Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release) (Spoilers)

:lol That is funny. I don't think the line is that bad, and if anyone can deliver it properly, it's Ford. The "hugs" part is a little awkward to me. And it's also completely out of context, (if it's even a real line). Maybe they were talking about Olaf from Frozen?

But I'm skeptical. I can't see him sarcastically calling his daughter "sweetheart", and if the other cast member is Leia, I think over the years she's earned some respect from Han, (married, kid together, whatever you believe) thus, I can't really see him calling Leia "sweetheart" anymore either.
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The original movies weren't known for their amazing dialogue, were they? Taking into account delivery, context, and the fact this is paraphrased, I think the line is just fine. I'm not going to rip it apart based on a second hand account!
It beggars belief.....perhaps you think Han should just recite dialogue from 4, 5 and 6? How dare he say anything new!
"I Know Solo better that ANYONE and i KNOW that's not something Han would say!"

Such arrogance.....

Not arrogant, just trying to speculate for the sake of the conversation. I've never met Han personally. ;)

But if you look at the progression from ANH to ROTJ, Han's respect for Leia grows. As the trilogy progresses, he slows down with the "Your Worship's", or "Sweetheart's". Now I can't remember of the top of my head, but did he refer to her with any remarks like that in ROTJ at all?

I would imagine after 30 years of "sweetheart", Leia would eventually tell him to STFU with that. :lol

Who knows? Not me!
What really? We're ripping apart JJ or George's writing based on a single line of dialogue? It's come down to judging a line heard by an extra... without context or hearing the read...:lol

No just that line and I was making a point. People somehow elevated the OT to Shakespeare, when it wasn't anywhere near that. The OT dialogue was as bad as the Prequels.
"...I can get us in there but they won’t have a hug for me, sweetheart.."

I envision that line as something he might say to his daughter regarding getting her into a rebel base possibly. Especially if he had a falling out with Leia and he left the rebellion
So much time in universe has passed they likely will need to use flashbacks as exposition otherwise the opening crawl might be 20 paragraphs long. :)
What's the big deal? My parents have been married over 55 years and they still call each other "sweetheart".

And if Han didn't say lines like that in the movie people would complain that Han had lost his mojo or that it's nothing like OT Han. Can't win JJ.

Han lost his mojo in Return of the Jedi when he became the ineffectual one expression comic relief, anything he says in this movie will probably be better than that.

This is true. He totally phoned in that entire performance. It was obvious Harrison did not want to be there. His acting in ROTJ is as cringeworthy as prequel acting.
Interesting link, Bryancd. A lot of my friends are a bit skeptical about the movie because of Disney's involvement with it, but I'm actually really excited for this one, seeing that pic of Vader's helmet just increased that. Thanks! :)
This is true. He totally phoned in that entire performance. It was obvious Harrison did not want to be there. His acting in ROTJ is as cringeworthy as prequel acting.

The at times buffoon-like Han featured in ROTJ was not the Han of the first two movies. His character was poorly written and as you pointed out Harrison Ford phoned in, or maybe even sent in his performance by Western Union.

I would love to see a return of the old more serious and capable Han Solo of the first two movies. I really hope the writing matches the tone of SW and TESB more and that Harrison shows more than a passing interest in the movie this time around.
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