again the empire strikes back proves to be the only star wars movie not to have a scene on the backwater planet where nothing exciting ever happens.

That ship sailed long ago. Tatooine is clearly extremely important, we just don't know why...yet.
Clearly Luke lived on the one part of the planet where exciting stuff never happened, even though he used to shoot small animals from a flying vehicle doing hundreds of miles an hour down a narrow canyon, which you know, to the untrained eye, seems fairly exciting.

I wonder if they stopped doing pod racing by his time, because with his piloting skills it sounds like he would have been all over that, but then that would have caused some awkward questions about the last Skywalker who did really well in the races.
I hope they don't go the route of the Rebellion being on it's knees. That kind of makes what happened in ROTJ completely pointless. They should leave the Empire splintered and scattered like the EU. Either that or make it a stalemate where neither side can make much progress.
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