Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release) (Spoilers)

I think the MEAT of this story is going to be the 2nd and 3rd act... Although I anticipate a roller coaster ride of awesomeness throughout.
Well, if people take enough guesses some of them must be true:

....More exciting in that article was that Belfast's Colin Davidson (painter) also got honoured,....(with award beside Miss Fisher)


Well done mate
You would be surprised what a chick magnet that costume is.
Then again A.D plays for the other side.:facepalm

If you are implying that he is gay, are you sure about that, or just assuming? Because Wikipedia says "Daniels married Christine Savage on 9 May 2014.[7] He has a son from a previous relationship."

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Don't know how I am going to make it until December. Can't wait to see which rumors actually pan out...if any, although I am betting the Solo rumor will likely happen.
It's just a question on who will be the cause of his death. One rumor I absolutely do not buy into would be only having Luke appear at the end of the first film. No way.
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