Star Trek Renegades


Master Member
This is a project that is currently in the works, which I also happen to have a little invovlement with. It looks pretty cool to ME, so I thought it might be worth kicking up a discussion about.

More importantly, I wanted to share with my fellow RPEffers part of an interview I did with Tim Russ recently about the project. Check it out and let me know what you think

Tim Russ Interview - Part 1 - Star Trek Renegades - YouTube

And here's the trailer for the show. They've already had a VERY successful kickstarter campaign, and I'm hopeful that the people involved will deliver something awesome. AND keep original timeline trek alive!!

Star Trek: RenegadesTrailer #2 - YouTube

I still have a TON of interviews to do and segments to produce, so if you guys think of any questions you want asked of the creative forces behind the show, please post them here.
Yikes! I'm tickled pink about this. What fantastic new.... a chance to see Tuvok, The Doctor, Harry, Chekov and a host of others again, almost seems too good to be true! Somebody PINCH me!

It looks like some nice work, but to be honest, I'm pretty tired of the "renegade" theme - it's been done to death (even in Star Trek, both on screen and especially "fan" stuff). Granted, it's usually only within an episode, but still.

I wish you guys all the best though! Congrats on getting some major talent!
Yeahhhhhhhhh! I've been wanting to see something like this for years. Because - dammit Spock! - some cultures NEED to be interfered with.
I'm looking forward to it. I really liked "Of Gods and Men" but the CG was more than a little overdone. Hopefully they'll tone it down in this one.
I'm looking forward to it. I really liked "Of Gods and Men" but the CG was more than a little overdone. Hopefully they'll tone it down in this one.

I'm speaking from a COMPLETE perspective of incompetence, but I think the budget for this one episode of Renegades is bigger than the budget for OGAM. I MAY be wrong, but I think that's the case. Hopefully that will give them the opportunity to beef up the effects and whatnot.

But as the trek community is no doubt aware, it's often impossible to please everyone. I personally think it's a pretty darn cool project, and there's a lot of great people involved with some serious creativity.

In other news, I finished up my second interview just the other day with an actress named Adrienne Wilkinson, whose website reveals "Adrienne will be playing Captain Lexxa Singh, leader of the Renegades, and descendant of Khan"

Which sounds pretty darn cool.

The interview LOOKS great and I'm completely stoked at the results I'm getting with my Canon. I might actually buy another one so I'll have some continuity across shots. I will of course post a link when it's ready to go live.
We've seen other fan made Star Trek projects. It's hard to get excited about them after so many have crashed and burned .:D

Well, with a half a million dollar budget and a number of actors who appeared in various trek incarnations, I'd argue that this one has a BIT of a lead over what had come before. :lol
Well, with a half a million dollar budget and a number of actors who appeared in various trek incarnations, I'd argue that this one has a BIT of a lead over what had come before. :lol

That's why I would say I'm cautiously optimistic. The production quality of previous fan projects has been great but where they really fail is on two accounts:

A- Acting
B- Trying to be something they aren't. (ie: Kirk, Spock, Bones, etc)

This seems to be something more unique than past attempts and it has some professional actors in roles. As for the rest we'll have to see! I wish them the best of luck though. Would be nice to have some real Trek back.
Well, with a half a million dollar budget and a number of actors who appeared in various trek incarnations, I'd argue that this one has a BIT of a lead over what had come before. :lol

I do hope it turns out great but I can't help but thinking that Of Gods and Men had professional actors and that to me was a major letdown.

I hope they use the money wisely and try not to get too ambitious. Half a million is nothing in the entertainment industry.
I was never too comfortable with "Section 31" covert stuff going on in Roddenberry's Federation, but that aside, I'm looking forward to seeing what these folks bring us!
I do hope it turns out great but I can't help but thinking that Of Gods and Men had professional actors and that to me was a major letdown.

I hope they use the money wisely and try not to get too ambitious. Half a million is nothing in the entertainment industry.

If I remember rightly, Of Gods and Men DID have professional actors, Tim Russ as Tuvok, Nichelle Nicols as Uhura, J.G. Hertzler as a Klingon, Ethan Phillips as some civilian, Walter Koenig as Chekov and Garrett Wang as some thug. It was well done, I thought.

Anyway, I was wondering if they are taking off where that left off, or going in another direction. Tim Russ mentions something about some people's characters changing...I'm wondering if they go back to the Delta Quadrant and explore there more.
If I remember rightly, Of Gods and Men DID have professional actors, Tim Russ as Tuvok, Nichelle Nicols as Uhura, J.G. Hertzler as a Klingon, Ethan Phillips as some civilian, Walter Koenig as Chekov and Garrett Wang as some thug. It was well done, I thought.

Yeah I know it had professional actors. I probably didn't word that as well as I could have. :lol Oops.
I hope they use the money wisely and try not to get too ambitious. Half a million is nothing in the entertainment industry.

It's funny you should say that, and it kind of riffs on what I think makes this project interesting. It's being made OUTSIDE of the film industry. There is no studio, there are no high paid executives ,production staff, union grips & Gaffers or anything like that. It's FANS, who happen to have also been on the TV show, who have been given a modest budget by OTHER fans to play with.

Will it be JJ Trek? no. Don't hold your breath. But at the end of the day, it's a pretty well funded, low overhead film by people who are very passionate about the project.

In the next clip of my interview with Tim, we actually talk a lot about how the process of making a film has changed so dramatically, how accessible it has become, and what it all means to their production.

ALSO, I think I misspoke. i think they only raised 250k with their kickstarter. Which is still pretty amazing.
In SLIGHTLY related news, I've started a new barrage of videos to promote the upcoming debut of the first Star Trek CONTINUES episode, "Pilgrim of Eternity". I'll be posting one new behind the scenes clip per day, until the episode premieres at Phoenix comic con later this month.

The next clip will be part one of my interview with Michael Forrest, the dude who played apollo in the TOS episode "Who Mourns for Adonais"
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